- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 1 month ago:
“you agreed to display ads on your vehicles. This vehicle is mine. You may not display ads in it.”
Honestly I’d have a lawyer on the phone in a heartbeat. I’d be surprised if someone hasn’t already started a lawsuit.
- Comment on SEIS!? 1 month ago:
I umm… I don’t think I wanna go to the library anymore
- Comment on SEIS!? 1 month ago:
¿Donde esta la biblioteca?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Isn’t there an “actually infuriating” community somewhere? Or maybe a “sounds like this will be used as evidence in the divorce but ok” type thing?
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 1 month ago:
Prove it.
The first writings we have are accounts, receipts, and famously, a complaint about the quality of copper. The first named person in recorded history appears on a tablet accounting for a number of slaves.
Records were literally invented to document trades.
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 1 month ago:
Only if they live above the rules
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 1 month ago:
That’s really just a company store but worse somehow.
You’re going to have a market. If you make markets illegal you’ll just have black markets. You need to contend with that, failing to realize that literally killed the Soviet Union. It got so bad, and was such a core part of daily life that they just kinda made it legal, and the union collapsed shortly after.
You can’t fix homelessness by making it illegal, you can destroy markets by making them illegal. These things have been tried and failed in practice.
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 1 month ago:
I’ve read The Expanse lol. I was describing the system on Earth in that series.
The thing is, markets predate the written word. Some form of trading is literally one of the first things humans did. It could even be a prehuman invention. Eliminating markets is like trying to eliminate prostitution, or drugs.
Markets, much like life, uhh… Find a way.
Instead of turning up your nose, make them work for you, in a way you want. We don’t want the markets to spread, unrestrained, like kudsu. We want Bonsai markets.
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 1 month ago:
Heavily regulated socialist democracy.
Provide basic needs, food, clothing, healthcare, childcare, and education. Hell even a phone and Internet access.
Emphasis on the basic.
Allow for those who do not wish to, or are unable to work to live with all basic needs covered. Those who wish to work are incentivized to do so, with access to luxuries. Better housing, better clothing, better technology. Allow a place for the market, but don’t make people depend on the market.
No reason to work a job you hate, no reason to employ people you don’t need. Everybody wins.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Sounds like Kellogg’s.
Guys sleep at the plant. They have showers and beds. They’ll spend a week there, rake in an ass load of overtime, and go home for a few hours a week. Rinse, repeat. To what end I have no idea, not like you can do that forever
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Your assignment in the Union Carbide operated Hawks Nest tunnel begins in the morning.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
There’s better places out there my guy. Fuck em, they don’t care about you, make every job a gap filler until you find someone you’re happy to work for
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Why is your entire comment history deleted?
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
Wages should not be dependant on the kindness of strangers.
I’m not mad about paying it. I’m mad that the employer is treating it as an option and not an obligation
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 1 month ago:
Or even common ones that aren’t the biggest sellers.
It’s getting increasingly hard to find things locally, and frequently I’m left ordering things online after going to 3 different stores in town trying to find something specific. More than once it’s been a replacement or a refill of something I bought locally a few years ago.
It’s not a matter of “oh well Menards has the screws the right size but they’re Phillips drive.” It’s “this size is only available online, if you order from us it’ll take 6 days or more. Might still be Phillips idk.” And Amazon can get me what I need tomorrow.
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 1 month ago:
Here’s a better version for you friend
- Comment on At only 80 thousand dollars a press die is practical and smart and requires only some minor assembly, maintenance, adjustments, and heavy equipment to run. 1 month ago:
I recommend Cincinnati for brake presses, if you’re going to get one. Though Trumpf makes a tempting machine.
- Comment on At only 80 thousand dollars a press die is practical and smart and requires only some minor assembly, maintenance, adjustments, and heavy equipment to run. 1 month ago:
Brake presses and punch presses are different things. Brakes bend, punches punch. But honestly you should probably have one or two of each.
- At only 80 thousand dollars a press die is practical and smart and requires only some minor assembly, maintenance, adjustments, and heavy equipment to run.lemmy.world ↗Submitted 1 month ago to [deleted] | 9 comments
- Comment on guys... :( 1 month ago:
Sudo root delete beans
- Comment on guys... :( 1 month ago:
- Comment on I like the determinism of Murphy’s Razor 1 month ago:
Those are much better, and arguably true.
- Comment on guys... :( 1 month ago:
Why were the beans even in the office?
I’ve seen some line cooks quit spectacularly before, and if that’s what this was, then it’s both not surprising and the most spectacular adios bitches I’ve seen.
- Comment on Time travel is easy, it's just lame 2 months ago:
is THAT what that was about?
I only ever watched the first half of the TV movie. Second half never really seemed to air, or it really failed to explain anything.
- Comment on Well you see, gam gam... 2 months ago:
Do NOT make me look that up.
- Comment on Now freeze and deep fry them 2 months ago:
Those aren’t croissants. Those are crescents.
I was going to make a joke, spelling it the same way and pronouncing it differently, but I’m pretty sure the Pillsbury tubes are even called crescents on the package
- Comment on Yet they know what dishware I'm looking for... 2 months ago:
Help a guy who’s never played a Batman game out.
- Comment on Yet they know what dishware I'm looking for... 2 months ago:
There are nearly 3000 billionaires worldwide. Collectively they own 14 trillion in wealth.
This is nearly double all of the wealth held by every other person in the world, combined.
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
Ope we got em. Found him guys we found the horny one guys.
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
Fucking balatro. I’ve never enjoyed a game I hate so much.
NO jokers. I get NO jokers through TWO consecutive boss binds are you KIDDING ME.