Do you mean baby sitter for adults? What the f* you need an assistant for camping?
Submitted 4 weeks ago by to
Comments 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
If you’re rich spoiled brat you need some minions to lord over. 4 weeks ago
Who’s gonna set up the tent and put on a fire? That’s a job for peasants! /s 4 weeks ago
I have a friend who works for an independently wealthy minor noble. The guy is getting his masters as an adult and has four people “helping” him. My friend had to fly to another city because the noble’s son was moving there, and they needed my friend to set up the cable and assemble furniture before the son got there. 4 weeks ago
Do you make crazy good forever life changing money to be working such fucked up hours? 4 weeks ago
[deleted] 4 weeks ago
Assuming you’re from the US:
Start saving for those juicy medical bills because that is how you get those juicy medical bills. 4 weeks ago
Well shit that answers my question as well. I’d definitely set him straight on his “disappointing” because it doesn’t seem like he respects an agreement.
Good luck separating that man child from his money at least. 4 weeks ago
Seems like a good thing to milk for a bit then GTFO when you save enough to achieve some goal 4 weeks ago
I don’t know what’s your education level but at your age that sounds like a great deal to set yourself up. I hope you’re saving a ton with the aim to make investments and basically be able to have your life mostly solved monetarily from your 30s onward 4 weeks ago
Oof. I do not work weekends without time off in lieu. Good luck with the burnout when it hits.
I’d personally respond to their “disappointing” with “Quite the overstep there. Rude.”. Setting boundaries is important.
They should not expect you to give up your free time without asking. 4 weeks ago
This level of childishness in a professional context is such a red flag. 4 weeks ago
Rich people basically think they can buy you. In a job like that you’re pretty much a slave, except that you can walk away. 4 weeks ago
This shit is bananas. I’m being told to “have a great break” and “hope you enjoy your free time” passive aggressively, for taking a day off to go to the doctor while working in a team super top-heavy with managers. Just commenting to back you up - this shit is bananas. 4 weeks ago
“I’m being evaluated for terminal cancer. I’m gonna have a great time.” 4 weeks ago
There’s better places out there my guy. Fuck em, they don’t care about you, make every job a gap filler until you find someone you’re happy to work for 4 weeks ago
that person sounds like an insufferable “i’m entitled to the world and everything in it” manbaby narcissist. no amount of money is worth having zero time away from work and destroying your mental health. fuck that 4 weeks ago
I donno. For a million dollars Id easily work 7 days a week for a year and then chill for 20 years. 4 weeks ago
Your assignment in the Union Carbide operated Hawks Nest tunnel begins in the morning. 4 weeks ago
The issue there is you’d never get paid that kinda money.
Even at 200k I don’t think that’s worth it. 4 weeks ago
Personlig assistent, in Sweden helps certain people with disability. Was confused reading this. 4 weeks ago
You could probably call it some kind of disability of executive functioning… Many people with disabilities manage fine without a personal assistant. 4 weeks ago
No is a full sentence. 4 weeks ago
Hint: they don’t want a PA, they want a slave 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
Some white lotus shit there. 4 weeks ago
Yet another account created today to post some random feel sorry for me shit. The trend continues.
Maybe it’s genuine but… press X to doubt. 4 weeks ago
the true reddit experience 4 weeks ago
Do you work for Russell Dunbar? 4 weeks ago
Dissappointingspace 4 weeks ago
Tell me you’re in America without saying you’re in America