- Comment on Anon tries to download videos from youtube 2 days ago:
I was surprised at how well it works but anything command line is not for normies
- Comment on Anon investigates a random goth girl 6 days ago:
Sounds like anon could had made her day by just talking to her
- Comment on Skyblivion, the fan remake of Oblivion in Skyrim's engine, nears completion 1 week ago:
Frankly Bethesda would do very well with remastering all their previous tes games, including the first two.
I would really like to play Morrowind with the option of a modern UI instead of dragging windows around and clicking stuff
- Comment on Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam 1 week ago:
Imagine being this salty about steam cards and C’s skins
- Comment on on owls 1 week ago:
I know a lot of people that would be very happy with the last part
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
I wished I could live in this fairy tale world where a driverless car won’t be vandalized/stripped for parts
Like you’d be paying 30 bucks to basically have an unsupervised car show up at your location that’s totally not gonna result in a lot of trouble and cost a shit ton
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I don’t know what’s your education level but at your age that sounds like a great deal to set yourself up. I hope you’re saving a ton with the aim to make investments and basically be able to have your life mostly solved monetarily from your 30s onward
- Comment on When a country is ruled by a dictator, does it matter which party he belongs to? 4 weeks ago:
Dictatorship of the people my god I’ve never heard anything so stupid before
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard appears to receive its final update 5 weeks ago:
Honestly I loved that series growing up so mutch I sure hope they go back to the mass effect 3 formula for the next one.
I rather doubt they will but the hope’s there
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Frankly I just come to these posts to block the people who comment in them like the world is ending because Elon is cringe. The entirety of lemmy is echo chambers it’s hard to keep them out of your feed
- Comment on Large Language Models in Video Games? 1 month ago:
Even with the annoying YouTuber trying to make silly content out of it I’d say it actually kept into the roleplay pretty well
- Comment on What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? 1 month ago:
I bought it and I’m a bit disappointed, it scratches the creeper itch a bit but it kinda does away with the creeper world formula of making massive bases
- Comment on What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? 2 months ago:
Did they release a fifth installment?
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
I’ve never had any issues with pirating said games myself
- Comment on Do Not Buy NZXT | Predatory, Evil Rental Computer Scam Investigated - Gamers Nexus 2 months ago:
I don’t understand why people get angry enough at this to down vote it
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
Worked at a machine shop for a while, it’s funny how the easiest way to gauge surface finish is to run your nail trough it
At one of the places we worked at we would know when the rough cut was deep enough just by feel
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
The tiles in my kitchen were installed slightly rotated so I had to do that with all my shelves
- Comment on Anon falls through the cracks 3 months ago:
Love that you’re getting down voted but we had something approaching universal basic income in my country trough wellfare plans that were not exclusive with each other and had super lax requirements (since corrupt officials would take a cut of them) and it resulted in a very marked increase in poverty and a very marked cultural decline in work ethic on the lower classes
Why work or study when you can just stay at home and get paid enough to survive if you vote for the “right” candidate. People love to dream about theorized ideals but reality is often more complicated
- Comment on Of course someone has Doom running on Nintendo Alarmo now 3 months ago:
You say that as if companies weren’t pushing over the air firmware updates these days
- Comment on Of course someone has Doom running on Nintendo Alarmo now 3 months ago:
Inb4 they “update” the firmware and suddenly they stop working if you’re not subscribed
- Comment on BioWare Has No Plans for Dragon Age: The Veilguard DLC as It Turns Its Attention to Mass Effect 5 3 months ago:
In this modern era? Most likely not
- Comment on Grindr be like 4 months ago:
The coy look really sells it
- Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months ago:
Oh wow I’ve never expected that I’m used to university being full academia with no hands on on anything
- Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months ago:
Are you telling me they put them in front of actual rocks and let them lick them in finals?
- Comment on Ubisoft's Board is Launching an Investigation Into The Company Struggles 5 months ago:
They’re going lean so they’re firing half their workforce so the rest can produce more work. Don’t worry though middle management is safe
- Comment on 'Melts our frozen-solid hearts': Frostpunk 2 devs celebrate 350,000 copies sold—covering the production and marketing costs 5 months ago:
Even if you just want to chill you can easily use cheat engine to give you infinite resources and it’s still challenging and captivating believe it or not. I played through all the campaigns that way and enjoyed them all. People really need to give a shot to cheating in single player games they’re iffy about, sometimes it can create the experience you’re actually looking for
- Comment on Flappy Bird Returns but now with microtransactions 5 months ago:
His name was dong?
- Comment on Lagomorphs 5 months ago:
Lagomorph sounds like the name of a pokemon
- Comment on Well THAT'S super helpful! 🤦 5 months ago:
The Amazon equivalent of my country gives somewhat similar estimates, but they always end up showing up at 22:30 or straight up call me at such hours telling me they’ll come by tomorrow morning
- Comment on My Kidney 6 months ago:
Maybe change your diet then?