- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
Why should I dump 60usd plus into a multiplayer focused game I’ll maybe get to play 4 hours a week during prime times that is going to shrivel up and die in 2 years time when the next big thing comes out?
Or I can play all these games enjoy, have passionate modding communities adding to the game for free on top of me picking the entire thing up for maybe 20usd on sale if not less.
- Comment on Noice 1 week ago:
That’s a fucking zoomer thing don’t you dare pin that on us.
- Comment on When even the weather report reminds you of her 3 weeks ago:
I should call her…
- Comment on Anon envies the boomers 4 weeks ago:
Odds are if a church was involved, one or both are gaslighted into believing they are meant to be married that other person for better or worse, and regressive enough subculture/community that finds divorce abhorrent for any reason (other than the man could have a younger bride)
- Comment on Bioware Is "Downsizing" As It Transitions To Mass Effect 5 1 month ago:
Squeeze me? Bacon powder? Mass effect 5? Where was 4? Anyone who says Andromeda I will install Windows vista on your personal computer.
- Comment on Religion 2 months ago:
One god, multiple personalities. They didn’t have schizophrenia medication back then.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 months ago:
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
That’s called dysentery.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I’m with the zoomers on this one, honestly. If the workload is independent then there is no reason to demand what time the person gets started on that work load if it’s going to take the same amount of time. Yes, there are jobs where its time sensitive or assisting customers so obviously you need to be in place by a certain time, but that is not universal.
And it cuts both ways, if you consider it rude for a person to not show up by a mandated, arbitrary time, it’s equally rude to mandate a meeting or other function a person has to show up to that has nothing do with their job. I’ve been in the workforce nearly 20 years now, and frankly the number of meetings, events or functions I’ve been expected to go to that served no purpose other than to waste my damn time is way too high. The meeting could have been an email, the training might as well have been a check box, and if the party/event was so damn important why wasn’t I paid to attend?
TL;DR unless a person being late directly affects another person, then who cares? I’ll start caring about what a corporation thinks is rude when said corporations start giving a damn about my time and compensating properly for wasting it.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Really depends on the job.
If you complete all assigned tasks on time and don’t inhibit anyone else’s schedule, then who gives a shit?
If it’s shift work and someone is waiting for you to arrive so they can start their work, or worse, end their shift and go home, then yeah it’s a huge dick move.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 3 months ago:
Can’t say personally seen any of the security footage but from the sounds of it this guy was mingling with the crowd and not drawing attention to himself as well as able to book it down the alleyway. It’s not improbable that he’s terminally ill himself, but it’s hard for me to believe he’d be at a stage the doctor(s) said he was incurable/insurance denied him but still not far enough along it’s not affecting him in anyway noticeable way.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 3 months ago:
I really don’t know this guy has a long term plan. If I were to bed, his wife died after denied insurance. Or possibly a close family member or friend. The fact that he could afford health insurance or had it through an employer implies he probably had a decent job. So a person he was planning to grow old with is now dead, his plans for the future are ruined, probably doesn’t care about an item that costs a few hundred dollars. Maybe he wants to see how long he can evade the cops, but something tells me if they ever do catch the actual murderer, he’s not going to care much as in his eyes he lost his future when the person he cared about died.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 3 months ago:
Guys planning a quick and carefully planned get away, so most likely traveling light with only what he needs. But yeah, of course he’ll bring two bags.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 3 months ago:
How do they explain the bag changing colors?
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 3 months ago:
It’s just taking advantage of the change in matter state. H2O expands ~16,000 times it’s size when it boils from liquid water to gaseous steam. That increase in size means it wants to go somewhere else, we just control where it goes and it’s relief valve happens to be going through a spinning wheel with magnets on it, inducing currents in the coils of wire around the wheel.
Yes it’s way more complicated than that, but it’s the best way we have of turning heat into electricity, so it’s what we use. With the primary exception of solar, nearly every form of power production is using heat energy to indirectly spin a wheel.
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 3 months ago:
I swear Nuclear Reactors were designed by a chemist with a grudge against a physicist and engineer.
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 3 months ago:
Turn water back on suddenly and realize what happens when water touches an object many times warmer than it’s boiling point.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Reason #2193 we should have switched over to universal healthcare decades ago. For profit healthcare and services undermine the very thing they are supposed to provide
- Comment on Finale drops on Saturday 3 months ago:
Go take a shower.
- Comment on Finale drops on Saturday 3 months ago:
Kay, bye.
- Comment on Git good, son 4 months ago:
While 100% in the don’t fake it camp, please also remember us men are not mind readers and our equipment works different. Much like with cooking and cleaning, if you don’t tell us what we are doing wrong or better yet show us the right way, we are going to assume we did our part cause we got the result we wanted and you didn’t complain or ask for something different.
- Comment on Stellar Blade coming to PC in 2025 4 months ago:
I just want to see the mods.
- Comment on Emiy 4 months ago:
Noel sounds like no l. So Emily without an l is Emiy
- Comment on Anon gets trolled 5 months ago:
Anon needs to stop dating his sister.
- Comment on Last channel rule 5 months ago:
Oh the disappointment to realize “wait, this is it?”
- Comment on More trustworthy than what's currently on the road 5 months ago:
Don’t trust it, it got Lindsay Lohan on drugs!
- Comment on Anon plays Overwatch 5 months ago:
When you game company collapses under the weight of a previous genration of success and let’s board of investors, who couldn’t make a fun game if all the pieces fell into their lap, direct all the managers of a project to do whats currently trending rather than innovative and do something that makes sense for the IP and gente.
- Comment on stop 6 months ago:
Stop insisting people have the right to torture animals.
- Comment on "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy" 6 months ago:
The only reason I can think to release it as it was, was for tax write odd purposes with how much money it was going to lose.
- Comment on Oof ouch owie 6 months ago:
“Just following orders” is not an excuse no matter how it’s veiled.
She took part in a violent insurrection with the ultimate goal of overturning an election and destroying democracy.
She had every opportunity to no being a cesspool of bigotry, racism and fascist supporter. Instead she chose at every option to continue her path.