Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.
Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.
- Comment on Don't risk the dry shave 2 days ago:
I find it insulting you’d suggest I’d consider any part what that ass has said as even remotely reasonable.
What I said is that if you say 2+2=5 to enough people, you’ll get some who will just go “ok yeah sounds right”. They’re still wrong. Two people being deluded together doesn’t make it any less delusional.
- Comment on Don't risk the dry shave 2 days ago:
The thing about giving everyone a megaphone, is that even when some use them to shout insane bullshit, if enough people hear it, there is inevitably a percentage who will think “yea that makes sense”.
And now, we’ve got selective megaphones. Social media algoritms that curate our feeds for us so that people shouting insane bullshit have their content fed directly to people who believe insane bullshit. Separating the people who lie and their believers, from the people who call them out on it and bring actual logic into the discussion.
Algoritms discourage thinking because thinking takes effort, and effort tires you out. Tiring you out would eventualmy make you log off and take a break, but algos are trained to maximize screentime, so no thinking it is.
- Comment on Two big Final Fantasy remakes are reportedly still in ‘active development’ 3 days ago:
- Comment on Scary 3 days ago:
Character is Modeus from !
- Comment on Don't forget to undervolt your gpu and change fan curve 3 days ago:
Changing voltages and fan curves is super situational. And depends on how much you value noise over performance.
That said, I undervolted and underclocked the i7 cpu on my G501 gaming laptop back in the day.
This helped a ton, because the heatsink between the discrete GTX 660M and the CPU, shared a heatpipe. The CPU would only throttle at 90, while the GPU would throttle at something like 75. This meant that because it was basically always hotter, heat from the CPU would conduct via the heatpipe INTO THE GPU, causing it to always thermal throttle, and be unable to be cooled. Because even though it was maxing out and trying to cool down by throttling, the CPU would just keep going because for it the temps were fine. So it would keep pumping heat into the heatsinks and heatpipes, which would then keep the GPU hot, too.
Undervolting the CPU allowed it and the GPU to run at closer to same temps, raising FPS by way of allowing the GPU to actually run a full tilt, even though the CPU was then significantly slower.
- Comment on Two big Final Fantasy remakes are reportedly still in ‘active development’ 5 days ago:
I’m halfway through Rebirth, and shit has me so confused I stopped trusting any of my theories for what is going on.
It’s continued to be good though. Excellent even.
- Comment on Two big Final Fantasy remakes are reportedly still in ‘active development’ 5 days ago:
To be fair, Intergrade and Rebirth remix some things that mean they don’t really replace the original game.
They’re doing something different with the story that we still haven’t had fully explained, which means I’m playing completely riveted to the story, with no idea what’ll happen, even though the original game has existed longer than I have.
And the gameplay is obviously completely different.
It means they’re more than “remakes”, imo. They’re more like adaptations, making changes that alter the source material to fit a new medium. Almost like going from book to TV.
And in the same way, both the “book” and the “TV Series” are both worth experiencing.
- Comment on Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake 1 week ago:
I don’t know how much you know about the intricacies of the newer FF combat systems, but “turns” are still in there, but among a bunch of new stuff that may or may not jell with you.
If you want, you can set the combat to “classic” which makes it so that the AI controls all three charachters, rather than just the two you aren’t playing as.
This leaves you to deal with only the “turns”, and which abilities, spells, or items, to use them for. And you don’t need to be quick, the passage of time nearly pauses while you engage with the action menu to decide what to do with a turn.
Characters and enemies can only engage in basic attacks outside of their “turn”. To use abilities, spells or items, it must be your “turn”.
All the decisions that make turn based combat interesting are overlayed on top of the real-time action. At times they even overlap. When not using classic mode, it matters how you control a characters real time actions. The exact timing of when you use a turn can have consequences, you need to make sure you are standing in a good spot for a given ability, you need to make sure you’re not about to take an attack that might interrupt an action, etc.
You have to decide stuff like whether you need to use your turns to spam cure just to keep the party alive. Should Aerith spend one turn and the MP to use Cura on one party member, or wait two turns to use Pray on everyone. Should Cloud go for damage on this turn, or build stagger in case it leads to a stun and bonus damage next turn? Can Tifa keep herself alive with Chakra or do I need to have another charachter use heal on her? Do I remember the pressure conditions for this enemy or do I need to spend a turn on Assess to find out?
If all you want is turn based classic gameplay, then yeah, it isn’t here. But they have made something very interesting. It’s got hack slash style flashy action, but with an amount of strategy involved I don’t think any other games have achieved. It’s unique.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 1 week ago:
What? What the hell do you even mean by “baseline”?
Again, what are you saying? You replied adversarially to someone who was making the point that society should be improved so as to not allow things like people starving to death, or becoming homeless. Are you agreeing with them or trying to shut them down?
Are you saying society barely doing anything to help people in such situations is fine, because you survived it? Because that is what it seems like, and my reply is in response to such an utterly insane take.
Society should prevent death and suffering as much as the available resources allow. Who the fuck cares where you draw the line for “good enough”?
If we can do better, then we should.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 1 week ago:
Did you literally just use “there are fates worse than death” as some kind of comeback to someone saying that not being able afford necessities leads to “losing” (death), implying that a society that allows this to occur should change?
What are you saying? That people not being able to feed and/or house themselves is fine, because there are worse kinds of “loss”?
- Comment on Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake 1 week ago:
The synergy skill that allows you to have another party member throw you into the air at an enemy, when controlling a melee fighter, (Tifa, Cloud, Red) is so satisfying and welcome in Rebirth when fighting flying enemies.
- Comment on Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake 1 week ago:
Rebirth does something with the open world mechanics I haven’t seen in other games. It interconnects everything.
The life springs give you a shitton of materials for the crafting system, they reveal the locations of crafting recipes, and eventually the area boss.
All of which interconnects with side-quests, not just at the start as a tutorial, but throughout each region.
It hence manages to make you want to do everything, almost on accident. If you do all the sidequests, you progress the collectathon a bunch. If you do the collectathon, you end up progressing quests a bunch just by “coincidence”.
Add to that the fast travel that lets you jump anywhere instantly, and nothing ends up feeling like a chore.
- Comment on Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake 1 week ago:
If you’re just watching, you won’t get the main appeal of the modern FF combat systems.
And unfortunately, at lower difficulties, you can get by with button mashing. It’s really disappointing that the difficulty that actually requires thinking is locked behind ng+, but at that level, the system really shines.
It’s all strategy, dressed up as a hack and slash, but if you just button mash, don’t min-max your builds, utilize the entire party, their abilities, spells and synergies, you are dead.
And it’s all made more intense by the combat happening in real-time (though you can slow time to a crawl at any time). I really love the panic of the way you are forced to control any last surviving party member, waiting for your turn to be available so you can use a pheonix down.
- Comment on Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake 1 week ago:
I absolutely adore the remake games. They both follow a type of game-design that makes me feel like I’m playing something from the PS2 era again. Makes me feel like a kid in the best kind of way.
The games do have some trouble with time-wasters. It’s both improved and made worse in Rebirth. Luckily, in open world fashion, a lot of it can actually be ignored in Rebirth. And if you don’t ignore it, you get rewarded with actually good side-content. And Rebirths fast travel is good to the point you basically never have to travel anywhere “the long way” twice.
I have the same problem with the combat being too easy. It wasn’t too bad with Intergrade as I was new to the combat system, but with Rebirth I am absolutely crushing enemies. I’m deliberately sabotaging my character builds to make it more challenging, but I really wish they didn’t lock “hard” behind ng+. Coming from the first game, you should be able to jump into the second at that higher skill level from the start. But no.
Don’t worry too much about your stuff not carrying over. The characters do not get reset to level zero, and no abilities. They start with a little less than what you have at the end of Intergrade, but a lot of the stuff you’ll have gotten by the end of Intergrade, is what you have at the start of Rebirth. And then over the course of the second game, you get a lot of NEW stuff, rather than just re-aquiring the stuff you had in the first.
- Comment on Mod of a similar comm to one I started deleted my advertising post, now downvotes half the stuff I post in my comm 1 week ago:
Naw. If someone goes out of their way to downvote everything you post, that’s no longer crowd-sourced user curation.
It’s a deliberate action taken to suppress certain content, rather than filter out the good from the bad.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 20th 3 weeks ago:
MOBA is an accurate description of the game systems, but playing it, it feels like the first genuinely fresh game in a decade.
To me, at least.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 20th 3 weeks ago:
It has the complexity of a MOBA (but genius level UX that completely addresses how that would normally be daunting, through a fantastic community item build system), movement approaching the intensity of Titanfall and a match format that finally fills the hole in my heart that was left by Battleborn, and is maybe even better.
It has a a unique 80-s magic/fantasy aethestic, and what we know the lore so far is fantastic. (I laughed out loud when walking by a radio in-game and a newscaster voice went “Have love potions ruined dating?! These 20-somethings tell all!”)
My advice, hit up !, get an invite, and give it a try. The way it’s looking, it might turn out my favorite game of all time.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 20th 4 weeks ago:
Nothing. My GPU is in for RMA.
I WANT to play Deadlock.
Actually, I have a steamdeck, so I’ve been tackling an MGR playthrough on revengeance difficulty. But holy crap the Deadlock withdrawal is real.
- Comment on You're really hungry but take a pass on eating here 5 weeks ago:
When you’re more interested in “paying using other ways” than actually getting a pizza.
- Comment on Caption this. 1 month ago:
And the man ain’t subtle about it.
- Comment on Caption this. 1 month ago:
- Comment on Why don't we have motion smoothing on current consoles? 1 month ago:
Because it introduces latency.
Higher framerates only in part improve the experience due to lookikg better, they also make the gam feel faster because what you input is reflected in-game that fraction of second sooner.
Increasing framerate while incurring higher latency looks nicer for an onlooker, but generally feels a lot worse to actually play.
- Comment on I hate when this happens 1 month ago:
I actually find that the best way to see the dirt on my displays, is to place a bright light at the edge of it.
This causes every particle and smudge on the screen to catch the light and cast a shadow across the surface of the glass.
You’d think it wouldn’t work on a transparent material, but no, it lights up every speck of dirt like the way a ray of sunlight reveals the dust that is invisible but always there, floating around mid air.
- Comment on Day 162 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
If you like the combat and the quarry, the Jukebox lets you play a bunch of challenge levels in locations from the same dimension as the quarry is in.
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
I honestly couldn’t care less about the rocks.
But pretty colors are pretty colors.
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
That’s literally my point.
I’m saying you can’t tell the difference between two materials unless they are cut the same.
If they are cut differently to achieve the results you are seeing, you can’t tell whether the difference is because of the cut, or because of the material.
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
Yes, but a clear crystal is a clear crystal.
If you want to split light you can do what regardless of refractive index (as long as it isn’t zero), you’d just need to cut different angles and/or project the light onto a surface that’s closer/farther to get the same effect using a different material.
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
That’s what I was immediately thinking.
Getting pretty colors out of a clear crystal is more about how it was cut, than what it’s made of.
Unless it’s something like opal that produces lightshows through completely different optical effects.
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
I’m asking about the light. The lightshow produced by a crystal is down to both the optical properties of the material, but also the geometry of how it was cut.
The image is really cool, but it only demonstrates a difference if the Moissanite was cut into the exact same shape as the diamonds.
A prism doesn’t split light becayse of the material its made of, but because of its shape.
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
Is that a difference in the material, or is the Moissanite cut differently?
If Moissanaite just does that, then damn, that’s pretty.