Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.
Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.
- Comment on You're really hungry but take a pass on eating here 5 days ago:
When you’re more interested in “paying using other ways” than actually getting a pizza.
- Comment on Caption this. 2 weeks ago:
And the man ain’t subtle about it.
- Comment on Caption this. 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Why don't we have motion smoothing on current consoles? 2 weeks ago:
Because it introduces latency.
Higher framerates only in part improve the experience due to lookikg better, they also make the gam feel faster because what you input is reflected in-game that fraction of second sooner.
Increasing framerate while incurring higher latency looks nicer for an onlooker, but generally feels a lot worse to actually play.
- Comment on I hate when this happens 2 weeks ago:
I actually find that the best way to see the dirt on my displays, is to place a bright light at the edge of it.
This causes every particle and smudge on the screen to catch the light and cast a shadow across the surface of the glass.
You’d think it wouldn’t work on a transparent material, but no, it lights up every speck of dirt like the way a ray of sunlight reveals the dust that is invisible but always there, floating around mid air.
- Comment on Day 162 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 weeks ago:
If you like the combat and the quarry, the Jukebox lets you play a bunch of challenge levels in locations from the same dimension as the quarry is in.
- Comment on Diamond market 3 weeks ago:
I honestly couldn’t care less about the rocks.
But pretty colors are pretty colors.
- Comment on Diamond market 3 weeks ago:
That’s literally my point.
I’m saying you can’t tell the difference between two materials unless they are cut the same.
If they are cut differently to achieve the results you are seeing, you can’t tell whether the difference is because of the cut, or because of the material.
- Comment on Diamond market 3 weeks ago:
Yes, but a clear crystal is a clear crystal.
If you want to split light you can do what regardless of refractive index (as long as it isn’t zero), you’d just need to cut different angles and/or project the light onto a surface that’s closer/farther to get the same effect using a different material.
- Comment on Diamond market 3 weeks ago:
That’s what I was immediately thinking.
Getting pretty colors out of a clear crystal is more about how it was cut, than what it’s made of.
Unless it’s something like opal that produces lightshows through completely different optical effects.
- Comment on Diamond market 3 weeks ago:
I’m asking about the light. The lightshow produced by a crystal is down to both the optical properties of the material, but also the geometry of how it was cut.
The image is really cool, but it only demonstrates a difference if the Moissanite was cut into the exact same shape as the diamonds.
A prism doesn’t split light becayse of the material its made of, but because of its shape.
- Comment on Diamond market 3 weeks ago:
Is that a difference in the material, or is the Moissanite cut differently?
If Moissanaite just does that, then damn, that’s pretty.
- Comment on About to turn the car to a flying car 4 weeks ago:
Any car tire.
For road bicycles 7 bar is just “normal”, 8 and above isn’t unheard of.
A guy once asked if I was crazy when I was pressurizing my hybrid bike to 6 bar, and I just pointed to the sidwall where the rating said 4.5-6.5 bar. The range is wide because the pressure you should use varies depending on what you weigh, and how you want to balance rolling resistance vs comfort.
And even then the safety margin on bike tires is more than double the max rating, so it’s perfectly safe to go a full bar over if you want.
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 5 weeks ago:
Makes sense.
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 5 weeks ago:
Is that a thing?
Feels like something door closer makes irrelevant.
You’d think fire could would require exit always be push, because that makes evacuating smoother.
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 5 weeks ago:
You shouldn’t be touching any handles upon exiting a bathroom.
The door should be push to exit, so you can open it by pushing with your elbow.
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 1 month ago:
The one imposing the standard is entirely me. My parents deliberately STEPPED AWAY from controlling me and my siblings lives as we came into adulthood. They’re incredible.
Today we all treat each other like adults, (and humor mom by allowing her to baby us a bit) they’ve completely stepped down from being controlling influences in our lives. They advise, show concern, and voice opinions, but since turning 18, they’ve never once acted like we can’t do as we please.
The way the acted towards us and each other left a huge impression. As I’ve gone on to live life I’ve truly come to realize and appreciate my parents are 2 in a million. I didn’t realize the significance of it while growing up, but thinking back now, the things they did blow me away. Like who makes a point of explaining each mistake they’ve made raising someone, as they realize what they were, TO that someone, and apologizing for them openly?!
I think it’s actually made me and my siblings easier to control, we always listen if they have something to say, because we all see that they’re two of the wisest people we’ll ever know.
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 1 month ago:
The fairy tale love affairs of fictional people hardly ever linger on the “mundane everyday loving behaviour” that I consider core to a functioning relationship.
I literally put that crap in the trash along with the depictions of dysfunctional relationships in media.
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 1 month ago:
Feeling lonely sucks, but man, whenever I’m listening to some people talk about past relationships they’ve been in, I end up feeling happy it hasn’t happened yet.
I blame my parents. They have such an amazing mutually respectful, supportive and loving marriage that it has set an impossible standard for me to realize.
I wish media depicted more healthy relationships.
Half of people don’t seem to even have an idea of what mundane everyday loving behaviour actually looks like. And the other half does know, but fetishise unhealthy bullshit. (TBH I do too, but I want to engage in it playfully, not full on I will now proceed to straight up destroy you emotionally that I’ve run into with some people. )
- Comment on Are we still doing the cat thing? 1 month ago:
Especially over on ! and !
- Comment on Day 140 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
Puzzle game hall of famer, this.
My sister made me a crocheted friendship cube. It always sits next to my wifi router.
- Comment on DnD 1 month ago:
How to finally make sure people start playing DnD, without calling it DnD.
- Comment on Anyone else bounce around from game to game with no clue what to play? 1 month ago:
Crying suns is really cool. Neat to see someone else who got hpoked in the wild.
- Comment on Anyone else bounce around from game to game with no clue what to play? 1 month ago:
The bouncing around isn’t a bad thing.
In fact, if anything, I try to be sensitive to when I start to burn out of on a game, and when that happens I avoid playing until the desire is really strong again. Sometimes that means having a LARGE number of false starts before I find the thing.
And coming back go a game can take years.
That’s kind why you need a TON of games if you don’t want to take breaks from gaming entirely, because otherwise the medium just doesn’t have enough variety to keep the human brain engaged.
You should try shorter games, and completely ignore whether something is “big” enough to be worth your time. The big stuff is what’s boring you right now, so don’t waste time on trying to force the enjoyment.
- Comment on Anyone else bounce around from game to game with no clue what to play? 1 month ago:
Sone more suggestions:
- Journey
- Donut County
- Furi
- event[0]
- Inside
- Katana ZERO
- Comment on Thought-provoking 1 month ago:
Let me put it in much fever words.
How can you claim to love me, even as you accept a god that judges me deserving of literally infinite pain? If am truly that bad, how can you possibly deserve your acceptance?
And if I’m not that bad, how can you be ok with worshipping a god, that so insanely arbitrarily, condemns someone you love?
You cannot save me. The only way out for me, in your belief system, is for your god to spare me. But you and me both know you don’t worship that kind of god.
- Comment on Thought-provoking 1 month ago:
I’ve deconstructed theological “logic” to the point of boredom.
I can’t say as a secular thinker that I’m anything like “open-minded” to religion. I used to describe myself as agnostic, but that is a mere stop along a road to the truth of anti-theism.
And that road absolutely has a “wrong” direction. At this point, there is zero chance of anyone converting me. No-one has ever said a word to me that managed to shake that conviction even for a second. I’m at point where I fail to see the point of religion even as a mere human institution of utility. All it seems to do is twist perception of reality en-masse, causing all the evil it does, and making all the good it does less efficient.
Both sides do not need to be open to convincing, for us to have a discussion about whether Santa exists. We can still talk about it even if one us knows he doesn’t. And I would consider an adult changing their mind on Santas non-existence, to be an obvious regression. The very same is true for religious discussion.
It’s not even that I won’t listen anymore. It’s merely that where I am now, I starting to hear the same arguments repeatedly, to the point that I can regularly re-use counter-arguments.
You speak of behaviour you’d consider destructive, as if we’re talking about things a person chooses to be. We are not.
I hope you have your paradigm shift. Religions are born from human lies, and sometimes truths worshipped beyond reason. As such I will never see where people subscribing them are “coming from”. I can understand, but never agree.
The very definition of faith is belief without evidence, and I have never met a religious person who claims to have evidence, who isn’t just interpreting circumstances, or mistaking their inner monologue for the voice of god.
- Comment on Thought-provoking 1 month ago:
As long as you’re equally prepared to be deconverted.
I have argued theists into corners, and at that point they disengage, or begin to pick and choose what parts of what I’m saying they will acknowledge.
The problem for me, is that for me to let you be, I just need to be ok with you believeing in some things that aren’t real. As long your conduct is acceptable and fair, I have no reason to intervene aside from a respect for truth.
Still, all religion is harmful, because belief in the unreal distorts reality, and impacts how you vote and make consequential decisions, affecting humanity as a whole. But individual behaviour is mostly benign.
Even here you talk about how you wish to convince me by “living by example” as if religion provides something I would want, that I can’t have any other way. All it has to offer are lies, and I have refused to believe them. Nothing you can say or do is more convincing to me than whatever a Muslim, Hindu, or the ancient greeks, might say.
But still, to placate your own sense of guilt, you might pray for me. But then, you’re not letting me be. You’re not accepting the way I’ve chosen to live life. If you want god to intervene, you’ve rejected me, and my choice.
This is what “there is no hate like christian love” refers to. You will openly express love, while completely failing to understand that your beliefs reject parts of who some people are. You do not love us. You do not accept us. You feel like you do and you say that you do.
But all thats felt at the other end, is the rejection. The knowledge that someone who is supposed to care about you, deep in their heart, with the fiery passion of religious conviction, believes that something about the way are, is so deeply wrong, that you deserve literal eternal punishment.
Do you have any idea how deeply that wounds?
This simple reality turns the love you feel and attempt to express for someone, into the most vile, abhorrent, twisted feeling of rejection it is possible to inflict on another. And the more you epress it, the more it hurts. Some people kill themselves because of it.
Those of us who maintain friendships with you, simply ignore that part of how you feel. I can’t do it. I can’t be friends with someone thinks I’ll go to hell for being me. They’ll never covert me, and if they are ok with that, I can barely stand being in the same room. And if they do try to convert me, refer back to my second paragraph.
How are you able to love me, and also let me be, even as you genuinely believe that “my journey” ends in eternal suffering? How can you expect me, to accept someone who can do that as a genuine person?
- Comment on Is it possible to have a "free speech" platform that simultaneously stops "hate speech"? 1 month ago:
Thats because once discussion on something concludes, you generally make it law.
“Murder is bad” is very much agreed on to be a good thing. To me it is only logical for the next step to be “verbally encouraging or excusing murder is bad”, which might not need to be law, but it should at least not be state backed.
There is a difference between being allowed to say whatever you think, and having the state guarantee that whatever you have to say is actually heard.
Not being heard or listened to, is not a violation of free speech. Being removed or “silenced” online or even physically in public, is not a violation of your free speech.
Free speech is to be free to say whatever you like, but it does not protect you from what other citizens do in response.
If you insult someone, and they punch you in the face in response, your free speech was not violated.
“Hate speech” is a category of “opinion” that is obviously harmful that anyone thinking straight should immediately dismiss it. The problems have started because thanks to the internet, those “opinions” can now reach all the people who aren’t thinking straight.
For those who do identify hate speech easily, to protect those who don’t, by at least not propagating it (social media, government) is the bare minimum of what they can do.
Taking away the megaphone if someone is using it to encourage murder is not a violation of free speech.
With a megaphone, you don’t need to be right. You just need to be heard by enough people that the tiny percentage that will believe whatever you say, is a large enough group to be dangerous.
- Comment on Thought-provoking 1 month ago:
“There’s no hate like christian love.”
How do you reconcile being a good person, with respecting other people’s beliefs, and not trying to convert people?
By your own system of belief, your inaction allows evil to reign.
I absolutely do blame religion for some the worst behaviours exhibited by believers, as it puts them in an impossible position.
If a genuine believer loves a non-believer, how can they be a good person within their own world view, if they do not try to save them?
But if they do try to save them, they will fail to be good person in the world view of the person they are trying to save.
You can’t do both, and as far as I can tell, most religions work this way.
To treat people with real respect believers universally have to engage in some of the most precarious double-think I can imagine.
It isn’t fair to anyone that you have to “suspend your disbelief” for reality the way we do for fiction, just to come across as a reasonable person.