The director of Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T., Jurassic Park, and many more classics has long spoken about his love of video games, stretching back to 1982 when he revealed the instant thrill and ego “massage” that playing games like Donkey Kong and Tempest provided.
Guys, it really depends on the type of game. 5 months ago
In all seriousness some games work better on controllers. I’ve found it much easier, and significantly less frustrating, to play souls-likes using a controller. It also would have been next to impossible to play the Ascent (twin stick shooter) without one. I used to get all PCMR about only using keyboard and mouse but nowadays I use the best tool for the job. 5 months ago
Oh I played the hell out of the Prepare to Die edition of Dark Souls. Keyboard and mouse was the objectively wrong way to play the game lmao 5 months ago
Haha what an absolute masochist! I’m impressed.
I played through Jedi: Fallen Order, which was my intro into the genre, then tried it for Elden Ring and got hard stuck in the opening area. Still pretty useless at them overall but no longer feel like I’m battling against the control. It’s 100% just a skill issue. 5 months ago
Well it’s only because from software did a really shit job at porting the game. Elden Ring plays fine with the mouse and keyboard. 5 months ago
I played Grand Theft Auto V with both. KB&M on foot, controller for vehicles 5 months ago
Saaaame! Vehicles are so much better with a controller, but aiming suuuuucks with a controller. 5 months ago
pcmr means you have the choice of which works best for the job instead of being stuck with a specific controller or ms+kb 5 months ago
I feel like everything besides shooters and rts is better on controller. I can’t play an fps with a controller though. 5 months ago
My first souls game was Dark Souls 2. Played it with keyboard and mouse and only found out you can lock onto enemies about 100 hours in… 5 months ago
Then you get things like GTA or Saints Row, where whether I want to be using kb+m or controller changes based on whether I’m driving or on foot.
I’ve long thought that the ideal control scheme would somehow incorporate both a mouse for camera control, the sheer number of buttons you get from having your off-hand on a keyboard, and also analog inputs for things like movement/steering and vehicle throttle. 5 months ago
They have left-hand hardware that has a thumb analog stick and a bunch of mapable keys. Problem is getting games to use “controller” functions like analog sticks and mouse functions at the same time. I haven’t tried it myself, but apparently most games don’t have a way to recognize and use that as a keyboard function 5 months ago
I play rocket league with a keyboard and mouse. Have gotten up to champ in 2v2 and 3v3 ranked.
Also beat ds1 and 2 using keyboard and mouse.
In other words git gud.