- Comment on Were Sony and Microsoft Truly Worried About The Google Stadia? 1 month ago:
Especially when you're a company with a history of shutting down products people liked.
The Google graveyard is a website that will repair any urge to rely on a Google ecosystem.
- Comment on Doom: The Dark Ages Dropped Multiplayer In Favor Of Doomslayer's Cyber Dragon And Giant Mecha 1 month ago:
Jeez, that's exciting. Giant doom mech.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 1 month ago:
Honestly, I played it at launch and it was pretty good. I'm told my experience was unusual
- Comment on New survey reports one in 10 game developers have lost their jobs in 2024 1 month ago:
It's gonna keep happening until they start making games for people who play them again.
A chunk of the games industry is making games for board room executives.
A chunk of the games industry is making games for the media.
A chunk of the games industry is making games for political insiders.
Problem is,
Board room executives are supposed to be selling games, they aren't the primary customers themselves.
The media is supposed to be talking about games for people who play games, they aren't the primary customers themselves.
Political insiders are just hoping to use poorly produced propaganda to change hearts and minds, they aren't the primary customers themselves.
And so most people just keep playing and buying games that were made for people who play games, since they aren't board room executives, part of the media, or political insiders.
A lot of the more simplistic things said about games today are actually just heuristics for games only made for these three groups. "Oh, it has X, it was made for the New York Times, not for me." "Oh, it has Y, it was made for continuous monetization, not for me." "Oh, it has Z, this was made to spread a message, not for me." Then people get all defensive about X Y and Z, not realizing it's just a heuristic and most people will play a good game with all 3 if it's good, but given how expensive games are, a heuristic that's mostly accurate is enough to scare a lot of people away from a game. How many hours does it take you to earn the 100 dollars they're floating for GTA6?
- Comment on Almost a third of developers think generative AI is a negative for the games industry, says new survey 1 month ago:
Like any tool, it's about how it's used.
But it'll make some real shite possible, cheap.
- Comment on Square Enix Has Set Up A New Policy To Go After Harassers 1 month ago:
Won't someone think of the poor, poor, global megacorporations?
- Comment on Elon Musk says too many game studios are owned by giant corporations so his giant corporation is going to start a studio to 'make games great again' 2 months ago:
I don't always even know if I agree with myself when I'm trying to figure out stuff that's outside the edge of my own understanding, so regardless of whether you think you're right I appreciate the constructive engagement.
One employment lawyer I heard an interview with once suggested something similar to but subtly different than what you're talking about, that "woke" is actually a scheme by the ownership class to divide the working class by getting us to attack each other so we don't work together to get better wages or working conditions from them.
It's definitely a multi-faceted issue.
One of the keys is definitely that "woke" isn't all progressive thought, it's a very specific point, so to criticize the piece isn't to necessarily criticize the whole.
On the matter at hand though, the fact that the accusations against Musk are very specific and in a very specific order really speaks to the fact that it isn't really the author's personal thoughts. There's lots of things you can go after the guy for that aren't in order "racist sexist misogynistic homophobic transphobic". Much more relevant to the article would be that he often claims he'll be able to do things he can't, or he sets timelines he can't possibly meet, or his whole fortune is based on a ponzi scheme where the world's smallest car company has a market cap that dwarfs any other car company even when those other companies have entire product lines Tesla isn't even involved in. Most people who play video games don't play a game engine. Most people agree that once John Romero left id the company really wasn't the same, and while Quake 2 is a technical marvel it isn't nearly as fun to play or atmospheric as doom or quake. Doom 3 was also a technological marvel, but most people don't remember it as a classic the same way they remember doom or quake. Doom 2016 was the first time in decades that id really hit the nail on the head hard, and it was thanks to real creativity and bringing new ideas into the franchise and in many ways into the genre as a whole.
That's the actual problem with using AI to produce games, AI is an inherently conservative force -- not in a political sense, but in that it is fed data and does a great job of creating permutations of that data. AI is incredibly powerful for creating something like what has already come before it, but true creativity brings something new. Someone writing about a feeling nobody's ever written about that represents insight into the human mind, that's something a human can produce, but not an AI.
- Comment on Blizzard are delisting Warcraft I and II from GOG, so GOG adds a special discount and will keep them updated 2 months ago:
Of Course I already had these games on gog...
- Comment on Elon Musk says too many game studios are owned by giant corporations so his giant corporation is going to start a studio to 'make games great again' 3 months ago:
Actually, I came up with a much better definition that I think fits.
"I found a paradox, that in a lot of ways wokeness is deeply, deeply conservative. There's an orthodoxy, and all that matters is that you follow the orthodoxy. Everything outside the orthodoxy must be rejected and silenced, and anyone who isn't strictly following orthodoxy must be rejected and silenced regardless of their alignment otherwise.
If progressivism is truly about challenging norms and fostering dialogue, then an orthodoxy should not exist. Instead, the rigidity undermines progressiveness by creating a new form of conservatism: a defense of the orthodox beliefs and existing hierarchies within the movement itself.
The foolish justification for this behavior they came up with of Popper's paradox of tolerance relies on answering a paradox with one answer or another without realizing that the nature of a paradox is such that there is no cut and dry black and white answer.
My criticism here of paradox also applies to the paradox I recognized, by the way. You can't change anything to resolve it in a simple black and white manner because the components that make up the paradox are required to have the thing in the first place and thus the question is complicated. Without some form of orthodoxy, progressive ideology that questions societal norms would immediately have to start questioning the societal norms it successfully installed, potentially just resulting in paralysis.
I wonder though if this framework helps explain the difference between "progressive" and "woke". The former is a spectrum that most westerners are somewhere on, the latter is where you reach a highly dogmatic, highly self-assured spot on the spectrum.
Most people, even a supermajority of ideological conservatives, want social progress in some form. Anyone can see things aren't perfect and want things to be better. It's when you know exactly what needs to be done and it makes you a better person than everyone else and anyone standing in your way is the devil that it becomes (to use a bad term in context) problematic."
The dogmatic adherence to orthodoxy further fits with an analysis I did a few months ago about the movie Idiocracy. In that movie, the entire world is taken over by a form of populist, anti-intellectual idiocy. My criticism of the movie was that there are in fact multiple forms of idiocy. and today's predominant form of idiocy is in fact elitist and pseudo-intellectual. As an example, instead of watching "ow my balls", watching people watching "ow my balls" so you can point and laugh at the idiots watching the stupid show, as if that's any better. Under such a form of idiocy, the dull end up using the trappings of intellect to try to act as intelligent people, similar to the cargo cults of the pacific islands. From this point of view, the strict adherence to orthodoxy is a requirement because such idiots can't synthesize new ideas, they can only take ideas someone else created and pretend they came up with them, and any movement from that strict orthodoxy will not allow them to pretend they're smarter than they really are.
Ironically, the phrase "anyone that says anything I don’t like is woke" is part of the orthodoxy of wokeness. It suggests that the author of the parent post won't engage with my arguments in any real way, because they're just reciting pieces of an orthodoxy they've been given.
My post didn't call PC Gamer "Woke", I called it "Dreck". The problem with it isn't necessarily that it has even performative orthodox progressive values, it's that it has always been boring, lazy, and typically just an industry mouthpiece. I used to subscribe to PC gaming magazines, and there ere more entertaining magazines such as the legendary PC Accelerator, there were more engaging magazines that brought in industry experts like Ken Levine, there were more neutral magazines such as PC Games magazine, but virtually all of those magazines failed while PC Gamer continues on.
The fact that the article spends so much time in its introduction using orthodox buzzwords is evidence of what I'm talking about. The actual article appears to be "someone I disagree with politically is doing a thing. They are bad because I disagree with him politically."
- Comment on Elon Musk says too many game studios are owned by giant corporations so his giant corporation is going to start a studio to 'make games great again' 3 months ago:
Yeah.... It's an actual shame that all the good magazines got shut down while dreck like this continues to survive.
- Comment on Valve must address swastikas and other hate on Steam, writes US senator in a letter to Gabe Newell 3 months ago:
A lot of fascists don't realize they're fascist.
Mussolini once said "Fascism can be better described as corporatism, the combination of state and corporate power". Under fascism, everything and everyone is socialized under the state, and everything becomes a tool of the state. For this reason, some historians call fascism "State Socialism", contrasting Hitler's "Racial Socialism" or Marxism's "Class Socialism", each of which use a totalizing state to socialize everyone into one group. So a government official putting pressure on a corporation to silence speech the state doesn't like is openly fascist, and many people think they want that sort of fascism.
In my book The Graysonian Ethic, I talk about why people think they want fascism(though they might call their fascism something different because they want to pretend they're not calling for fascism) but they actually don't:
"The truth is, everybody thinks that they want fascism because they imagine that fascism will do exactly what they want and nothing more. They look at all the groups of people that they do not like and they imagine that the fascists will go and clamp down on those people and then just stop. Reality is not so kind. Yes, the evil empire did go out and do reprehensible things to the group that they identified as causing the problem. Of course, you do not need to make any kind of choices to whether someone of that particular group caused any problems to realize that most people within any given group are not responsible for the actions of the few. Within any given group there are lots of people who are just trying to sit back and live their lives without hurting anyone. Despite that, this great evil empire went out and exterminated a people. They did not stop there though. To them, even amongst the people that they claimed to protect and try to save there were two sorts of people: those who supported the regime and those who did not. For many of those who supported the regime, they were given the means to gain tremendous wealth and power in a very short period of time. For those who did not, they had their livelihood stripped away, they were shunned, in some cases they joined the groups who faced extermination."
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on PC gaming fan Steven Spielberg says he "can't do controllers," prefers keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
The d day level of medal of honor was a serious moment. It's like "yeah, you keep dying and it's frustrating. You're watching all these other people die. But that's what it was actually like."
There was a moment where I had made it to the buildings and looked back and saw my brothers in arms being mowed down and it's a different experience than seeing it on TV.
- Comment on Major flaw found in CUPS - time to run Linux system updates 5 months ago:
It seems like the thing to do if you don't use printers is to erase the cups packages from your system to close that port. Not sure it's even patched yet.
- Comment on Openblack is a an attempt to recreate lost god game Black & White in a modern, open source game engine 5 months ago:
Glad to see a Black and white open source recreation, but you're correct in this regard. I have black and white on my PC right now in a dark corner.
- Comment on Roblox has been banned by the Turkish government due to child safety concerns 6 months ago:
"Like, you can say, 'Okay, we are exploiting, you know, child labour,' right? Or, you can say: we are offering people anywhere in the world the capability to get a job, and even like an income,"
You've convinced me. Let's eliminate child labor laws.
- Comment on Roblox has been banned by the Turkish government due to child safety concerns 6 months ago:
It always seemed kinda sus, glad I started a matrix homeserver instead.
- Comment on Minetest 5.9.0 brings performance improvements, a godrays shader and work towards SDL2 6 months ago:
I should learn SDL2...
- Comment on Fallout London's developers working on "huge" patch to come after its hotfixes 6 months ago:
No worries, I've done the same at times.
- Comment on Fallout London's developers working on "huge" patch to come after its hotfixes 6 months ago:
I know, I've already played it.
It's a joke, and it doesn't work nitpicking over the definition of "a game".
- Comment on Fallout London's developers working on "huge" patch to come after its hotfixes 6 months ago:
If the game wasn't massively buggy at launch, could you even call it a fallout game?
- Comment on Social-Media Influencers Aren’t Getting Rich—They’re Barely Getting By 8 months ago:
That's the customers. Dealers, especially as they rise above ground level, want to look wildly successful so they can attract kids who think they'll be rich. It was written about extensively in the book freakonomics.
- Comment on Republicans Poised To Kill Bump Stock Ban—Even After Many Once Supported Restrictions 8 months ago:
Trump undoubtedly had to "do something" after the last Vegas shooting politically, so that was his "something"...
- Comment on Social-Media Influencers Aren’t Getting Rich—They’re Barely Getting By 8 months ago:
Drug dealers have a similar problem too where they need to look rich as part of their brand which is a major burden when you're not rich.
- Comment on Federation Issues As Of Late March 2024 11 months ago:
Ironically, this post federated.
- Comment on Hasbro exec says Baldur's Gate 3 "proved for us that people really wanted great D&D games," supports Larian's plan to "take the time we need" 11 months ago:
The particularly hilarious part of this is that moments later Hasbro ditched Larian.
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on double slit 11 months ago:
It's really frustrating that people who don't understand this experiment have insanely taken into assume that a magic particle spell understands if a human being is watching or not.
- Comment on drafting 11 months ago:
There's definitely something to be said for trying to get it mostly correct the first time.
- Comment on Steam breaking records again hitting over 36 million players online 11 months ago:
It's pretty funny that most of the top games are like 10 years old or more.