Comment on New survey reports one in 10 game developers have lost their jobs in 2024 1 month ago
It's gonna keep happening until they start making games for people who play them again.
A chunk of the games industry is making games for board room executives.
A chunk of the games industry is making games for the media.
A chunk of the games industry is making games for political insiders.
Problem is,
Board room executives are supposed to be selling games, they aren't the primary customers themselves.
The media is supposed to be talking about games for people who play games, they aren't the primary customers themselves.
Political insiders are just hoping to use poorly produced propaganda to change hearts and minds, they aren't the primary customers themselves.
And so most people just keep playing and buying games that were made for people who play games, since they aren't board room executives, part of the media, or political insiders.
A lot of the more simplistic things said about games today are actually just heuristics for games only made for these three groups. "Oh, it has X, it was made for the New York Times, not for me." "Oh, it has Y, it was made for continuous monetization, not for me." "Oh, it has Z, this was made to spread a message, not for me." Then people get all defensive about X Y and Z, not realizing it's just a heuristic and most people will play a good game with all 3 if it's good, but given how expensive games are, a heuristic that's mostly accurate is enough to scare a lot of people away from a game. How many hours does it take you to earn the 100 dollars they're floating for GTA6?