- Comment on Capcom says it’s working on ‘re-activating other dormant IPs’ like Onimusha and Okami 2 months ago:
Viewtiful Joe is definitely one that should get the treatment
- Comment on Understandable, copy that. 3 months ago:
My landlady texts like that. But I think she’s just speed typing or dictating and not at all reading it before hitting send. The guy who lives in the back does the same, but I think that one’s on the drugs
- Comment on Assassin's Creed Mirage arrives on Steam as Ubisoft return to Valve's store 4 months ago:
Ooo, another Ubisoft game I can not spend my money on. Always enjoy a chance to financially give them as much of a middle finger as I can
- Comment on Magic Mineral 4 months ago:
“If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation…”
- Comment on Any game with a forced stealth section needs to have it as a warning so you know not to buy crap. 4 months ago:
Maybe it’s just been a while for me but what part was this? I dont remember a section like that off the top of my head.
- Comment on shavette razor - some thoughts 4 months ago:
It can take some getting used to, but I can shave in under 30 seconds once the lather is on my face. I don’t shave everything, just lining up the beard line, but a full face shave would take about a minute and a half tops. Pulling the skin taut with your off hand helps. Play around with how you hold it too. I typically fold my handle almost all the way around so I can control the tilt with more precision. Go slow until you naturally go fast. You’ll naturally speed up with practice.
- Comment on PC gaming fan Steven Spielberg says he "can't do controllers," prefers keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
They have left-hand hardware that has a thumb analog stick and a bunch of mapable keys. Problem is getting games to use “controller” functions like analog sticks and mouse functions at the same time. I haven’t tried it myself, but apparently most games don’t have a way to recognize and use that as a keyboard function
- Comment on Crowds talking over the artist 5 months ago:
Not the person you replied to, but I was the same way until I realized all my favorite artists were either dying or retiring and chances to ever see them were slipping away, and quickly. I just go to whatever shows I can and just be present in the moment. Even small local shows. I’ve found a bunch of cool artists by going to shows with artists I don’t even know.
Like, imagine having the opportunity to see a Zeppelin show in their prime, then imagine thinking about going, then saying “meh.” I couldn’t even comprehend the regret I would feel passing something like that up. And it circles back to not knowing you’re in the “good old days” until they’re already past. I just don’t want to look back at missed opportunities and kick myself for the rest of my life.
Like they said, it’s not for everyone, especially not these days. Ticketmaster is a plague, most shows are ridiculously overpriced with food and drink to match, and way too many people are focused on taking a video they’ll never watch. But if things only get worse, I’m going to go down swinging and keep going to shows until doing so would financially break me.
- Comment on Balatro is now out on Mobile. Humanity is doomed. 5 months ago:
Fun game. I don’t usually go in for card games, so I ignored the hype, but this is a good one. Got to ante 4 a few times over the last couple of hours before rng killed me. I’m sure I’ll get my money’s worth out of this one
- Comment on is this true? 5 months ago:
That is the translation I’ve seen, so kudos! It’s Marth’s default taunt voice line. I got really used to hearing it back in the day, usually interrupted as my cockiness got punished.
- Comment on is this true? 5 months ago:
Yoshi and Marth. In summary, I am what they call a “basic bitch.” Minna, miteite kure!
- Comment on Anon works the phones 5 months ago:
I worked a call center briefly and did this with an older lady for about 15 minutes. She was just talking about how she spends her time and what her daughter was up to. I got called into the boss’s office because they heard the conversation. I tried to cover my ass saying I was trying to build rapport, but I got told quantity over quality. Make the calls, follow the script, close the sale. So glad I only wasted like 2 months of my life there.
Side note, the main business model itself was a scam. The “sale” wasn’t even a real sale. We were feeling out for people with bad credit to send to our “partner” law firm for credit repair. If they signed up with them after the transfer for $100/mo, only then did I get any commission. And it paid commission against minimum wage, so you only ever saw a benefit if your commissions alone surpassed what your minimum wage paycheck would be. Man, every detail I can remember about that place is scummier than the last. Fuck them and everyone like them. I’m ashamed to have counted myself among their number, however briefly.
- Comment on The age of wood 6 months ago:
This does have real implications in dendrochronology. If you were to take a beam from a structure built hundreds or even thousands of years ago, you can use ring spacing along with climate records of the area it was cut down in to determine when it was cut down, which will tell you the approximate age of the structure (and as a result, the tree). The rings can reflect events such as floods, fires, droughts, and periods of rapid growth, so if you can match those up with climate records and known samples, it works out the way the graphic describes.
- Comment on Ladt book that made you cry. 7 months ago:
That movie slaps you in the face at the end in a pretty universally relatable way. No shame in that one.
- Comment on There you go, buddy! 7 months ago:
It is a video. Lemmy clients seem to be broken for some videos and gifs, I have no idea why. This one works for me, but some others don’t
- Comment on be on the lookout for the giant rake from the sky 7 months ago:
We happy?
- Comment on I should be banned from using microwaves 7 months ago:
See, that’s the thing. I still can’t tell if you’re talking about several buttons, or if you’re talking about buttons located in parking lots. You’re saving a miniscule amount of time at best.
- Comment on Fuck Chasing Youth. What's the URL DAMMIT 7 months ago:
Well shit I was today years old
- Comment on SPLORP! 8 months ago:
They’re in the right place to get peat
- Comment on Alan Wake II Has yet to Recoup Development and Marketing Expenses; Tencent Raised Stakes in Remedy to 14% 9 months ago:
Control is fantastic if you like the Remedy vibe. Not checking it out would be doing yourself a disservice, I think.
- Comment on The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise 10 months ago:
I understood their logic most of the time (some iffy moments for sure), but my main issue with it was it all felt too fast. Like someone telling a great story but in such a rush to the finale that they end up glossing over details that make it so enjoyable. Decisions the characters made felt like they should have cooked several times longer than they did. I expected some arcs to last a half a season, maybe even a full one. But by the end of the episode it’s not an issue anymore and we’ve moved on.
That said, Walton Goggins is killing his role, and I see it as a solid resume addition for a lot of the others. There are scenes and lines that are meh, but also ones that show me these actors can pull off some great performances
- Comment on Fallout Show, so bad that no one will remember it in 3 months 10 months ago:
I love Fallout and played 3, NV, and 4 avidly. It’s a good adaptation. A little campy, but it feels like something made by people who know and love the source material. And with the goofy moments come some real nasty aspects of the wasteland laid bare with no question as to how nasty it is, even in the first couple episodes.
The Vaults setup was unique enough to feel new, but fit the Vault-Tec MO nicely. 4 felt generic, but I think it was mainly included for people who didn’t play the games so they could get a general vibe.
The subtle nods are nice, with enough items and mechanics from the games peppered through to make it feel like part of the universe. Some are on the nose like Sugarbombs, but I’ve recognized generic NPC armor from the games on extras in the background.
It was also odd but fun to see game mechanics work in real time, like seeing drugs heal a grievous injury
If you want an adaptation of Fallout story it may fall short with the lighter stuff. But if you want an adaptation of a Fallout playthrough I think you’re I for a good time.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 14th 10 months ago:
My first playthrough clocked in around 200 hours. Now, I still do almost everything but it’s faster. Only 150 hours now… About to wrap up playthrough number 5. And I’ll probably be coming back in a year for 6.
Can’t get into outer wilds though. Feel like I’m 50-60% through the game and I have no idea when or how to go where I think I need to. Took a break to play CP2077 run #4 and look where that got me
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
This. It would have to be set as relative to something, why you would define that as any object not Earth or on Earth is a mystery to me
- Comment on Simple enough 10 months ago:
No, I’m a mediocre battery. Now my cousin Mose, that’s a master baiter
- Comment on a booty that makes it rain 10 months ago:
This guy shows you how to make it using vinyl
- Comment on I have attempted science. 11 months ago:
Looks like they put off the science fair project for too long and had to throw this little number together the weekend before. Been there, I still remember mine: what genre of music will cats like? Hypothesis: classical. Result: hard rock. Sampled 4 cats over 5 genres, took an hour. Methodology was crap. Sample size was crap. It was a non-experiment that scraped a “you tried” grade
- Comment on Somewhere in North Dakota 11 months ago:
This episode is the only reason I know what lutefisk is. Every time i see the word I react like the person you responded to.
- Comment on After 100ish years, Graffiti becomes noteworthy 1 year ago:
Now write it out a hundred times. Finish it by morning or I’ll cut your balls off.
- Comment on Thank you plastics :) 1 year ago:
And here I thought they were just bad for your scalp