Now perhaps that goblin finally has time to take a shower and clean his cave.
Submitted 4 months ago by to
Comments 4 months ago 4 months ago
Here’s one face I wish I could block. Searching any video game topic on YouTube always pops his drama filled mug in the results. 4 months ago
Need to work on your algorithm… I watch almost exclusively gaming stuff and I never see him. 4 months ago
Go through your history and delete any history with him in it, and you won’t see him ever again. 4 months ago
A year back he started invading my feed and I took the bait for a bit. Ended up blocking all his channels I came across though. My mental health has thanked me. 4 months ago
Really can’t stand his dumbass face. The fucking epitome of click bait and reaction faces on thumbnails. Usually just riding whatever hate-train is active for his free clicks and internet points. It’s honestly baffling how this goblin garnered such an army of followers. 4 months ago
Streamer culture is one of the cringiest part of modern internet 4 months ago
I miss when WoW streamers, with dead animals stuck in their ceiling would shut up, and play their game, instead of spewing hateful bullshit without any education on the topic 4 months ago
Once the dead rat and blood wall were cleaned up, the stream really went down hill 4 months ago
WoW players not spew hateful bullshit they know nothing about? Who would even be left at that point? 4 months ago
Whatever the topic, it’s best to avoid the opinions of videogame streamers/youtubers on matters outside of videogames.
I somehow doubt Hoyt has ever lived in Israel/Palestine, speaks Hebrew or Arabic or has ever read the Talmud, Bible or Quaran (even partially, but in a serious manner; one that provides some context on the “styling” of Abrahamic religious texts).
I haven’t seen much of Hoyt’s content, but the few clips I’ve seen seemed very low effort. If you can’t even be bothered to make good content around videogames, you should definitely avoid narcissistic outbursts on serious matters. 4 months ago
Thank you for saying something common sense. Streamers of all kinds are probably not the ‘experts’ we need to listen to. 4 months ago
I went through a brief Asmongold phase about a year or two ago where I enjoyed just listening to him rant and bitch (mostly) about the video game industry. He was surprisingly articulate at times and not quite how I had perceived him. I watched him take a political alignment test and he was dumbfounded that he was fairly left-wing. I thought that might be a turning point for him, but then election season came around and he went right back to being an obnoxious Trump-supporting Texan. I don’t think Asmongold even knows who he is deep down or what he stands for. I think he just spews vomit from his brain and doubles-down on all of it because he’s incapable of dropping an argument or admitting he was wrong. It’s kind of his shtick, but I’m long since done with it. 4 months ago
I’m my experience, that’s most right-wingers in Texas. They’ll bitch about corporate power, the consolidation of megacorps, the little guy getting fucked over and then just be completely unable to process that the last 40 years of Republican rule are why that’s happening. 4 months ago
I really think it all boils down to the regressive thought prison that permeates religious culture, and anything that is adjacent to it. Asmongold himself has stated on many occasions that he was raised in a Roman Catholic environment even though he personally rebelled against it.
However, when everyone you are around in society still uses the same flawed logic pathways, lacks critical thinking skills, and perpetuates the hegemonic in-group dynamics that surround that religious world-view you are still personally psychologically affected by it even if you don’t subscribe to the religious component of it.
That’s the even more nefarious, pernicious, and hidden damage caused by promulgating religious culture is that it makes being willfully ignorant not only permissable, but REQUIRED in order to conform to the group identity. I can see how that influence has literally broken his brain in ways he appears to not even be consciously aware of yet.
We’ll see if this wakes him up, or drives him further into his echo-chamber in an attempt to avoid the painful process of overcoming cognitive dissonance. Only time will tell, but I will admit the deck is stacked against him when he has such a massive financial incentive resist developing a more mature, nuanced worldview. 4 months ago
Personally I think he actually wants to be a decent person deep down, but the environment he built for himself has led to a self-reinforcing manifestation of the macro-scale problems that are facing young men in this generation. For that reason I don’t hate Asmongold because I believe he is still reachable, and has the opportunity to have a moral arc that could potentially help a lot of people if he was willing to do the work of real self-actualization. 4 months ago
Step one to not being an asshole is to just stop thinking people should not be alive anymore. That’s literally the easiest thing. Just literally being cool with people being alive. 4 months ago
I realy can’t judge a person I don’t know personally, but I sure is hell can judge their content. And for Asmonds videos and streams, there’s just nothing there. There is literally zero content. You know those memes that imitate Joe Rogan, well here is one for Asmond.
“Yeah, Yeah”
“They way it is, is actually…” *blanket statement*
“Yeah, Uh Huh, No”
“Well actually…” *other blanket statement*
“What I would do is…” *some nonsense*
“Yeah, Yeah, Uh huh.”
Continues to pause and unpause a 10 minute video over the course of an hour.
That’s basically it, it’s almost an anomaly how content like that can get somebody filthy rich. It ads zero value to the platform or any of the viewers lives. I can even excuse other creators doing their YLYL challange #547, because it at least involves humor and engagement. But if Asmond would disappear over night, I bet not only would nobody miss him, there wouldn’t even be anybody to replace him, because his success is a straight up anomaly.
All these shitty reaction streamers are literally standing on the great shoulders of Filthy Frank, Jontron, early H3H3, early Idubbz, Cinemassacre, Ray William Johnson, etc. But those at least had weight behind their reactions, with bits and actual production behind every video. Those reaction streamers literally sit on their ass watch videos and somehow people pay them solely to hear their opinion, what a sad existence on both ends. To be frank, this is barely a step up of those YT shorts of a guy just staring into the camera while the top half of the screen shows some random video. I know YouTubes moto was “Broadcast Yourself” but some people really shouldn’t take that to heart. 4 months ago
Not only ignorant, he’s disgustingly evil. His shocked O face clickbait “reaction” spam content is all over youtube algorithm and it’s impossible to avoid. This is the type of people preteens/teens online look up to and eagerly mimic their opinions.
I’ve been clicking ‘Not Interested’ on all his thumbnails for over a year but Youtube still keeps suggesting his shitty content to me even though I never watch any “streamer X reacts to bullshit” video in my life in first place. It’s the lowest effort and stupidest content on the internet. Unless you were a professor or an expert in such field and were making a weighted statement on given topic, why in the fuck would I care streamer X reacts to bullshit in something he never trained or learned shit about.
This Asmdouchbag, on top of being an ignorant self-absorbed unsympathetic wealthy sociopath making statements such as “Thanks God I’m American because we have the superior culture and the most well-off in the world compared to these third-world peasants,” on top of that he never studied any history degree or have had any life experience related to this. HOLYFUCK STFU you uneducated ignorant unsympathetic sociopath and keep scamming your poor kiddy audience for donations playing 4 months ago
I hate that youtube lacks any means to block entire channels 4 months ago
The problem is also how YouTube compartmentalizes the content. I like the Alveus Sactuary Channel, Maya Higa has probably one of the most noble causes for streaming. But because she’s related to OTK, YouTube thinks it’s fine to blast me with the full dose of their cringe drama. No amount of “not interested” or channel blocking is going to solve that, because there’s always gonna be copycat clipper channel reposting the same twitch clips over and over.
It’s funny how YouTube killed early short form animation channels (which was arguably peak YouTube content at the time) in favor for long form content, but then introduced Shorts. But those barely pay anything so people either rehash their 10+ minute video into 20 YT Shorts or spam AI generated garbage en masse. There’s also apparently no copyright enforcement on those shorts, since you can essential watch the entirety of a 2.5 hrs movie in segmented shorts with shitty music layered on top. 4 months ago
I think he made decent enough content when the competition wasn’t particularly fierce, then kept coasting on the early adopter acclaim. 4 months ago
Say what you will about him, but he still links to the videos he reacts to, allowing me to immediately click on them if a recommendation for his reactions ever pop up. I think our monkey brains still try to look to see the reactions from the group (hence karma scores) to determine how to approach a topic, and they fill in the void that is absent in streaming platforms. So now, we have more personality cults than ever before and the hidden agendas that try to subvert them to their interests (Cambridge Analytica, now Emerdata, only one example because only they were brought to court).
Still, opinions aside, reaction videos should be forced to share revenue with the original content creator. And if its supposed to be criticism, they should learn how to do it without reaction videos. Only the platform can really begin to do this. 4 months ago
Oh, wait, they have genocide built into their religious books now, do they now?
“From the cities of these peoples which YHWH your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not let anything that breathes remain alive. You shall surely annihilate them (haḥărēm taḥărîmēm) … just as YHWH your God has commanded you so that they may not teach you to do any of the abominations that they do for their gods, and you thus sin against YHWH your God” Deuteronomy 20:16–17
Oh, yep, nevermind, I can see it, carry on. 4 months ago
So is quran read chapter 9 4 months ago
The problem is at the source of Abrahamic religions, so being only concerned about one particular subset says a lot. 4 months ago
I don’t think he actually plays games anymore. He just says company is finished and here’s why. It’s usually a really bad take. 4 months ago
“I don’t give a fuck, they’re terrible people who have genocide baked into their laws”
Okay, assuming any of that is true, how is what the IDF is doing any better? Fucking moron. Take a shower, you sweaty talentless hack. Leave the political commentary to people who actually understand current events. 4 months ago
He’s a self professed degenerate, and wealthy to boot. He doesn’t give a shit what any of us think.
It’s nice his dad called and gave him shit though, since his audience is more toxic than he is and he shouldn’t be feeding them like that.
I’ve seen enough of his content to know he’s usually pretty quick to shut down talk just like what he got in trouble for so I don’t know what got into him that day. 4 months ago
It was a debate so things probably got heated, not about to watch him debate Hasan to confirm lol. 4 months ago
It was surprisingly chill. Hasan was super patient with him though. 4 months ago
Man, I hope this doesn’t come across as me sounding like a doomer, but it’s too late. That one rant has most certainly radicalized so much of his audience. A temporary band isn’t going to do anything to fix the damage that he’s caused. 4 months ago
Well, this event led to him talking to Hasan for like 3-4 hours. And although Hasan probably won’t change his mind, Hasan getting 4 hours of his viewers attention may end up with more good than harm.
Maybe that’s just copium though 4 months ago
Half his audience are alt lite incense tbf 4 months ago
Fuck that dude, not even surprised 4 months ago
Yeah, super shocked he took a break from saying dumb regressive shit about gaming to say dumb regressive shit about Palestine. 4 months ago
I’ve heard that it’s a two week ban, which for a streamer is huge, since any day your banned, subscriptions do not auto-renew. Guy will lose half his recurring income. Depending on the fan he could get it back of course since they could re-sub after he’s back, but there’s still gonna be a big chunk of folks who will either forget, forgot they were subbed to begin with and thus not notice they were un-subbed, or just use that as their clean break moment. 4 months ago
He makes no income from twitch. You cannot donate or sub to him AFAIK. 4 months ago
After a bit of looking into it: He has an unmonetized alt channel zackrawrr that is his primary streaming channel, but his main asmongold channel is still monetized and can be subscribed/donated to. I don’t personally follow the guy (as the only things I’ve heard about him have been uninteresting at best, and horrifying at worst [e.g. rat alarm clock] and have no interest in WoW.), so I was unaware. As a general statement regarding streamers though, what I’ve said is correct. 4 months ago
G*mer moments used to be private affairs shared between strangers in a CoD lobby, like God intended, now these kids stream them, smh. 4 months ago
Looks like he made a follow up and apology video. Hopefully he’s serious and actually follows up since it sounds like he’s taking the ban and his father reaching out to him as a wake up call. 4 months ago
This is far from a one off. He does fucked up shit like this constantly, for years. He’s made millions from the controversy.
I doubt hes done. 4 months ago
Yeah, I don’t believe the apology for one second. Hes gonna have to prove hes changed over a looong period of time before I actually believe it. 4 months ago
Hmm… not bad. I only watched 5ish min, but he seems genuine - that is to say, he realizes he fucked up, not that he’ll actually change anything
More interesting, to me, as someone that had only heard about this from headlines, you can clearly see the mental illness pervasive in his community by looking at the comments and even moreso by looking at the guy’s room. Dude is someone we should pity, not hate - granted I understand influencers having massive platforms, and well influence
Still, I wish we could be more like the Palestinians and Arabs he mentions, that checked on him to see if he was ok, instead of the knee-jerk, quick to react Americans we are, that are ready to pounce on a fallen
neighborenemy and eager to find ways we’re different to further divide 4 months ago
Oh he for sure has tons of mental issues and illnesses and so does a portion of his community. The thing is, he’s been a major streamer for fucking ever, at this point it’s sort of his fault he’s like that. He’s had loved ones and family try to help over the years but he just has the money to tell them to fuck off. Usually it’s hitting rock bottom that gets people to change but it’s very hard to do that when you have tons of money and don’t do drugs. 4 months ago
The comments on this are a shit show 4 months ago
Lots of panicking that he’s “gone woke” instead of being happy that he might improve as a person. 4 months ago
He looks so fuckling unwashed and nasty. 4 months ago
Because he is. I went down a little rabbit hole about him over the last couple days and he literally doesn’t clean anything, not even himself.
Here’s a house tour another channel did it his home and it’s… something. 4 months ago
He’s affiliated with that other channel fyi 4 months ago
If you think he has some disgusting viewpoints and personality, wait till you see his wall. 4 months ago
He dropped an excuse video saying he went too far but also he still believes Palestinians have an inferior extremist culture.
Yep. 4 months ago
I had not heard the thing… holy shit that was racist and idiotic. and the apology is useless… what a twat 4 months ago
It seems pretty consistent that any time I hear somebody mention Sharia Law, I am in for some horrible takes.
No anomalies detected in this case. 4 months ago
Am I supposed to know who that is?
Because I don’t.
And I don’t give a shit that I don’t. 4 months ago
You just give a shit about letting everyone know that you don’t give a shit that you don’t know him at least 4 months ago
sorry sir, going forward we will only be reporting on people you know personally, sorry for the inconvenience 4 months ago
Why comment then?
“I don’t want to get in the pool, I’ll get wet.”
Steps onto first step of pool with socks on 4 months ago
Oh its just Asmongold, not someone who is actually likable. Oh well. Get jebaited loser. 4 months ago
Well that’s awfully antisemitic of Twitch /s 4 months ago
“They come from an inferior culture that is horrible, it kills people for their identity, and it is directly antithetical to everything Western values stand for, and it is an inferior culture in all ways. It is that simple.”
That santorum extract of a man probably did not see the irony hidden in his sentence 4 months ago
This coming from the guy that can barely handle personal hygiene and lives in abject filth. Just shut the fuck up and play WoW dude. 4 months ago
well I didn’t know that about him but it kinda completes the portrait in a consistent way 4 months ago
He joked on his feed that he has a dead rat on his windowsill and when the heat of the sun hits it the smell is what wakes him up in the morning.
This is the guy accusing some folks on the opposite side of the world of having an inferior horrible culture. 4 months ago
i mean hes not a very bright guy. he was complaining about if they made metal gear solid delta(3 remake) political when metal gear as a series is one of the most political series ever. 4 months ago
TIL of the neologism santorum, thank you for blessing my day 4 months ago
my pleasure, pay it forward ! 4 months ago
Financially? I don’t see how…
With clubs and other blunt force objects? I mean, yeah, but is he worth going to jail over? 4 months ago 4 months ago
That’s his plan allegedly