- Comment on Anon envies the boomers 3 hours ago:
Exception to Rule 1: Be Conan Fucking O’Brian
- Comment on How was your valentines day weekend? 3 days ago:
The girl got hammered and drilled too on that day.
- Comment on What's the tallest pyramid we'd be able to build? Can we reach space? 1 week ago:
That’s not really the limiting factor for pyramids. If you were to build a shape of equal height, say a cube, then yes this would be the main issue.
What are the failure modes for a pyramid?
- A 45° pyramid can’t tip over since it’s center of mass is always sufficiently far enough from the bottom edge. So tipping isn’t one.
- I’d say bending through cross winds is also not an issue for a pyramid unless you make it out of jello. So that’s also not a failure mode.
- Crumbling of the bottom layers because of the weight of the top layers is definetly one.
- Uneven foundation strength can cause the supporting area to be weaker in some spots more than in others, so that’s another failure mode.
I’d say the crumbling and Foundation issues are heavily mitigated by 2 main factors.
The outer edge is always of height zero. As the pyramid grows in height it also gets wider, but the only point that is at risk of imminent collapse is the very center of the pyramid, since it is the only point that will reach a critical supporting mass first.
Let’s say the pyramid reaches a height and the furthes block at the bottom in the center crumbles (let’s assume it actually turns into straight up dust). The clumbled block will still support some pressure but will also transfer it laterally into the adjacent blocks (essentialy like a liquid). Now the main question is “How many adjacent blocks does it need to support one crumbled block?”. If the answer is ≤1, than you have no problem, because with each new block in height, the pyramid also gets 1 block wider at each side. Similar to water pressure, the lateral force the blocks exhibit will increase linearly with height therefore never outpassing the increase in pyramid width. If it’s >1 than you will reach a point where the outer walls of the pyramid will start to collapse from inside pressure, and that will be your limiting factor for height.2nd:
The blocks can be cemeted together, so whatever forces are being transfered laterally will not only be supported by the adjacent blocks, but also blocks adjacent to them and so on, and so on…
Same thing goes for uneven foundation strength. The local decrease in support will be spread over a wider area because the blocks are merged together. Also Pyramids are usually not build block on block, but with a 50% offset, which will further aid to stabilize the structure.Usually, If you look at mathematical calculations for things like sky elevators the form to support the structure looks like a symmetric reciprocal function. This function actually requires way less material to support the weight of the center piece of the structure than a pyramid. So not only could a pyramid essentialy support itself until earths centrifugal forces take over, it would also be way too overkill in doing that.
- Comment on He's so negative. He's so weird. 1 week ago:
Especially on your chin.
- Comment on What is acceptable amount of microplastics you would allow into your brain? 1 week ago:
- Comment on My help button is grayed out 1 week ago:
I’m cultured. I say “C’esta vie.”
- Comment on My help button is grayed out 1 week ago:
If you press “Help” they put you in a room with push handles, polished metal mirrors and take away you shoe laces.
- Comment on emotional regulation hub? 1 week ago:
Give me ASMR of a guy taking you to the woods, making you dig your own grave putting a gun to your head but hesitating pulling the trigger.
- Comment on It's laundry day! 1 week ago:
In this economy? Hell no!
- Comment on It's laundry day! 1 week ago:
I love sending shit like this to my friends without context just to ruin their good mood.
- Comment on yes god 2 weeks ago:
I’m afraid to find out.
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 2 weeks ago:
What about weakness exercise?
- Comment on What is a metaphor you like in your language? 2 weeks ago:
C’est la vie. Because it is what it is.
- Comment on ocan't 2 weeks ago:
Jumping of a roof will turn you from physics to forensics real quick.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Guy didn’t do the Age / 2 + 7 rule.
- Comment on Try walking a mile in these shoes 3 weeks ago:
Me when I lie
- Comment on Anon signs up for a 5k 3 weeks ago:
A: People who never experienced it fear loneliness more than they fear death.
B: People change over time, the person you married might not be the same person in 10 years.
- Comment on Hope they're into basements ***alot***. 3 weeks ago:
I think they mean somebody who realizes about them self that their inability to reliably put food on the table is probably not looked favorably upon in terms of a partner. The reason for that can be purely environmental or psychological but mostly a bit of both.
- Comment on Oh no, they're hot! 3 weeks ago:
I can fix her.
- Comment on Boss Mode 4 weeks ago:
And it is remarkably consistent at doing that.
- Comment on sometimes it be like that 4 weeks ago:
Talking only with people in the field, so when you say “The thing does the thing with the thing”, they know what you mean.
- Comment on Whoever refuted it, pooted it 4 weeks ago:
So TIL that “rebuttal” ryhmes with “butthole”.
Ok English, come with me, were gonna go take a walk in the fields and look at the flowers.
- Comment on Metal Gear Rising is seriously overrated 4 weeks ago:
I tried it but I couldn’t get over the fact that there is no dedicated parry/block button. Also the game looks horribly dated with muddy textures and environments.
It doesn’t have the soul of a Metal Gear game. Its quite literally Bayonetta with a Metal Gear reskin. Metal Gears gameplay is mostly about player freedom. You have to get from point A to B and how you do it is up to you. Rising takes all of that away, just hack and slash to kill everybody. Its still fun, but definitely not a Metal Gear players cup of tea.
I had the same realization about 40K Space Marine (the old one). When it originally cane out I loved it, but I replayed it a few months ago and realized that its kind of bad. Its just corridor, arena, corridor, arena, corridor,… There’s not really anything to it, not even the story. Why is it so highly praised? Because back when we first played it we thought it was cool and nostalgia is a powerful thing.
I only played Rising recently precisely because back when it came out it deviated so much from the first Trailers. I wanted Metal Gear Solid 4 but with Raiden, but what we got was Metal Gear Devil May Cry.
- Comment on Please give balls the appreciation they deserve 4 weeks ago:
Your mom knows how to give balls the attention they deserve.
- Comment on If I strapped a weight to a tortoise, could I train it go relatively fast? 4 weeks ago:
People use fingerboards to give their turtles the Zoomies.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 4 weeks ago:
$600 <-> prolly three fiddy
- Comment on Anon's date has a third degree burn 5 weeks ago:
i love
it when my burnt skinless finger starts spraying blood andmy datesqueezes it, giving me unmeasurable amounts of pain :3 - Comment on I wouldn't stand for it 5 weeks ago:
You sure they don’t teach computer science on the side?
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
I know the feeling too well of not having a place to invite somebody to. But I always told myself that if it ever came down to it, I hopefully could convince the two halfbrained adults that call themselves my parents to behave for a few hours. But in the end it didn’t really matter because it never came down to it anyway.
A long while ago there was a post by a distressed young woman who struggled to enter relationships. I really connected with what she said but of course had no answer for her either. But what I’ve noticed is that all comments completely missed the point of the question.
I used a casino as a metaphor for dating which I think applies pretty well. Dating is essentialy that - no matter how much effort you put in, nothing is ever guaranteed or given, it all essentially comes down to luck.
What the vast majority of people hear when somebody is asking for dating advice is that they play the game but lack any success. They then give you advice on how to play your cards right, how to increase your chances, how to cut you losses, etc. But they don’t understand it’s not about how to win the table, but how to get into the casino in the first place. Not what to I tell the dealer at the table, but what do I tell the bouncer at the door?
It’s not about the rejection I’m facing, its about the fact that my mere approach is seen as an insult. It’s the audacity to ask to be included in something that is considered a normal part of life for others.
There’s a disorder, I forgot what it’s called but it makes people feel especially uneasy around psychopaths, even if the psychopaths themselves are extremely good at hiding their psychopathy. Basically those people can pick up on queues nobody else, not even the psychopaths themselves are aware of. This is essential how I and many others feel, like there’s something about us that we are unaware of but everybody else picks up on that tells them to keep their distance. Something that is outside of our control. We could have every trait that would make anybody other than us attractive, yet we would still end up being alone because at some point nature pointed her finger at us at said “Yes, but not you”.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Its 25-34.