- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 4 months ago:
Not to be annoying, but can someone please ELI5 how kernel level anti-cheat software actually works, or link good resources where I can read about it.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
I really think it all boils down to the regressive thought prison that permeates religious culture, and anything that is adjacent to it. Asmongold himself has stated on many occasions that he was raised in a Roman Catholic environment even though he personally rebelled against it.
However, when everyone you are around in society still uses the same flawed logic pathways, lacks critical thinking skills, and perpetuates the hegemonic in-group dynamics that surround that religious world-view you are still personally psychologically affected by it even if you don’t subscribe to the religious component of it.
That’s the even more nefarious, pernicious, and hidden damage caused by promulgating religious culture is that it makes being willfully ignorant not only permissable, but REQUIRED in order to conform to the group identity. I can see how that influence has literally broken his brain in ways he appears to not even be consciously aware of yet.
We’ll see if this wakes him up, or drives him further into his echo-chamber in an attempt to avoid the painful process of overcoming cognitive dissonance. Only time will tell, but I will admit the deck is stacked against him when he has such a massive financial incentive resist developing a more mature, nuanced worldview.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Personally I think he actually wants to be a decent person deep down, but the environment he built for himself has led to a self-reinforcing manifestation of the macro-scale problems that are facing young men in this generation. For that reason I don’t hate Asmongold because I believe he is still reachable, and has the opportunity to have a moral arc that could potentially help a lot of people if he was willing to do the work of real self-actualization.
- Comment on Ghost of Yōtei - Announce Trailer | PS5 Games 5 months ago:
Oh man, I swear I saw the weight from a Kusarigama. I have been waiting with baited breath for another game to deploy my favorite weapon from Nioh. I’m extremely hyped for this. I hope they introduce some more RPG-ish elements too.
- Comment on He must be stopped! 6 months ago:
I also downvoted you both as a show of support for the consistency of your principals, and because I think Vaush is an annoying fuck too.
I didn’t even know about most of the rage-bait controversy shit from this thread. I just hated him because he’s the living embodiment of the Well Ackshually meme…
- Comment on "Dog Walk" 6 months ago:
- Submitted 6 months ago to [deleted] | 11 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Nice, uhhh…username ya got there…I think…
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
I was hear for the beans and the jeans, but what’s this about weird wizard spells?
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
That was a good read. Definitely worthy of a save. Thanks for sharing fellow Lemming!
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
I don’t have any skin in the game as I am allergic to both cats and vegans.
However, I think this is kind of interesting because it is going to be one of the first major pieces of Lemmy Lore that a large amount of the userbase is aware of.
In a weird way it means we are forming the bonds of a real community, and even though this is clearly an antagonistic topic it is going to be a lasting piece of history that for better or worse defines our culture.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
This is my number one pick as well. Just keep it the fuck away from Disney.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
I was just thinking about Splinter Cell the other day. It’s crazy how every single third person game turned into a “souls-like”. It seems like we used to get such better diversity in game genres.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Don’t forget Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3.
- Comment on arthropods 10 months ago:
Let me put it to you this way:
I would rather slam my fingers in a car door than move to the South.
- Comment on arthropods 10 months ago:
Can confirm. Am north, no centipedes in my clothes or roach eggs in my house.
- Comment on arthropods 10 months ago:
Where do you live? I’d like to know so I can put that on my list of places to not go.
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
Ironically I do neither anymore, but thank you. You as well!
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
The main reason you would not smoke undried Cannabis is because it does not ignite. It certainly can be done though. Generally I would suggest using a vaporizer though in that instance. The other reason is that the drying process causes the further oxidation of the trichome heads which increases the ratio of CBN to THC leading to a more balanced effect.
fermenting sugars is not a chemical process, but a biological process
If you’re going to be pedantic, at least be accurate. It certainly is a chemical process. That process is facilitated by biological organisms, and would therefore more aptly be called a biochemical process I suppose. Anyways, as riveting as this exchange has been, I think I’ve made my points effectively. Hopefully I have been able to shed some light on some layman’s Cannabis science. If you have any further questions feel free to ask. Always happy to help educate 👍
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
Which still makes no fucking sense considering that you do not “make” Cannabis. It is naturally occurring plant-life. There is an ADDITIONAL chemical process that is necessary to turn fruit into alcohol. While that fermentation process can occur without human intervention, it is still an additional process that is not fundamentally necessary for Cannabis to become intoxicating…
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
Not all animals have the same type of endocannabinoid receptors as homosapiens. However, plenty of animals choose to consume Cannabis plants in nature where they are available, and have not been eradicated. I fail to see what any of this has to do with your initial point though. The process of drying Cannabis is not what “activates” THC. That process is called decarboxylation. I’m not aware of any animals that can get stoned simply by eating Cannabis before it has gone through the process of decarboxylation through heating. However, your initial statement was that Cannabis needed to go through some kind of specific process for it to produce THC in the same way that fruit must go through fermentation. This is simply not the case. The process of selective breeding is what has increased the THC content of Cannabis, but even wild Cannabis plants contain a myriad of different cannabinoid compounds.
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
I have personally grown, sold, and been around commercial Cannabis cultivation my entire adult life. We are gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.
- Comment on Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana? 11 months ago:
It’s also easier to make than cannabis.
You are aware that Cannabis is a plant, and therefore naturally occurring, yes? It was literally on the planet for hundreds of millions of years before modern homosapiens.
- Comment on Just to keep it going 1 year ago:
You don’t need a jondom if you just use the ol’ jildo.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
Hey man, don’t bring Lauren Boebert’s family into this!!!
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Well said 👏
- Comment on lol 1 year ago:
I think I am developing dementia from how much stupid bullshit has been involuntarily implanted in my brain over the last 8-ish years of politics in the United States. I honestly think I am dumber and more apathetic than I was before 2016, and that is scary because I actually do give a shit about the progression of our species.
- Comment on 'She had limited value': Seattle officer investigated over bodycam comments 1 year ago:
I’m done arguing with you. You’re a lost cause. Go peddle your bullshit takes somewhere else.
- Comment on 'She had limited value': Seattle officer investigated over bodycam comments 1 year ago:
Again, that is a justification. It was representative of their lack of consideration for the loss of an innocent girls life at the hands of their department. You can employ whatever mental gymnastics you want, but they were laughing about her death. That is sick, deranged, sociopathic behavior. The fact you can’t see that is insane.
- Comment on 'She had limited value': Seattle officer investigated over bodycam comments 1 year ago:
I don’t know why you would even try to suggest something so fucking stupid.
You must clearly not be aware that a hallmark of someone who is sociopathic (and/or) psycopathic is the ability to be a social chameleon. So your point is actually even stupider than it looks at face value because these two degenerates were speaking honestly precisely BECAUSE they thought nobody would hear it.
Either way, this kind of behavior serves to denigrate the memory of this young woman who’s life was cut short because of the hubris, and immaturity of a fellow officer. Fuck you for even remotely attempting to justify this abhorrent behavior, and I honestly hope you are never in a position of power where your apologist attitude for this kind of subhuman behavior can infect the people around you.