- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 3 weeks ago:
But what are illegal immigrants doing that is bad? They pay taxes (sales tax, property tax via rent, and income tax if they have a stolen ID), they buy things, they contribute labor. We’re spending money to deport and hold them. It’s all a net negative.
If the problem is that they are undocumented, then document them. Give them work visas. They don’t get the right to vote or have access to welfare systems with a work visa.
How many children of immigrants speak really good English? They usually translate for their parents in my experience. Which means they are assimilating to the culture. It also seems most time the first child might have a more ethnic name, the first grandchildren usually have more American names.
Illegal immigrants commit less crime per capita, which makes sense because if you are here illegally and do crime, you get deported after your sentence. They have a bigger incentive to not do crime.
America was built by immigrants, we’re known as the cultural melting pot. When did it become such a big deal and so restricted to enter the country? Our birth rates arent high enough to sustain us forever, we need immigration.
- Comment on US logic for protecting the political and economic elite has no bounds 2 months ago:
“You people are next” is a threat based on your own position of power. A politician saying that, yeah that’s a threat. Some random person saying it someone else, not so much.
If someone has a recording of an ex saying that to them over the phone, the best you’re getting is a restraining order, if you get anything at all.
- Comment on US logic for protecting the political and economic elite has no bounds 2 months ago:
Yes, but the legal system does not act on the whims of mass adoption. It’s like that mom in Florida who got slapped with terrorism charges for telling blue cross blue shield the deny, defend, depose line over the phone.
- Comment on Washing machine 🤤 2 months ago:
Not really, the apartment floorplan likely has the washer/dryer hookups in the same spot so they can keep the water lines and dryer exhaust together. Doesn’t make much sense to have them all scattered about
- Comment on Judge sentences Ohio woman who "embarrassed this nation" by eating cat 2 months ago:
Someone in Ohio ate a cat on a drug fueled rampage. She wasn’t Haitian and she doesn’t live near Springfield.
The “rumor” or outrage is someone posted that clip and claimed or inferred she was a Haitian migrant from Springfield.
There’s also a photo of a black man holding a goose by the neck. Is this photo from Ohio? Does this person have a reason to hold a goose by the neck? Who knows, but we will just say he’s a Springfield Haitian.
There’s also a lady who called 911 and reported her neighbor stole and ate her cat. When people investigated later, she admitted her cat just got out and had returned home.
- Comment on Anyone else bounce around from game to game with no clue what to play? 2 months ago:
Figure it’s the same as people who buy CoD and then buy the next one. Or Madden 2022 enjoyers buying Madden 2023.
Isn’t FIFA one of highest yearly selling games?
- Comment on Valve must address swastikas and other hate on Steam, writes US senator in a letter to Gabe Newell 3 months ago:
Now do the congress letter sent to Amazon asking to fire Dan Clancy from twitch Twitter link.
I guess it’s only cancel culture when the left do it?
- Comment on Valve must address swastikas and other hate on Steam, writes US senator in a letter to Gabe Newell 3 months ago:
Now do congress letter to twitch about Hasan Twitter Link
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 3 months ago:
“If you don’t tip don’t go out”? Telling people who want to see the tipping culture removed to not go out means that either way, the waiter doesn’t get tipped. Europe has restaurants, so clearly tipping or not tipping doesn’t dictate the existence of restaurants.
If a waiter works an entire shift and receives no tip, they are entitled to actual minimum wage instead of the reduced minimum wage. So there shouldn’t be any moral misgiving to not tipping, it’s just social pressure.
- Comment on Barrel of Doom | Screenshot of what I'm playing, day 5 3 months ago:
I imagine as kids we eventually got through it on accident. Like out of frustration we mashed the down button to make our jump land harder and it actually worked xD
- Comment on Barrel of Doom | Screenshot of what I'm playing, day 5 3 months ago:
The spinning barrel at the end can be solved by jumping on it and holding Up or Down to match the direction of the barrel. It will make the bounce distance enormous enough to hop off on the down swing.
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
It’s actually more insidious. Blizzard facilitates gold buying by being a middle man. 30 days of wow subscription is $15. Blizzard sells a $20 wow token. Buyers of the token automatically sell it in game to players for gold. Players who sell their In game gold can redeem the token for game time or $15 Blizzard bucks, which can buy any virtual item in the Blizzard store. Games, expansions, and mounts such as this.
If you don’t want to spend $90 in real life, you can sell your gold for 6 tokens for $90 Blizzard bucks and get the mount.
The token has been hovering around $190k all year and now it spiked to almost $400k (token price tracker). So now cash buyers can get way more gold for their bucks, and the 6 tokens exchanged for gold (to buy the mount) will net Blizzard $120.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Well, this event led to him talking to Hasan for like 3-4 hours. And although Hasan probably won’t change his mind, Hasan getting 4 hours of his viewers attention may end up with more good than harm.
Maybe that’s just copium though
- Comment on What is a passkey, in practice? Is it a file? A token? Can I keep it in an USB drive? How can I save it in case of device loss? 4 months ago:
If you’re talking about what Google or Microsoft offer as a login tool, it’s basically a file hidden on your physical PC so when you attempt to login to a service that wants it, the service gets a password from you and the passkey from your actual device to authenticate you.
For example, I have passkey enabled on my windows PC that my Google account has a passkey in. Anytime I access the built in password manager in chrome, Windows now gives me a pop up for a PIN number, and then windows will authenticate on my behalf with the hidden passkey.
If I need to access my password manager from my phone or another computer, I have to use my Google password instead since my passkey isn’t on those physical devices.
I believe Microsoft stores your passkey files on your motherboards TPM module, but I could be wrong.
- Comment on Guess what this product is without looking up what it is! 5 months ago:
Petroleum jelly like thing, to protect combs from freezing weather
- Comment on I don't know what this site wants me to allow, but no thanks. 5 months ago:
Notification access also allows them to show pictures, so they will show things like "you have a virus, download "totally legit antivirus " or other “warnings” disguised as windows alerts.
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
Undecided voters aren’t undecided between Trump and Harris, they are undecided on leaving the couch to go vote.
So I don’t really think it’s changing the mind of voters and I don’t see it motivating people to go vote.
Just seems like an attempt at counter narrative for “Comrade Harris”. I don’t see it moving the needle.
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 5 months ago:
The fact you even look at politics puts you in like, the top 20% of the US population.
I would wager the majority of people that do vote, just look for an R or D next to a name and check the box for their team and move on.
There were about 160 million people who voted in 2020, an unprecedented amount of engagement from the voting populace, and still not half of Americans voting.
People don’t really care. Do they have a job? Are their basic needs met? If yes, vote incumbent, if no, vote competition.
- Comment on Just why?? 6 months ago:
From my time on Reddit years ago this question came up.
Some cashier’s said they reciprocate the exchange back to the customer. If the customer puts cash on the counter for them to pick up, they’ll put the change on the counter in return.
There also was probably some new training from covid where you didn’t want to touch people directly, so those training materials probably still exist
- Comment on Many such cases 6 months ago:
My guess is no one is willing to take on the liability. Any new system that introduces bugs or introduces attack vectors from hackers don’t want to be responsible for any lost money and I’m sure banks/insurance don’t want to take on the risk either.
Magnetic tape and clearing houses for the indefinite future!
- Comment on Self explanatory meme 6 months ago:
Posts a meme unrelated to the community
Posts get removed
Surprised Pikachu face
- Comment on Never Forget 9 months ago:
72% chance from here. Probably high enough that swing state voters opted to stay home. This was the vibe practically all October. The FBI felt confident enough in her win to announce they were investigating her to appear unbiased.
Polling being inaccurate for whatever reason doesn’t change the article after article assuring everyone Hillary had it in the bag.
- Comment on Never Forget 9 months ago:
Just remember polls gave Hillary almost a guaranteed win. For all intents and purposes, Trump is the front runner regardless of what any polling says
- Comment on Grocery stores promoting gas discounts are not helping the transition away from gas vehicles 9 months ago:
Gas discounts are pretty small.
At least for Kroger, you get $0.03 baseline with no discount. After you spend $100, you get one fill up with $0.10 discount up to 35 gallons. My vehicle in particular has 11 gallons. So my maximum discount is $1.10, up from base line $0.33 discount. $1.10 discount per $100 spent is barely worth it.
Even if you used all 35 gallons, that’s $3.50 discount per $100 spent.
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 11 months ago:
I always squint at meat products that claim something like “made with 100% real chicken.” Yeah okay, there is chicken in there, but how much of the food is 100% real chicken?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
If you haven’t, I’d recommend the three part series by Channel 5 regarding the border. I think it adds some context that MSM glosses over.
- Comment on If someone pleads not guilty in court and is then found guilty of the crime anyway, does perjury get added to the list of crimes as well? 1 year ago:
Another thing to consider is just because someone says something that is not true based on reality, doesn’t mean they lied. People’s memories are terrible and easily manipulated.
- Comment on Gonna be a great day! 1 year ago:
To add to this concern, centralized currency has its pros. Because it’s centralized, it can be governed. If I wire some money to an unintended target, sometimes that money can be recovered. There’s plenty of stories of people getting unexpected deposits into their bank accounts from their payroll company and everyone tells them to report it and not touch it.
Then there’s the Seth Green incident where he got phished and someone stole his IP rights to his bored ape. If the ape NFTs were centralized, Seth could have reported the fraud and had it returned.
How would this work at scale? Imagine if a company like Apple got their keys leaked and someone siphoned millions of currency away from them. Does Apple just take the loss? What if your grandma gets her account stolen, she just loses her retirement with no recourse?
I’m quite happy that the legal system backed by the police and military are backing up my fiat.