Comment on Anon doesn't tip 3 months ago“If you don’t tip don’t go out”? Telling people who want to see the tipping culture removed to not go out means that either way, the waiter doesn’t get tipped. Europe has restaurants, so clearly tipping or not tipping doesn’t dictate the existence of restaurants.
If a waiter works an entire shift and receives no tip, they are entitled to actual minimum wage instead of the reduced minimum wage. So there shouldn’t be any moral misgiving to not tipping, it’s just social pressure. 3 months ago
When we stop making money we’ll quit. And then there won’t be restaurants since they can barely staff them as it is. Getting ‘waited on’ by another human being is degrading to them and expensive for you. Tough tits for everyone if they don’t want to cough up. We’ll be getting paid or your service will suck. That’s how it is. Or cook and clean for yourselves. And no minimum wage in this damned country is a living wage.