As lesser cats, mountain lions purr and meow!
Still do not recommend petting.
Submitted 4 months ago by to [deleted]
As lesser cats, mountain lions purr and meow!
Still do not recommend petting.
There are socialized individuals that can be handled by their trainers, but yeah they’re not house cats, they haven’t spent thousands of years adapting to humans, and they will casually maul you.
Cheetah meows are some of the most adorable meows
They should like real life Yoshis
That has to be the most chill cougar ever.
Their face looks like “you know, I was going to murder you, but I’m just gonna see how long you keep this up for until you realize.
“I think your little dog looks tasty. It’s literally the only reason I’m here right now.”
It’s probably sick. That’s unfortunately pretty much the only time a wild animal will react like that. I suppose there is an outside chance it’s domesticated and got out of its pen.
The people that have the cat are it’s caregivers… the text is a joke.
Is that a cougar?
Wet Cougar in the bathtub. Pretty hot.
I think it’s a puma
Nah. Mountain lion.
Didn’t I tell you to stop making up animals?
I actually think it’s a mountain lion ;)
Puma, mountain lion and cougars are the same animal. ……/mountain-lion-puma-cougar
What in Sam hell is a puma?
THERE AREN’T COUGARS IN GARDENS! (It’s a reference, let’s see if someone gets it)
Or, it could be a catamount.
I was thinking huh he could play Beast in beauty and the beast, well it turns out he was Beast in a fucking TV show
check out a movie called city of lost children. he’s great in it but also the least interesting thing about it.
Yep, and Sarah Connor played Beauty.
That’s all fun and games until he eats your face
Yeah. I got a leg scar from a domestic cat that I’ve raised from kittendom, who’d easily have ripped my face if she could reach it*. A wild, larger, and more powerful version of that seems like a bad idea.
*because I was holding a kitten that she never saw before. Yup. Fuck you Kika, I love you but you’re a bloody arsehole.
The biggest mistake anyone can make about a 10 pound domestic housecat is to underestimate one. Cats seriously punch far above their weight. Like someone welded a bunch of razor blades to a flying, out of control angle grinder that always knows which way is down. A cat can ruin your day quickly.
It’s a good thing their primary prey is plastic.
This! I love my sweet boy and he’s so gentle and kind 99% of the time. But sometimes he choses violence. He is the reason I think all people who keep big cats as pets are not logical.
I absolutely adore mountain lions. But knowing that they can pierce my skull with their teeth would keep me out of that room.
This is my kind of shoulder cat.
I think you may be his type of shoulder human
Squish that cat
They really are beautiful animals. Deadly beauty.
Surprisingly calm while being given a bath.
I think he’s Puma Messi, he’s been hand-raised from a cub and has medical conditions that prevent him from being able to live wild and also make him smaller and less energetic than most pumas. I’m not a fan of keeping wild animals as pets, but they appear to treat him with love and kindness and give him the individual attention and care he needs, although I didn’t do a deep dive.
Yes, and he was going to be euthanized by the zoo because of his medical issues. He was rescued by a Russian couple who runs the youtube channel “i_am_puma”, starring Messi.
I looked it up and wow, that’s crazy. Messi is basically naturally domesticated. If the medical conditions are genetic, he could be the start of a lineage of house pumas.
Steve French!
He’s just a big, stoned, horny kitty!
You may not want to know this, but you have described me perfectly
I’m certain the mountain lion is calculating his/her next meal within the house.
That looks a lot my cat. I had to get rid of it because I was allergic.
And because it ate my leg. Bit it clean off.
I miss you, kitty. 😥
Maybe you shouldn’t be seafood if you don’t want to be eaten by cats. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Airborne seafood.
Cat just batted him around a few times in the air first, before chowing down on a leg.
ILL TAKE IT!! imagine the snuggles that thing could give you 🤩
It’ll snuggle you for the rest of your life.
peaches bathcam 4 months ago
If not friend, why friend shaped