- Comment on Guy never bought a game on the Epic Store... Owns 200+ 2 months ago:
Steam: 1325 GoG: 174 Epic: 406
Epic and GoG I’ve not bought a single thing from either of them, that’s all free shit. For Steam, most of that is stuff that’s been accumulated from Humble Bundles and just from having an account for ~20 years now.
- Comment on I don't have a purpose in life and feel like a robot. This cannot be good for my mental health, but I don't know how or what to change. How do I change? 3 months ago:
You might try meetups around a hobby that you’re into (or interested in learning about). I always suggest boardgaming because it’s a relatively casual atmosphere for meeting people around an activity. There’s no pressure to carry on a conversation and you’re not dating these people, just meeting strangers for gaming. You usually still have to talk about the game and rules as you’re playing, so it gives you something in common to talk about. The rules provide structure if you’re socially awkward, so it’s maybe not as chaotic as just going to a party with a bunch of people there and trying to carry on random conversations. is what I’ve tried before and that worked well for me in my area (results may vary).
That’s just something to get you out of the house, pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone seems like the first thing you’d want to try doing. Getting out and meeting new people can help sometimes. It sounds like you’re in a rut, just sort of bored with everything, or at least wanting something more. Otherwise, maybe pick some sort of hobby or interest maybe you’ve though about before and just throw yourself into it if you have the time and/or money. Learn something new. Start an exercise routine or just start going on extended (30min) walks around your neighborhood. Start volunteering somewhere. Write in a journal. Just do something that’s not part of your typical routine that sparks some new mental connections for you.
And even though you don’t feel depressed, what you’re describing still could be a sign of depression, so reaching out for support is always an option that you shouldn’t feel ashamed of or anything.
Just throwing some stuff out there as ideas, but I hope everything works out well for you.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 3 months ago:
Unless he put the clothes in the backpack and put all of that into the other backpack, Backpackception! It sounds really silly though, like he purposely changed his clothes ever so slightly, just enough that a few people would call it out, instead of changing into a completely different outfit, which would’ve been more effective IMO. It’s just alot of work for little benefit, people come up with the weirdest theories.
- Comment on Anon has a realization 3 months ago:
This would be depressing as shit if it were true, not really a hallmark movie. I’d be traumatized if I found out a dead brother had done something like that for me and I just blew it off.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 3 months ago:
I keep seeing the backpack as not matching, I don’t get how these are considered the same person.
- Comment on That's right! 3 months ago:
Jokes on you, my sex doll is already on the way, be here before Christmas.
- Comment on Anyone else bounce around from game to game with no clue what to play? 3 months ago:
I’ve been doing that here lately, just bouncing from game to game to game. Despite having hundreds of games in my Steam library, just feeling burnt out I think. Trying to move back to my unloved boardgames more to switch it up some. Sometimes you don’t need to force it, take a break and find something else to do for awhile until the interest comes back.
- Comment on Thought-provoking 3 months ago:
Jesus died so we could have bread. He is risen!
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
They got like 1–2% more votes than Harris got and only got ~1 million votes over 2020. Had Harris gotten the same number of votes as Biden she would’ve won. It’s not that the country went more Conservative, it’s that Democrat voters are unreliable and failed to come out. There’s hardly a “mandate” to speak of, these people are still weird as shit, nothing changed.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
They’re an easy minority to scapegoat. In the US they make up between 0.5% and 1.6% of the population. A sizable portion of straight people associate being transgender as something sick and weird and a sexual deviancy, so it’s easy to target them and to try to associate them with actual objectively bad things (ie pedophilia). They’re just people trying to find their place in the world and live their lives, same as most of us.
- Comment on DOJ’s Botched Infowars Auction Likely to Be Investigated by Trump AG Pick Matt Gaetz, Says Former Asst. AG 4 months ago:
Wait, is this the Onion-owned InfoWars reporting or is this regular old InfoWars? What’s real anymore?
- Comment on RIP 4 months ago:
(he’s just taking a nap)
- Comment on Git good, son 4 months ago:
TMI warning, but I actually prefer this everytime I fuck now, having my balls cupped and squeezed, it makes sex so much better. It’s just constant stimulation when going for the in-stroke and out-stroke, and then it feels great when nutting.
Unfortunately, it can sometimes depend on the shape of a woman’s body if she can easily do it. If a woman has a dump truck ass, she may not be able to reach around her phat ass to get your balls. I wish there was something I could wear in that situation that felt the same, but I don’t know that a testicle pouch would really do it. Plus, it’d be weird to ask a partner to let me wear it before sex.
- Comment on My favorite scene 4 months ago:
I don’t know that this is a good movie for this, as the name of the park itself is the name of the movie, it’s already there. They literally say, “Welcome to Jurassic Park.”
- Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 4 months ago:
Is he the guy that came up with the phrase, “Your body, my choice”?
- Comment on True Story 4 months ago:
Hey, at least the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is about to be finally resolved in our lifetime.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 4 months ago:
Democratic voters just aren’t dependable, or the causes that Democrats tend to champion don’t provide them any benefits. Yes, it’s often the right thing to do to champion their rights or causes, but when the time comes and their help is needed, they’re seemingly nowhere to be found because things apparently weren’t interesting enough.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 4 months ago:
As an American, I expected most Americans to be at least semi-rational and to recognize what a threat to democracy and our way of life that Trump is. I expected most Republicans to just vote for him out of reflex, but otherwise the rest of America would rise up in our hour of need to vote against this and save us all from this idiocy.
Nope. There was just more people lined up to vote for more idiocy. We failed the world. I’d say I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’ll help. This is America.
- Comment on Good luck today, Americans 4 months ago:
It’s such a weird precipice we’re standing on, we either take a step back and go back to the status quo, which arguably isn’t fantastic, but it’s livable. Or we jump off the edge into a fascist dictatorship where someone with brain worms is trying to ban vaccines, remove fluoride from the water system, Ukraine possibly falls against Russia, the US becomes a third world banana republic, civil rights are vastly curtailed, and likely the environment takes a huge nosedive and life on earth becomes a nightmare hellscape.
Like, how the fuck is this even a close election? Hopeful based on some reporting I’ve seen, but it’s not even noon, so no idea where things go from here.
- Comment on NNN 4 months ago:
Day #1 was a success. 29 more to go.
- Comment on He's a little feisty, but he looked cold 4 months ago:
Surprisingly calm while being given a bath.
- Comment on Why do Republicans bring up Kamala's "lies"/shortcomings as a way to claim Trump is better? 4 months ago:
That’s what they’ve done for like 8 years now, it’s the foundation of Whataboutism. No matter what you pin on Trump, they’ll jump on some other real or imagined wrong, no matter what it has to do with the conversation, and use that as justification for anything that Trump has done or will do. It’s just a way to sidestep or confuse the issue.
“Trump is literally talking about becoming a fascist dictator.” “Yeah, but in the 12th century, Genghis Khan killed like 20–40 million people, that’s what we’re facing from Chi-na, they’re going to slaughter everyone if we don’t do anything about them and their takeover of China-store Kamala, she’s bought and paid for!” “WTF is wrong with you?”
- Comment on If Trump wins the election thru fraud how can the democrats refute it and prove they won? Or will it just be like another Jan 6 and four years of whining like Trump? 4 months ago:
I mean, Biden has the power to do whatever he wants now and could potentially overturn the results in the interests of national security or whatever. He won’t, but it’s nice to think that he could do something to avert a fascist takeover. Democrats will take the high-road into letting democracy die.
- Comment on Most of the trick-or-treaters have been skipping my house, and I finally figured out why 4 months ago:
I went out with my kids and we went to a few houses actually that had lights on outside and inside, told my kids to go to the door and knock, waited a few minutes, and nothing. This was maybe half-a-dozen houses, so it’s not always a given that just knocking on the door will get results. The new “normal” is that people are either waiting outside to hand out candy or they’re leaving bowls out for kids to help themselves. Knocking on the door for trick or treating is a crapshoot and it’d be understandable why most kids will skip that. Compared to other houses, it’s more effort for potentially no reward, or, even if there is a reward, it’s the same as every other house.
- Comment on You have 8 seconds. 4 months ago:
It’s a bit nipply in here, huh?
- Comment on Robert Downey Jr. Bans Hollywood From Creating Digital Replica: I Will Sue 4 months ago:
Didn’t he already have himself de-aged for at least one of the Marvel movies (Winter Soldier?)? Granted, I’m sure there’s a big difference in how these technologies are used, but it just seems like the de-aging thing was one of the first steps in creating digital replicas. I’m sure somebody somewhere already has the files to make a RDJ replica if they wanted to, but using somebody’s likeness without their consent is already a sue-able offense, so this doesn’t seem like anything new.
- Comment on Question me not 4 months ago:
This seems like something out of the SCP Foundation, it’s aneurism-inducing.
- Comment on The Video Game History Foundation is “not done fighting” after US Copyright Office refuses exemption to aid preservation 4 months ago:
“Pirates” are Digital Archivists, preserving history for all of humanity. Just in the TTRPG space alone, there are so many out of print publications that would’ve been lost forever were it not for them, same with videogames as well.
- Comment on Anon plays a guessing game 4 months ago:
I’d say something dumb like, “Why would you only have work done on one breast, that’s weird.” Though I guess there’s situations with breast cancer and mastectomies and such, but plastic surgery on boobs would be my immediate first guess, not even considering what else might be done.
- Comment on Be happy if you woke up today and your throat didn’t hurt. 4 months ago:
Everytime I get sick I think about this. “I am going to appreciate my life so much more when I’m not sick.” I appreciate not being sick for about five minutes before it just goes back to being whatever.