The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.
- Comment on Paradox date Stellaris 4.0, a "phoenix update" to attract new players and improve performance 1 day ago:
I’m pretty sure they mean The Company Formerly Known As Electronic Arts.
Exactly. (I should’ve used its full name, now I get where Madbrad200 got that “early access” thing.)
- Comment on Paradox date Stellaris 4.0, a "phoenix update" to attract new players and improve performance 1 day ago:
I know Stellaris isn’t an early access title. And it shows the same problems as EU4: Paradox is so invested on milking players through a predatory DLC policy that the game becomes a sloppy mess of feature creep, without any sort of consistent design behind the new features. Just like EA loves doing, except with a niche genre.
it’s also probably their best managed game.
Given how poorly managed the other games are, might as well say “so far the poor management is a bit more bearable”.
- Comment on Paradox date Stellaris 4.0, a "phoenix update" to attract new players and improve performance 1 day ago:
Hipsters’ EA is hyping a game update. “Wohoo”.
…seriously, I’m not touching anything Paradox does with a 3m pole.
- Comment on pain plant 4 days ago:
In the meantime, birds be like: “ultrahot? nom nom fruity”
- Comment on Reddit Rated Sell as Redburn Flags Risk From Google Algorithm 6 days ago:
Which is also how Digg v4 ended up, the brands as content submitters.
Exactly. Almost like Reddit decision makers know how Digg died, and yet they’re unable to not follow its steps.
- Comment on Reddit Rated Sell as Redburn Flags Risk From Google Algorithm 1 week ago:
Cordwell and Barker expect user growth for Reddit to stall in 2025 and, as a result, see revenue growth becoming more reliant on making the platform’s proposition more attractive for advertisers.
This won’t be even remotely fun for the people still using that platform. Because “making the platform’s proposition more attractive to advertisers” boils down to either more ads or ads that are more obnoxious, more disguised as content, more targetted.
- Comment on No one knows what the hell an AI agent is | TechCrunch 1 week ago:
Etymologically “agent” is just a fancy borrowed synonym for “doer”. So an AI agent is an AI that does. Yup, it’s that vague.
You could instead restrict the definition further, and say that an AI agent does things autonomously. Then the concept is mutually exclusive with “assistant”, as the assistant does nothing on its own, it’s only there to assist someone else. And yet look at what Pathak said - that she understood both things to be interchangeable.
…so might as well say that “agent” is simply the next buzzword, since people aren’t so excited with the concept of artificial intelligence any more. They’ve used those dumb text gens, gave them either a six-fingered thumbs up or thumbs down, but they’re generally aware that it doesn’t do a fraction of what they believed to.
- Comment on WWYD 1 week ago:
I do nothing. I went through QM classes in my Chemistry times and I still don’t get it. If I do nothing at least nobody can blame me for fucking everything up.
- Comment on Ring 1 week ago:
- Comment on The past 18 months have seen the most rapid change in human written communication ever 3 weeks ago:
I’m not aware of any paper about this; specially with how recent LLMs are, it’s kind of hard to detect tendencies.
That said, if I had to take a guess, the impact of LLMs in language will be rather subtle:
- Some words will become more common because bots use them a lot, and people become more aware of those words. “Delve” comes to my mind. (Urgh. I hate this word.)
- Swearing will become more common too. I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw an uptick of “fuck” and “shit” after ChatGPT was released. That’s because those bot don’t swear, so swearing is a good way to show “I’m human”.
- Idiosyncratic language might also increase, as a mix of the above and to avoid sounding “bland and bot-like”. Including letting some small typos to go through on purpose.
Text-to-speech, mentioned by, is another can of worms; it might reinforce non-common pronunciations until they become common. This should not be a big issue e.g. in Italian (that uses a mostly regular spelling), but it might be noticeable in English.
- Comment on Evolution sim Thrive adds radioactive chunks, environmental tolerances and thermosynthesis 4 weeks ago:
There’s even a new full thermosynthesis implementation meaning you can use temperature to generate energy
Does this mean they reworked the thermoplasts? Because thermosynthesis was already in the game.
- Comment on BRASSICAS 4 weeks ago:
Individual tastes are a thing, too. At least someone out there is bound to dislike even the most beloved dishes; the thing, for me, is how many people claim to hate Brussels sprouts, even if they deserve some leafy and greasy love.
- Comment on BRASSICAS 4 weeks ago:
Selective breeding does play a role but also how you prepare them. Just like other brassicae if you cook them for too long they start smelling bad, so you want to use high heat and relatively short cooking times.
For example. My go-to approach is to cut them into halves and pan-fry in lard. High fire. People claim it’s delicious.
- Comment on BRASSICAS 4 weeks ago:
People have some hate boner against Brussels sprouts, but damn - if you know how to prepare them, they’re delicious.
- Comment on Researcher names newly discovered fish species, honoring Cherokee knowledge and advancing conservation 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on anti-evolutionism 4 weeks ago:
Your link isn’t working properly.
It’s a cool read though - I’m still reading it, but so far it did a great job showing that concepts are fuzzy and inside our heads, not those well-defined abstractions in some external realm.
- Comment on BBC research shows issues with over half the answers from Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistants 5 weeks ago:
I’m not surprised. And I heavily recommend people to ask questions about a topic that they reliably know to those assistants; they’ll notice how much crap the bots output. Now consider that the bot is also bullshitting about the things that you don’t know.
- Comment on Birds have developed complex brains independently from mammals, studies reveal 5 weeks ago:
It makes sense, when you look at other amniotes.
Sure, reptiles* show some signs of intelligence. Crocodiles use tools, monitor lizards recognise human faces, etc., those are all signs of cognitive capabilities. But it’s simply not on the same level as your typical mammal or bird; it’s like comparing a strawberry to a jackfruit, you know?
And yet, if this advanced cognitive capabilities we see in birds and mammals were inherited from their common ancestor, we’d see them in reptiles too.
*by “reptiles” I mean the paraphyletic group composed of the extant members of the clade Sauropsida, minus the nested clade Aves.
- Comment on Anon finds a new way to get protein 1 month ago:
I once made chicken liver pate for my cats, as a treat. It was only chicken liver pan-fried in a bit of lard, with a bit of salt. My cats flat out refused, but it turned out delicious so I froze it into cubes for myself, and ate it across the span of two weeks.
- Comment on Anon questions their existence 1 month ago:
NPC means “nihilistic proletariat/customer” now. Prove me wrong.
- Comment on Anon is a veteran 1 month ago:
I forgot to mention, this is in South America. As far as I know, cross-gen households used to be the norm here, and mortgaging your home isn’t common, because there’s simply less social pressure to leave your parents’ home if you can’t afford a house.
- Comment on Anon is a veteran 1 month ago:
My neighbour is almost 60 and she still lives with her mum! (And when she married the husband moved with them.)
I think that it’s fine to still live with family. As long as nobody is a leech or a control freak.
- Comment on An OpenAI whistleblower was found dead in his apartment. Now his mother wants answers 1 month ago:
If a billionaire slapped someone’s face, I’d expect Forbes to narrate how the second person cruelly hurt the billionaire’s hand with their face.
- Comment on In case you didn't know 1 month ago:
What a bunch of muppets. I bet that they don’t even know Fermat’s last theorem!
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 1 month ago:
OpenAI was not the first domino, just the one that got the most attention.
Yes, that is correct. And perhaps it got the most attention because of all the ruckus Pigboy did over “his” precious data (i.e. users’) + because it made the whole thing hard to ignore.
Remember when you bought shit once and that meant you owned it?
Yeah. I was talking about this with my mum today - the chat started with my cat refusing litterboxes, then “if this was the 90s old newspapers would do the trick”, then on how you don’t really own books you buy from the internet (unlike pirated ones). But it’s the same deal with some physical goods, if someone can brick them from a distance they aren’t really yours.
[Sorry for the rambling.]
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 1 month ago:
Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
This process has been happening since ChatGPT was released. And it’ll only get worse.
And when are those corporations get that people hate this sort of system? Ask Clippy.
- Comment on 52-year-old 'Super Mario' supermarket in Costa Rica wins unlikely victory against the Nintendo lawyers: "He is Don Mario, he's my dad" 1 month ago:
For context: it’s somewhat common here in Latin America to name markets after the owner’s name; specially in smaller cities. (The city where this happened has 9k inhabitants)
It’s also common to name supermarkets “Super [something]”, to highlight that it sells general goods instead of just produce.
With that out of the way: seriously? Nintendo going after a mum-and-dad market in a small city in North America??? This only highlights that the current trademark and intellectual property laws across the world are toilet paper - they aren’t there to defend “healthy competition” or crap like that, but to ensure megacorps get their way. Screw this shit and screw Nintendo - might as well rename their company to Ninjigoku/任地獄, bloody hell.
- Comment on Put your thinking cap on for Fallacy Quiz a game that will test your reasoning skills 1 month ago:
Sounds like a cool premise for an educative game. I hope that it’s fun too, but usually you play this sort of game to learn, not to say “OMG I HAD A BLAST YESTERDAY PLAYING IT!”.
- Comment on Trump to tariff chips made in Taiwan, targeting TSMC 1 month ago:
Initially I was thinking on how this is such a blatantly bad idea. I don’t think that it’ll attract chip makers to USA, but instead send the industries relying on those chip makers to other countries. Because as the text says it takes years to build a chip factory, and those industries downstream simply won’t wait.
Then it clicked me - government debt. He might be trying to find new sources of income for the United-Statian government. They only need to last four years - if they ruin the economy later on, it is not his problem.
- Comment on Developer Creates Infinite Maze That Traps AI Training Bots 1 month ago:
Yup, something like this - but for the honeypot, not for the legit pages.