Refugee from another, less-friendly instance. Please forgive the youth of my account— I’ve actually been around here for a while. Still, glad to be here!
- Comment on Did Apple kill iTunes for windows? 2 months ago:
It’s very sad that you’re completely insane. Best of luck.
- Comment on Did Apple kill iTunes for windows? 2 months ago:
It’s very sad that you’re completely insane. Best of luck.
- Comment on Did Apple kill iTunes for windows? 2 months ago:
It’s very sad that you’re completely insane. Best of luck.
- Comment on Did Apple kill iTunes for windows? 2 months ago:
Says the guy hallucinating invisible sky wizards. I can only pity you and hope you are forever institutionalized before you murder thousands of people.
- Comment on Did Apple kill iTunes for windows? 2 months ago:
A brilliant retort. Certainly, your intake psychologist will take that into account when determining you should stay in a mental hospital for life.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
I feel great pity that you’re hallucinations and severe mental illness have robbed. You have even been simple, contextual awareness.
- Comment on Did Apple kill iTunes for windows? 2 months ago:
If you use the diarrhea operating system referred to as “windows”, you deserve every flavor of pain you have coming.
It was widely recognized as a dog shit ass fuck operating system 15 years ago. If you’re still not on board, you deserve all the pain you receive.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
Projecting your mental illness on me doesn’t change the fact that you’re mentally ill
Get right with the world, and realize that your brain is broken and that supernatural magic isn’t real.
Unless you can prove it? Of course you can’t. Because you’re mentally ill and magic isn’t real. Get therapy. Better yet, get institutionalized for the rest of your life so your mental illness doesn’t spread.
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
50 years old? Most of the landlords I’ve dealt with in my life consider 100 year old outlets to be perfectly sufficient, along with their carrying capacity and number in each room.
“ it was enough to power a lightbulb in 1925, so it should be perfectly sufficient for your needs with all of your TVs and computers and such.”
With one landlord, I actually had to call the city inspector into the building in order to verify that the power supply for each apartment fell beneath city requirements. He spent the next three years doing everything in his power to get me out. It cost him 50 grand.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
I’m not sure if the metaphor of you anthropomorphizing an inanimate object is the best one to criticize the projection of one’s own desires and wills onto a fantasy deity. For one thing, your car actually exists, even if its emotions do not.
- Comment on Don't forget Big 3 2 months ago:
I say this every morning, so I don’t forget my testicles when I leave the house.
- Comment on Don't forget Big 3 2 months ago:
In the last 15 years, the only time I’ve ever used cash was to buy coke.
That’s all it’s good for nowadays. Buying drugs.
- Comment on Don't forget Big 3 2 months ago:
Well, at least you’re gonna get shit done today
- Comment on Don't forget Big 3 2 months ago:
- Comment on Where's the mayor? 2 months ago:
Nazis being Nazis, and, of course, the NYPD being the shitty fascist people they always are
- Comment on Any relations experts? 2 months ago:
lol, no shade. If you find the bathroom pics, please post them! Lol.
- Comment on Any relations experts? 2 months ago:
Lovely bedroom and your humble.
You’re welcome to send me a private message ;)
- Comment on Any relations experts? 2 months ago:
OK, now I wanna see the second pic. Cause that boy has a lovely bedroom. I would be very happy to get my ass destroyed in.
But I need to see a second pic, to see if he has a nice bedroom.
What? I have standards.
- Comment on Time is an unstoppable force 2 months ago:
Oh shit! I was born in 1979. How old does that make me?
- Comment on So is it "It just works" or "Shit just works"? 2 months ago:
Why not s.j.w?
- Comment on Is there any security in the communication with Voyager I? 3 months ago:
Yeah, obscurity. The code sent back-and-forth is proprietary to NASA in the 70s. I’d be shocked if anyone else has any idea how it interpret it other than NASA themselves. it’s not impossible, of course, but it doesn’t use any common protocols or software that most people would be familiar with. Whatever data got intercepted would likely come out as gibberish.
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 3 months ago:
That’s what bitcoin really is: a commodity, not a currency.
- Comment on Moroccan boys rape rabid donkey, 15 sick, news mods think this is bullshit so I'm posting it here, it's from an actual news website 3 months ago:
- Comment on Moroccan boys rape rabid donkey, 15 sick, news mods think this is bullshit so I'm posting it here, it's from an actual news website 3 months ago:
Not according to a review of the article published on that website.
- Comment on Moroccan boys rape rabid donkey, 15 sick, news mods think this is bullshit so I'm posting it here, it's from an actual news website 3 months ago:
Possibly because it comes from a questionable news source.
- Comment on Get with the times, grampa 3 months ago:
- Comment on "You can't have our trash because we don't have a way to charge you for it" 3 months ago:
They made this bullshit illegal in New York. All food waste has to be donated to the city. You can be fined extremely heavily for throwing edible food away. This applies for restaurants, grocery stores, etc.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Profit and greed. That’s it.
- Comment on Help 3 months ago:
it works
- Comment on Help 3 months ago: