- Comment on He's a little feisty, but he looked cold 3 months ago:
It’s probably sick. That’s unfortunately pretty much the only time a wild animal will react like that. I suppose there is an outside chance it’s domesticated and got out of its pen.
- Comment on The room where it happens 3 months ago:
I… Wanna be in the room where it happens, the room where it happens…
- Comment on Horse archers ruin every game they are in. 5 months ago:
Horse archers are amazing lmao. If you’re throwing them directly into the front lines they will be fucked several times over. Understand: they are merely archers that can quickly reposition. This makes them one of the best units in the game.
Deploy them to the far flank and reposition them frequently. They are excellent at drawing out the enemy cavalry so you can harass them, hit them with your own cav, etc. Big block of infanty? Harassing fire. Other horse archers? Wait for them to engage your footed archers and then deploy your horse archers to double up on them.
Their weakness, as you’ve noticed, is large blocks of powerful foot archers. That is what your cavalry or heavy infantry is for. Once your other forces engage, then deploy your horse archers. They’re a reserve force and a force multiplier.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
I’m sure you feed your cat nothing but rodents.
And yah, turns out if you’re an asshole people don’t want to spend time with you. Big surprise, I’m sure.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
Again, if you view reality - in this case, that vegan diets are better for the environment and for animal welfare - as an ‘attack’… well I really don’t know what to tell you. It really seems like something you need to handle on your own? Don’t get mad at people for pointing out that the sky is blue and the grass is green.
I will take issue with the idea that vegan diets are more expensive. This is largely an artifact of Americans thinking you need to eat the overpriced ‘fake meat’ - really, fake beef, as they never seem to include mock duck. You don’t. It’s not even slightly necessary. As someone who has been vegetarian for years, I always roll my eyes a little bit when people talk about it.
I can make chili out of a few cans of beans, some onion and bell pepper, and chili powder. Or tacos from black beans, roasted sweet potatoes, and pico de gallo. Or stir fry with mock duck from a can and frozen vegetables. Or curry with tofu and curry powder. Or a huge number of other things that are all very cheap.
As for supplements…B12. A bottle of 100 pills is about 5 bucks. That’s it.
To address your point about inavailablity…I have to laugh. Historically, meat has always been harder to obtain. A lot of vegan foods are vegan simply because people weren’t able to get meat. If you’re talking about prepared food like fast food, etc - sure, a lot of places don’t even bother to have vegan options. But again, if you’re trying to live off of takeout, you’re really shooting yourself in the foot as far as cost goes. Just make some chili with cornbread and chill.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
Pardon me for fighting you on this, but I believe you are incorrect. You’re abdicating your responsibility, in assuming that those animals will always be killed.
Put it this way. If you lived next to a chicken farm, and drove over there any time you needed a chicken, and watched them kill it for you, would you have any qualms about saying it was killed for you? Why does having it go through a grocery store first somehow change this? However you get your meat, those animals were still killed for your benefit.
The average American eats about 250 pounds of meat in a year. That’s a bit over half a cow, or about one and a half pigs, or somewhere north of a hundred chickens. That’s the butcher’s bill, directly attributable to the average American. So to take your own words - yes, if you stop eating meat, exactly one pig will not be killed every year. Around one and half, actually.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
Sure, and good information for the discussion. This was my point: everyone was acting like vegans are actively delusional in feeding cats vegan food. While there are very much valid criticisms you can have, most people are not engaging with the facts, or with even a modicum of respect. Thank you for not being a part of that.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
As the other user pointed out: it is equally insane to feed a cat tuna, beef, pork, etc, that has never been a part of their natural diet. Most cat food is equally artificial and ‘lab-produced slop’, unless there’s a cat food out there made from mice and birds. Both kinds will have to do the same amount of research to make sure that it will actually fulfill a cat’s dietary needs. The vegan one just causes less harm.
Also, reported for being a jackass.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
Because it fit both comments, so might as well save the work
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
I mean, you are paying someone else to do those things for you. Or if you want to quibble over verbs, paying someone else to cause harm to animals for you.
If it’s not currently possible for you to eat a less harmful diet, that’s one thing. There’s a ton of ways that our lifestyles can cause harm, and it’s perfectly fine if you’re just not in a good place to change one particular aspect of it. Refusing to acknowledge the harm that you are causing is frankly much more concerning. From understanding comes action, after all.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
Everyone who keeps posting this ignores that there has been vegan cat food for years, supplemented with necessary vitamins etc and backed up with scientific research. They didn’t make it up out of thin air as you seem to be implying. Sceptism or disagreement is fine. Painting the other side as lunatics is not.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
Everyone who keeps posting this ignores that there has been vegan cat food for years, supplemented with necessary vitamins etc and backed up with scientific research. They didn’t make it up out of thin air as you seem to be implying. Sceptism or disagreement is fine. Painting the other side as lunatics is not.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
I mean, that’s kind of saying you’re going to delibrately drive a Hummer because it ‘fits your lifestyle’, and then getting annoyed when people point out it’s incredibly wasteful and dangerous. There’s a certain point where you have to acknowledge reality, yah?
- Comment on Fellow millennials, how do you prevent your child from yearning for the mines? 8 months ago:
Yah, replace the UPS with USPS and it’d be bangin
- Comment on Self-balancing commuter pods ride old railway lines on demand 9 months ago:
Yes, this looks much better. My other thought would be road-rail buses, but getting on/off the tracks might be too much work to be worth the extra flexibility.
- Comment on Self-balancing commuter pods ride old railway lines on demand 9 months ago:
That looks horrible. Cramped, the giant windows means it’s hot and the sun is always in your eyes… Any reason they need to only use one rail? We already have road & rail buses, trucks, etc…just use those.
- Comment on If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time? 10 months ago:
Are we counting raising kids? Because I feel like that would be the answer for the supermajority of people. It’s super necessary work that society is utterly dependent on, yet we insist on not compensating.
Shit, we could just do UBI for parents and we’d be 80% there.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Mass Effect 10 months ago:
Mass Effect 2 and 3 are up there with some of the best shooters I’ve played. It’s just so smooth. And the weight/CDR system is incredibly simple yet impactful. I’ve played through 3 several times. Yes, the story beats weren’t always great. Still fun.
- Comment on Woaaaaa 10 months ago:
Ok, but that’s unironically a great map for a TTRPG campaign.
I’m thinking Lovecraft. Plateau of Leng and all that. There’s just this huge, impassable land that goes south for what seems like forever. And…things…occasionally wander out of it.
- Comment on legs to die for 11 months ago:
According to a random comment I saw once, these things will happily eat each other if there’s no other bugs to eat. So basically yes… unless your house has a continuous influx of new bugs.
- Comment on Disturbingly accurate 11 months ago:
Nobody told these gents that there is such a thing as having too much personality.
- Comment on 15 More Free to Play Overwhelmingly Positive Steam Games 1 year ago:
I’ll add Endless Sky in there as well. It’s an open-source spiritual successor to EV Nova.