For example, for me, I would *love* a new Populous game based from what was done in Populous 3. That, and a new SimCity based on SimCity 4!
Titanfall. Titanfall 2 is a banger Video game. I word really like to see it being continued.
Submitted 6 months ago by to
For example, for me, I would *love* a new Populous game based from what was done in Populous 3. That, and a new SimCity based on SimCity 4!
Titanfall. Titanfall 2 is a banger Video game. I word really like to see it being continued.
A new Final Fantasy Tactics and I mean one like the classic PS1/PSP game not those strange Advanced titles.
Master of Orion I loved I and II. The third apparently bombed and reboots have failed.
Sim City I mean the real Sim city as Maxis would have made it. Not a cash grab, not a mobile game, not a “city painter” where any simulation takes a back seat to decorating with DLC assets.
Super Mario RPG no those other, spiritual successors do not count. They are fine games on their own but not the same.
Lost in Blue not the fanciest games, but I enjoyed them. There are plenty of modern games in the genre, but I haven’t found one that quite fits…
Planetside 2. So a Planetside 3 would be nice.
Yes. Please.
What’s insane to me is that they are still regularly updating the game. How they can do that with 1.5 monthly players is a mystery to me. But props to them for sticking with a game for so long.
I haven’t logged in for nearly three years. Has TI been overhauled again?
I’d love to see another jak and daxter
Sam and Max. I want some more point and click adventure games.
They are remastering all the old ones, so I am hopeful for a new entry,
I just want more 2D Castlevania games. It’s been forever.
Well, there was Bloodstained which is castlevania with everything but the name. Same lead gamedev, too.
Bloodstained is fun. I’m also enjoying Deaths Gambit
Definitely this. It seems MVs with a leveling system either aren’t popular, or are too hard to balance. Plus there’s the giant inventory of weapons and gear that would probably be too time-consuming to create for most game devs.
A bit of an obscurer one, but I would love another Black & White, based on Black & White 2. It’s a god game where you control a giant bipedal creature, control a city (or several) and battle against other gods through architecture and combat. You can train your creature to do things you prefer and expand your influence however you like.
It had a good/evil morality system, is completely winnable by being a pacifist, and has a really cute style of humor.
No other God game has quite scratched that itch and it’s still fun to this day almost 20 years later.
And it’s the perfect fit for a VR game as well. The top down towering from the heavens over your domain would make the island feel like a table top game… And you could give your pet proper scritches.
Those games were great!
Jazz Jackrabbit. Poor fella’s been abandoned for over 2 decades now. Really fun platformer, a 3rd game was in early works, but Epic ditched it to focus entirely on Unreal
Star Wars Jedi Knight series. As is, there’s Dark Forces (Star Wars Doom), Jedi Knight (Star Wars Quake 2), Jedi Outcast (awesome) and Jedi Academy (good, but JO is overall more polished). Thank fuck the years of EA-exclusive Star Wars games is over. There are several other SW game series that deserve to make a return (Republic Commando, X-Wing/Tie-Fighter, KotOR), but my first vote would go for Jedi Knight
A lot of people will disagree, but I loved Star Fox Adventures. It was easily my favorite Star Fox game.
3D Rayman games, the only one I played was Rayman 2, so that’s all I can go off of.
BIONICLE, the game to the movie was a bit janky, but so much fun!
Pokémon Rumble: I remember only liking the first one (didn’t play the second), and really disliking Rumble U. There’s a mobile game now apparently, but…no thanks.
A very obscure one: Onslaught, from the Wii Shop. A first person sci-fi shooter with Wii motion controls, playing on an alien planet with giant bug creatures. Quite reminiscent of Helldivers or Starship Troopers.
Asura’s Wrath: I think a remake would be nice, not sure if there’s much space for a sequel, the ending fit quite nicely.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: I’m gonna count this as its own franchise separate from the other Xenoblade games, and a remaster, remake or sequel would be amazing.
Bonus: Borderlands 2 had a good setup for a sequel, an incredible villain and such great characters. I’d love to see where they’d take their stories, like Maya & Krieg. Should be about time for Borderlands 3, I’m sure it’d be great! (FUCK WHYYYYY)
Haven’t played it, but wasn’t there a Borderlands 3 a few years ago?
Yeah, that last one was sarcastic. They kinda fucked up the story, writing and characters. Villains were ass, writing for most beloved characters was basically a character assassination, Maya & Krieg never even met again, just everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.
Gameplay was great, but I hated everything else so much that I uninstalled after 5h (with close to a thousand hours spread across the rest of the franchise).
NFL 2K. NFL 2K5 was so good and scared EA so much, it led to the EA/NFL exclusivity deal and the death of the entire football game genre for the last few decades now.
Bunch of great suggestions already so I’ll add these:
Sid Meier’s pirates!
Gothic (it’s actually getting remake, but if the intro is anything to go by, it’s gonna be a disappointment. We’ll see…)
Agreed. The lack of a modern remake of Sid Meijer’s Pirates is tragic.
Majesty really needs another game. Simulation is pretty popular now and the second one was so disappointing.
Transport Tycoon Deluxe
Of course there is always OpenTTD, which has by far exceeded the original, but I would just like to see a modern game (not necessarily in terms of graphics) with the same vibe. Transport Fever and all the other variants never quite achieved the same depth and complexity.
Locomotion was the official “spiritual” sequel, but I remember that game being horribly disappointing.
Are you the only person that likes Daikatana? I thought that game was pretty universally panned. I haven’t played it myself, mostly because all I’ve heard is how bad it is.
Remaking a good game is stupid. Remake the bad games and give them another chance at success.
I would definitely want a reboot of Daikatana more than a direct continuation. Daikatana has a lot of cool ideas that just weren’t realistically achievable when it came out, but certainly now are pretty easy to implement with modern development tools. The game has been “off the market” so to speak for so long that making a sequel would be stupid compared to just rebooting it entirely.
MechWarrior 5 is a lot of fun
Yeah, it is, but it is fundamentally different from MechAssault. MechWarrior is a simulator and MechAssault is an arcade shooter. Its like the difference between Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon, theyre both fun but they’re also very different games.
Didn’t know lodoss war had a game. Fuck yes
The Brandish games have such a good soundtrack, I especially love the one in Dark Revenant! It’s also such a cool concept, you could easily make a modern game with that type of premise.
As written, this is a tough one to answer. I’m well served in most genres bar a few, and I probably wouldn’t want to see new entries from the people who made the old ones. For instance, I miss stealth games and Splinter Cell, but I wouldn’t want Ubisoft to make it. I would love to see a new Metal Arms, but Blizzard (and now also Microsoft) owns that one. I miss racing games like Burnout and F-Zero, but I wouldn’t trust EA or Nintendo to make a successor that makes me happy. So really, I think I want new stuff that’s more of a spiritual successor type of deal.
I’ve been wanting a new, proper Splinter Cell for years. Michael Ironside is cancer free now and still alive for a couple more years (hopefully). I dream of Sam Fischer getting a final send-off with the correct voice actor. “One final job” with him old and grey. But yeah, Ubisoft wouldn’t make it right, sadly.
Jak & Daxter, definitely. I want to know more about the whole Mar lore
You know what, fucking Bubsy. Let’s see another one of those fuckers. Let’s give it to a dev like insomniac though. That’s what I want to see. Let’s take something that never quite pulled it together and make that shit shine! Give Bubsy his chance in the sun.
There’s a fair amount of failed mascots that had small followings or good ideas badly executed. Instead of rehashing the already beloved, let’s see some genuine attempts to redeem some of the benchwarmers.
They made a couple modernized games. But they don’t have the feel of the original (better than Bubsy 3D though).
That’s why I mentioned insomniac, or another dev of that caliber. It’s a pipe dream, but it’s fun to think about. Doesn’t even have to be Bubsy. Imagine rockstar taking a crack at Glover. What’s your dream team of failed mascot and proven dev?
Pilot’s license, what for?
Bomberman! 💣💣💣
Legend of Zelda following Twilight Princess.
TimeSplitters following future perfect.
XIII following… the ending of XIII cliffhanger.
Half Life following HL2 E2 cliffhanger… or L4D3… or Portal 3…
Overwatch following Jeff Kaplan
Cave Story following Cave Story 1
A good comment& conquer game
Is that an online propaganda troll simulator?
Oh fuck, muhaha. Yeah, you never heard of it?? Highly recommend it.
I would love a sequel to quake 3 arena as another arena blast em up game, and one for gta2 as another top view game
Doubt the top down GTA game would ever be made again. Last one was GTA Chinatown Wars and it sold terribly. Started on DS, and was ported to PSP, and now on iOS and Android.
gta2 as another top view game
Gene Shift Auto is really nice. Check it out of you haven’t already.
A GTA 6.5 would be amazing. With self hosted server multiplayer.
Definitely Ultima, but possibly branching off from 7.
half-life 3 but apparently gabben only uses his ceo power to shut down discussions about making hl3
Ape Escape. I would love one with the scope of areas similar to Super Mario Odyssey
Specter! I should replay those games.
how about more original IPs instead? new and exciting ventures we havent seen before
with that being said, nightmare creatures 3 when
we get those in spades, they’re just all 5v5 hero shooters with moba elements
quite original indeed
I want to see Ultima Online come back, also Legacy of Kain
I’d love to see a modern take on Cannon Fodder, as well as another entry in the Desert/Urban/Soviet/Nuclear Strike series.
Lastly, there was a very fun demo/mod to Sensible Soccer for the Amiga that set the match between UK and Germany, and replaced the ball with a bomb that would periodically explode and eliminate any nearby players. I’d live to see a modern-day version of this, honestly - just some goofy fun!
…and yes, I am fully aware of just how old this makes me all sound.
For a modern Desert Strike check out Cleared Hot on Steam. It’s not out yet but it looks promising and it’s by a guy who wanted something like Desert Strike. Funnily enough it came up in a similar thread on Reddit a while back and I added it to my wishlist there and then.
Spectrobes, spent a ton of time in all 3 games as a kid. Apparently the 3rd game sold pretty poorly even though I would argue it was probably the best of the 3. It had just about everything one would want from a pokemon rpg, it even allowed for 2 players! Super upset that Disney killed it :(
New entry should absolutely follow the footsteps of the 3rd game (origins). Only thing I would hope that is improved is some of the terrain paths were kinda narrow and hard to accurately maneuver the horse-like mount around. That super frustrated me as a kid as it was much faster than walking, but all the time you ended up losing from getting caught on terrain, having to dismount/dismiss the mount, turn around, then resummon/remount made it more efficient to just walk.
The combat was fun enough on the 3rd, but my absolute favorite part was the excavation of fossils. Trying to go as fast as I could while also being super careful to not damage the fossil and having that linked to better stats for spectrobes was SO much better than breeding/catching new pokemon to me. It felt much more engaging than hoping for good rng.
If they won’t make a new one, the least they should do is remaster the games for switch. Which they also probably wouldn’t have to do much for the remaster as I would argue even the original version looks the same/better graphically than the latest pokemon releases for switch.
Spectrobes had such a unique feel to it.
I didn’t play the one on the Wii, but from what I’ve seen, I think I’d prefer a mix of all 3 games. I feel like the combat had slightly more depth on the DS games, but Origins did more in 3 dimensions and had a Spectrobe follow you in the overworld.
I don’t remember much about the combat from the ds games other than the enemy ai could be cheesed by running around the perimeter of the battle arena while waiting for abilities/geos to cool down. If they had a better ai or higher difficulty I would take any of the combat options though!
Here’s a rather wacky one: Star Tropics. A sequel to Zoda’s Revenge would just blow my mind.
I would like to see what Star Tropics would look like in 3D. It’s been 30 years since Zoda’s Revenge, I think we’re due for a new game. 6 months ago
Ape Escape 6 months ago
I only ever played the first one. I firmly believe it has one of the best soundtracks of all time.