- Comment on And I even lost the one that I had 1 week ago:
Haha, this is spot on. I don’t think I have a single photo of me and my best friends together the last 15 years. It’s just something we never do.
- Comment on Revolt server ( Linux + Steam Deck devs / creators) 2 weeks ago:
Does it have noise supression features like Discord?
- Comment on Little Man is chubbed 2 weeks ago:
I love that little bed 😍
- Comment on Day 229 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 3 weeks ago:
I have followed your daily gaming posts since you began. Appreciate the content!
- Comment on I’m probably no longer center-left. If you could decide from my thinking, what political affiliation should I research to see if it fits me? 3 weeks ago:
I am happy people are giving good feedback to you. Empathy is something that you can get more of over time, it’s not static.
Do you feel that the rich deserve all that money and power while you and everyone you know have to work hard for simple necessities? Or does that unfair situation make you a bit angry? It makes me.
You might not personally care about many of these issues emotionally, but you can think rationally.
What happens if the poorest countries in the world becomes uninhabitable due to climate change? Refugees, lots and lots of refugees. No other refugee situation can even closely compare to this.
What happens if you get disabled? A safety net is nice. You don’t have to care about them, but a guaranteed dignified life for them and yourself is to everones benefit.
You might not care about LGBT rights, but that’s exactly why they should get them. Why care, it doesn’t hurt you in any way?
You might not think what the republicans are doing will affect you, but it will. They are cutting the government to the bone at the moment, this will in turn mean the government will provide worse services to you.
They are also implementing tariffs. The new tariff on goods from Europe basically mean that a thing produced in Europe now will cost you 25% more to buy. The same tariffs will be implemented on Canada and Mexico soon. It could surprise you how much is imported from Europe, Canada and Mexico. The thought behind it is that American goods will be priced more competitively. But in the end, you still have to pay more…
This stuff affects you. You don’t have to do much, really. Just vote democrat if this makes sense to you. You don’t have to be politically active. Just go to the booths and vote once in a while.
Just don’t fight against peoples freedom. Feel free to think egotistically though, if you really think about it you probably stand to gain from voting for the left. Unless you are rich of course, then republican might be the way to go. There is a reason the rich love republicans. There are some concepts that might not make immediate sense, which is why you should want higher taxes, the government isnt that ineffective, and that immigration is probably not really that big of a deal. The higher taxes bit is basically that everyone pools their money together, the rich have to pour a lot more into the pool than the average, then the government spends the money on services for all. So you might put in 100$ and someone making twice as much as you 250$. You end up with services which is worth 175$.
When you feel the pull towards the right, consider if what you believe or hear is actually true or makes sense. A lot of the time it is not. The most common “enemy” for the right is immigrants, and now lgbt. Check statistics and do some research yourself when in doubt.
Anyways good luck on your soul searching, and sorry for the long rant/lecture 😉
- Comment on Bluesky 3 weeks ago:
404media is great as always. Interesting comments about the legality of this.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 5 weeks ago:
And another point, as a man a lot younger than say Salma Hayek. I’d happily be her young handsome piece of action. I would also get to be with an extremely attractive woman.
The same goes for these women and Leonardo Di Caprio. He is objectively an attractive man. It’s also bragging rights. I was in a relarionship with x-celeb. Of course many women dream of being with him, and of course a lot of them are gorgeous.
I think they are both having a great time, and see no reason to judge.
I fully agree let’s care about the things that actually matter and actually hurt people.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
I’d call this a win and love. Being open to being wrong is a great quality.
I see some people here not recognizing that this is a great development, or enough or whatever. These things take time for society to adjust to. Going from being skeptical / negative to a full blown ally is unreasonable to expect from someone in a short timeframe.
Being open to change and different opinions is something we should always support. That path might be rocky and hard, sometimes almost impossible.
For the sake of diplomacy and making him even more supportive seriously consider getting that “second opinion”, even though it might feel valueless for you. He just wants to make sure that you don’t make a huge irreversible mistake.
Makeup, dressing in clothes and taking some hormones or whatever is one thing, irreversible surgery is another thing. So I kinda get where he is coming from, but you probably know what’s best for you.
Anyways, good luck, and I wish you the best going forward, and am happy this is going in the right direction for you 🌈❤️
- Comment on ENHANCE 1 month ago:
Contacts gives you full field of vision, and they don’t get dirty. If you are lucky you only have to take them off and on for switching once per month and can sleep with them. I am one of those, and can buy the cheapest contacts too.
In other words, always good vision, with full FOV
- Comment on What are your favorite board games? I'm looking for games that are satisfying and lead to a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment or connection. 1 month ago:
Looks fun, just ordered the game now! 😊
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard appears to receive its final update 1 month ago:
Yeah, this is quite surprising really. This was a big expensive title and not even 6 months have passed.
- Comment on Thanks Satya Nadella, minority backgrounds is definetly what Britain needs /s 1 month ago:
This seems like a racist post from you, is that what you intended?
- Comment on If you're looking for a time to take action. it was 8 years ago. 1 month ago:
I’ll give a good faith reply, I hope you will do the same 😊
See the video yourself, both times he does it. How much force and how strict it is. How determined it is. If you doubt that it is real, try to do exactly the same yourself (when no one sees), and then it will probably become obvious that it is in no way a coincidence.
Everyone has had their hand up like that to wave at some point. The difference is how it got there and the entire gesture.
The left can sometimes be overreacting, but this is in no way an overreaction. This is a gruesome reminder and a mockery of the darkest part of human history. He’s not a teenage edgelord anymore. He’s >50 years old, the worlds richest man and a part of the administration of the most powerful country in the world.
Can you find a video of a high profile democrat gesturing the same way as Elon, or a nazi?
- Comment on More Censorship by Meta 1 month ago:
I tried to find news articles that supported your claim that more than just democrats was blocked.
I found a couple that said that democrats were blocked, but found it strange that the journalists did not try other obvious hashtags aswell.
Does anyone know of any third party that can verify this?
- Comment on How would you forgive someone that poisoned your dog when they only offer bad faith apology ? 3 months ago:
Well… It depends.
Was it truly deliberate, as in “I want to poison this dog, so that it dies”? If yes, then there is hard to forgive, maybe not possible. The only way would be if they reported themself to the police and offered a sincere apology, and then I would not let them near my dog as long as it lives. But could maybe forgive in time if they did all that.
Deliberate is also not black and white. Were they negligent? As in knew that dogs can’t really have onions, but did fed them food with just a little bit of onion in it, thinking it would be fine? Negligence can be forgiven, but only with a sincere apology.
I would forgive them if it was not deliberate at all. Even with a pretty bad apology.
If this person is important in your life, or are closely related, I would explain to them that the apology did not feel sincere, and that you consider it hard to forgive. Ask that they try again.
Also, do forgive them for your own sake, no reason to be angry in the long term, but you don’t have to trust them.
If it was a child that did this everything is very different. The answer assumed a person 18-20+
That’s my take.
- Comment on Bumper sticker 3 months ago:
This is one of the things that bother me with people being anti-trans. Why the hell do they care? There is nothing, NOTHING that trans people are asking for that bother me, because it does not affect my life. I don’t see how it affects theirs either.
There are two things I know little about when it comes to trans.
How to make it fair in sports, but I really don’t care for sports. So I haven’t researched it. Don’t really care if they participate, but I don’t take sports seriously anyways.
How to protect vulnerable people from themselves. This is probably contraversial, but I am for giving trans people the treatment they need to transition, or at least make sure it is possible at a later stage by giving hormones / blockers. So that they can transition a bit older.
However (the controversial part) many trans people are vulnerable and also struggle with other issues and operations is often permanent. This is something that I don’t believe is easy to decide, I am ignorant here, I trust medical professionals, psychologists, psychiatrists and the trans community to come up with guidelines / practice here. It is however not something that I think politicians should decide, or is competent in deciding.
The only reason I care about point 2 is to protect people from mistakes, not to stop trans people from transitioning!
Thanks for reading my rant 😊
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 3 months ago:
Just throw me in the trash
- Comment on Gridfinity creator gives his thoughts on Reddit, post-shitpost 4 months ago:
Just watched the one where he explains the headup display. So cool, I really like the thought of self-made custom wearable tech as well.
- Comment on Gridfinity creator gives his thoughts on Reddit, post-shitpost 4 months ago:
Wow, that was awesome! I haven’t seen any of his videos before. Makes me want to get a 3D printer
- Comment on Is it okay to take drugs to make yourself a better person? Does it make a difference if "better" is mental or if it's physical? 4 months ago:
Some people have to use pills their entire lives. I take some for my disability. They make me more patient and less excited/stressed. They also reduce episodes in which I might harm myself or do things I regret. I am not my disease. I am me, and the medicine is like using crutches for my mind.
I can not solve my issues by talking to a therapist, so medicine is a requirement.
I find it kinda idiotic not to accept medicine that will make things better for you. It’s irrational. I don’t blame you for feeling it this way, I am not sure if this is a gendered issue, but as a man I took it quite hard when I had to start taking meds, it was as if I had a weakness and was less than my peers. “Men are supposed to be stoic and tough” (I have since changed perspective)
Take your meds, no-one will give you a medal or appriciate it if you don’t. You are also not weaker if you take them. It just makes life easier, like a good bed or a good home. Is having a good home a weakness? “What? You can’t survive on the street? You pussy!” /s
See the irrational way of thinking? Any comfortable choice can be called some form of weakness. So then the queation becomes: Why choose to have difficulty when nobody gains from it?
- Comment on I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! 6 months ago:
I have the game installed now 😀 I like that all steps go towards a goal of some sort.
Found a tiny typo with the name for one of the hairstyles. If you search through your codebase for “adn bun” you will find it. Its probably supposed to say “and bun” 😊
- Comment on I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! 6 months ago:
By the way, I got such a good impression that I became a BMAC contributor, looking forward to testing it!
- Comment on I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! 6 months ago:
The game looks great! I really like that you don’t rely on GPS, because of privacy.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Those games were great!
- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 6 months ago:
That seems a bit tedious
- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 6 months ago:
I haven’t tried cloud sync yet. Relatively new to Heroic
- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 6 months ago:
I prefer GOG, due to being being DRM free.
On Linux I just use Heroic Games Launcher to install the GOG games and launch them. Its just as easy as proton on Steam
- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 6 months ago:
If ypu haven’t triedbir, you should try Heroic Games Launcher. Makes it just as easy to launch GoG games on Linux as Steam games
- Comment on Dune: Awakening – Exclusive Gameplay Reveal 6 months ago:
Looks good! I am a bit worried about it being an MMO, but Funcom has a lot of experience with making them. So might be good?
I’m especially looking forward to the interactions with sand worms and the thumper mechanics.