- Comment on What security purpose a Faraday bag has when it contain a vehicle keyfob 22 hours ago:
I don’t know where you got the idea that the key fob doesn’t transmit a signal when at rest. If you’re talking about keyless ignition with the button on the car (not remote start via key fob) the key fob transmits a response when it gets a request from the car.
The bad guys have a clever trick, though. They put one guy in your car and one guy next to you. The guy at the car hits the ignition button transmits the signal to the other guy, who transmits it to your fob. The second guy then transmits the response from your fob back to the guy in the car, who then sends it to the car. As far as your car knows, the fob is in the car. So it starts. A Faraday cage can protect against this.
- Comment on Hold on! 1 day ago:
Me neithe- I mean what does that say?
- Comment on Am I the only one that think the new bitcoincash community is full of bots? 3 days ago:
“Bots” wasn’t the first thing that came to mind when I considered what the Bitcoin Cash community might be full of, actually.
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 1 week ago:
I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying here. Yes, even the pro-Trump folks don’t comprise a majority of Americans, it’s exceedingly concerning that they’re as close to 50% of the U.S. population as they are. I don’t think I said otherwise, though. I also didn’t say anything about whether the anti-Trump majority (if indeed it is a majority) is/isn’t/was/wasn’t/should be/shouldn’t be “silent.”
Were the anti-Trump folks really “silent” before the election? Was there something they weren’t saying that they should have? 'Cuz it’s not like there wasn’t anybody campaigning against him.
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 1 week ago:
the majority of people voted for him
Eh… That’s not quite accurate. Current estimates are that 77,301,997 people voted for Trump, which is less than 50% of the 155,211,283 total votes cast. (But Kamala, the second-most-voted-for candidate got less than that at 75,017,626.)
But only about 64% of those eligible to vote voted.
So, not even half of those who did vote in the 2024 presidential election voted for Trump. But the ones who voted for Trump composed many more than the number of people who voted for any other candidate.
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 1 week ago:
American here.
First, you’re right. About basically all of what you said above.
I think you particularly hit the nail on the head with this:
I’m always thinking “dude, you need to chill” cause literally no one is attacking them and they’re fully secure. But it seems like they’re always searching for a fight or something.
The media here, funded by the big corporations, manufacture tons of FUD (“fear, uncertainty, and doubt.”) Things to be scared of. “They’re putting chemicals in the water that’s turning the frogs” (and by extension, your kids) “gay.” “The ‘woke mafia’ is trying to convert your kids to atheism.” “The Democrats are going to take your guns so they can install a totalitarian one world government without any resistance.” Most of it’s not true at all. Some has a nugget of truth but it’s not actually any threat.
I will say the Republicans are worse about this than the Democrats (the Democrats’ concerns are more legitimate than the Republicans’), but the Democrats are far from immune. Both are living in fantasy worlds.
…until something very bad happens like the second civil war…
Indeed there’s plenty of rhetoric out there pushing the idea that the U.S. is in a civil war. Between the woke antifa (short for “antifascist”) and the fascist conspiracy theorists.
- Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 1 week ago:
Until I saw your post, I was going to guess the A,0,2,3,4,6,F switch would switch it into different numerical bases. Like, if you wanted to do math in binary, switch to the “2” position. “0” (or maybe “A”) would be base 10. “F” would be hexadecimal. But what you have definitely makes more sense.
- Comment on Day 178 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 week ago:
Hot take: BotW > TotK
- Comment on Caption this. 2 weeks ago:
I farted. He farted.
- Comment on I hear Lemmy likes nests. 2 weeks ago:
Can you get bird flu by sharing needles with a bluejay?
- Comment on Water 2 weeks ago:
There are definitely more hydrogen atoms in a mole of water than stars in the Milky Way.
The Milky Way has somewhere between 100 and 400 billion stars according to Wikipedia (110^11 to 410^11). A mole of water has 6.02210^23 molecules in it, each of which has two hydrogen atoms in it for a total of 1.204410^24 hydrogen atoms.
10^24 / 10^11 = 10^13 which is ten trillion. So, a mole of water has roughly ten trillion times as many hydrogen atoms as the Milky Way has stars.
- Comment on The Hot Dog Class 3 weeks ago:
0% chance you’re from the U.S.
(Not a bad thing. Lol.)
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 4 weeks ago:
I wouldn’t want to stay married to anyone who would play these kinds of mind games.
- Comment on Anon gets plastered 5 weeks ago:
It’s a running joke where I work just how hard it is to get fired. One of the few stories I know of someone who was fired involved an employee for whom my employer paid multiple times for courses of rehab. He was finally fired when after all that they found him at his desk so drunk they basically couldn’t wake him at all.
- Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 5 weeks ago:
The ship named “software does shit I don’t like on my own hardware” sailed the day proprietary software became a thing.
Mind you, it’s scary how many people applaud kernel-level anticheat. “This game was just ruined by hackers until they added kernel-level anticheat. Now it’s great again!”
How would a campaign against kernel-level anticheat “succeed” exactly? More awareness? More people boycotting kernel-level anticheat? Laws prohibiting the practice?
Like, obviously I’m never running any software that involves kernel-level anticheat, but I’m a Gentoo neckbeard with an EFF-approved tinfoil hat permanently stitched to my scalp.
(Hell, I think it would be great if most of the games out there had cheater and bot servers where it was encouraged to run your cheat tools and/or bots. If they allowed that but just kept it separate from non-tool/non-bot players, that’d be a fantastic way to get kids more interested in STEM.)
(Also, if anyone made and sold a boardgame that made players want to cheat (in a bug-not-feature kind of way), it would get negative reviews and no one would buy it. In a way, kernel-level anticheat can almost be considered a type of “externality”. The game studio, rather than going to the trouble to tune their game to make cheating less appealing, they break their users’ computers and invade their privacy. And the game studio then rakes in more money as a result.)
But how would we get through to normie 12-year-olds who just want to play Valorant and not have their face constantly rubbed in the dirt by “hackers”?
- Comment on I hate Trump but man... 5 weeks ago:
Projection is Trump’s favorite pastime.
- Comment on Is steeped tea sterile? 1 month ago:
If a) you actually got it to a rolling boil for a sufficient time (some teas recommend heating to less than boiling temperature), b) the water boiled in the cup (as in, microwave rather than tea kettle you may have let cool a while before actually pouring it in the cup), and c) you took surgeon-like steps to avoid contamination during and after the steeping process, I’d imagine it’d be just as sterile as any thing just boiled would be.
- Comment on A tense moment. 1 month ago:
More realistically:
- Patient: "Doctor, I got shot in the chest."
- Doctor: "Have you considered it might be anxiety?"
- Patient: "WTF are you talking about? Look, I’m bleeding out all over the floor here."
- Doctor: "You’d be surprised what anxiety can do."
- Patient: "Doc, I’m dying from A GUNSHOT WOUND."
- Doctor: “Ang. Zai. Eh. Tee. Kthxbye.”
- Comment on You to have read it carefully and slowly ... 1 month ago:
- Comment on Dead internet theory 1 month ago:
Dead internet theory is a fantastic theory that holds that the majority of the social media content on the internet is created by bots. I personally like to think about an internet with only bots in it, communicating back and forth without human interaction. For example, creating a Tamagochi hive at home. This not only increases bot happiness, but also adds excitement! By the way, if you’re interested in non-standard hobbies, I also recommend paying attention to
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 1 month ago:
Wait, this is /c/lemmyshitpost, not /c/linuxsucks
- Comment on I have been told ever since I was a little shit that when you die you go to heaven first wait in line for St Peter to judge you at the pearly gates? Is this in the Bible? I thought god did judging 2 months ago:
Nope. Lots of stuff commonly believed by Christians isn’t from the Bible. (Though sometimes they’ll do a lot of mental gymnastics to assert that what they believe is from “the only reasonable interpretation” of the Bible.)
Just a few other things commonly believed by Christians not (or at least only dubiously) from the Bible:
- The seven deadly sins
- The nine circles of hell
- The seven levels of heaven
- Transubstantiation
- The trinity
- Comment on Anon falls through the cracks 2 months ago:
I’ve seen this happen with coworkers of mine. Folks who never did any work. And slipped under the radar for many years. at least two (and one other to a lesser extent) come to mind.
- Comment on Is there a word, phrase, or trope for an idea that gets more popular the more it fails? 2 months ago:
“Streisand effect” comes to mind, but like “sunk cost fallacy” it’s just an example of something “becoming more popular the more it fails.”
- Comment on Why do leftist blame the Democratic for sabotaging Bernie Sanders? 2 months ago:
I feel like we’ve said this to OP already too, but:
…it came off that he was so popular…
However it may have come off, not enough people voted for him to win him the primary. He wasn’t that popular. For reasons mentioned elsewhere.
It’s possible some people who favored Sanders over Hillary voted for Hillary in the primary anyway fearing that she was more likely to win the primary and not wanting to chance unintentionally boosting the chances of someone other than Hillary or Sanders getting the nomination. I don’t know of any polls or anything that might have indicated that was or wasn’t the case. But that still means people didn’t vote enough for Bernie.
- Comment on Why do leftist blame the Democratic for sabotaging Bernie Sanders? 2 months ago:
…because fewer people voted for him than for Hillary?
Not quite sure what kind of answer you’re fishing for here.
- Comment on Why do leftist blame the Democratic for sabotaging Bernie Sanders? 2 months ago:
Yes, but how do you think candidates get “popular?” With Hillary’s and the DNC’s thumb on the scales, Hillary’s campaign had an unfair and underhanded influence on the public.
- Comment on Can Trump pardon himself even though he did criminal stuff outside of office? 2 months ago:
No president has tried it before. Whether he can get away with pardoning himself has yet to be seen. For him not to get away with it would require someone to bring some sort of court case challenging it. And to bring a case, they have to have “standing.” (That is to say, they have to have some credible justification why the self-pardoning action the president took wronged the petitioner in some way.) Which would probably require some legal argument that has never been made before.
I’m guessing Trump probably could get away with it, but given that no president has tried this, we’ll just have to see for sure.
- Comment on For my fellow Americans, when is enough enough? 2 months ago:
Yeah, good answers. Thank you.
- Comment on For my fellow Americans, when is enough enough? 2 months ago:
Are you expecting someone to provide you with all the answers?
Only to explain the answers that they’re already bringing up.
And, honestly, your answer and OP’s answer are exactly the sort of answers I needed. Thank you.
I guess the short restatement is something like “work with others to create an alternative to depending on the capitalist/fascist system for crumbs and then protect that alternative system on a self-defense basis with firearms. (And be ready to before you actually have to.)”