- Comment on Which shows are worth watching? 6 days ago:
Whoever gave you that advice has sound judgement and good taste.
I’d say start with TNG. DS9 is probably objectively “the best”, but I think TNG is a better “entry point” if that makes sense? I think if I’d started with DS9 before watching TNG, I’d start wishing not too far into DS9 that I’d seen TNG already. Voyager gets some flack, but it’s what I have the most nostalgia for.
After Voyager, I think most of the shows are either “for the fans” (and contain tons of references that only established “fans” are going to get) or… kindof a pale imitation. If you really into Star Trek and run out of TNG, DS9, and Voyager to watch, by all means go on. (I’d probably do TOS next, honestly.) Discovery and Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks are great! But a lot of their charm (Discovery’s yet-another-fuck-up-of-Klingons notwithstanding) is about how they tie in to and reference the other shows more so than how they stand on their own.
Enterprise was… not my favorite. It was nice that it answered some questions other series left open, but they spent a lot of the show trying their hardest not to be Star Trek in ways that I say detracted from the experience. I’d say watch it before you watch Lower Decks, but aside from that, I don’t think it’s really worth watching unless you’re that level of fan already.
Oh, and the movies are amazing. Honestly, it might be good to watch the TOS cast movies before moving on from TNG to DS9. My favorite of all the Star Trek movies (and it’s not an TOS cast movie) is First Contact.
So, I guess if I were to recommend an order:
- All the movies in release order, though the Chris Pine movies are optional at this point. I’d also skip Section 31 until later.
- DS9
- Voyager
- Discovery
- Section 31
- Brave New Worlds
- Enterprise
- Lower Decks
- The Chris Pine movies if you’re still in the mood
- The Animated Series
- Then start watching non-official/non-canon stuff like Star Trek Renegades and Star Trek Continues
Anywhere in that progression that you decide to stop, I’d say you’ll have gotten the most impact you could have gotten from the portion you’ve already watched.
But of course, that’s just my take! The other opinions in this thread are all valid as well!
- Comment on how could i talk to someone about them being aggressive without invalidating them but also without enabling/downplaying it? 1 week ago:
First off, be careful. Make sure you aren’t putting yourself in danger. Don’t talk to them. Talk to someone who can do something to protect you. HR if it’s a work thing or the police if it rises to that level. If in doubt, err on the side of caution. If something like HR or police aren’t an option, ghost them.
I hesitate to even go on. So let me reiterate. Aggressiveness is the kind of red flag you don’t want to take lightly.
All that said, if none of the above helps; if you’re talking about something other than fear for your personal safety (and again, please don’t let denial blind you here), then: don’t talk about their behavior. Talk about how you feel. Say that you feel nervous/on edge/scared when they behave in whatever way you’re alluding to.
- Comment on Why We Love to Get Lost in Games: The Enduring Appeal of Metroidvanias 2 weeks ago:
Blaster Master was an underrated metroidvania. I’m a little bummed they didn’t mention that in the article.
- Comment on The Chosen: Last Supper Official Trailer (Season 5) 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 2 weeks ago:
Why do people say more people didn’t vote for Trump than did?
Because more people didn’t vote for Trump than did.
Trump got more of the popular vote in the U.S. in 2024 than any other candidate did, but he still didn’t get 50% of the vote. He got like 49.80% of the popular vote. And that isn’t even considering those who didn’t vote.
- Comment on Isn't it possible to frame almost any opinion as a question? 2 weeks ago:
Don’t you agree that the statement this “question” is rhetorically making is false?
“Is a question?” is a question?
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Reality has a well-known liberal bias.
- Stephen Colbert
- Comment on Crisps. 3 weeks ago:
Not always. Just usually.
- Comment on writing while hungry 3 weeks ago:
I wonder how it tastes with concentrated virus sample topping.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Legally, at least in the U.S. (though I hear not in Japan?), if you’re sued on a defamation case (slander or libel), if you can prove that what you said was true, that’s an ironclad defense.
I think it’s fair to say that you can’t necessarily know if something you’ve said about something was ethically acceptable until it’s certain whether what you said was true or not. If you say something about someone that you aren’t 100% sure is true, then whether it’s ok for you to have said that can’t really be known until the truth or falsehood of the assertion is certain.
- Comment on What we all want deep down 3 weeks ago:
doesn’t stop the worry.
As someone who makes a lot more money than I did previously, I’d say it largely does, at least for me.
I don’t spend anywhere near as much time:
- Budgeting
- Looking at my bank account balance
- Deciding what needful thing I’ll neglect this month
In short, I spend less time thinking about money, which means I spend less time worrying about money.
It’s not like I don’t worry at all about money, but I do worry a lot less of the time, and less intensely.
At this point, honestly, I think having more income might make me more stressed than I am now. Though I would like to be able to quit my day job for a business I own myself, maybe. As long as the income was reliable.
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 4 weeks ago:
generate code, memorize how it works, explain it to profs like I know my shit.
ChatGPT was just his magic feather all along.
- Comment on Are mods usually confusing as hell or am I just an idiot? 4 weeks ago:
Most games were never made to be modded. The communities are hacking mods into these games, many of which were even designed to make modding harder. (Because mods compete against sequels or something? I dunno. Intellectual property is a mental illness.) It’s not terribly surprising that games that weren’t meant to be modded have confusingly inconsistent methods for loading mods. Because those mods work fundamentally differently from game to game. If a mod happens to be easy-ish to install, chances are it’s either quite a simple mod (a model/texture replacement or some such, or just something that’s not terribly hard to mod) or a lot of work has been put into naking it easier.
- Comment on In 2020 I couldn't swing a stick without finding independent livestreamer links for protests. In 2024, I am having a very hard time finding livestreamers. Help? 4 weeks ago:
Maybe left-wingers are too demoralized right now because of Trump to even protest and protests will ramp back up once they’ve had a chance to grieve?
I’m not familiar enough with the scene you’re asking about to speak, though.
- Comment on Why do some people assume all immigrants are illegal and should "go back to where they came from"? Shouldn't that logic apply to all non-Native Americans? 4 weeks ago:
Unfortunately I’m familiar with the term. It refers to Latin people immigrating without documentation by swimming across the Rio Grande river which forms part of the border between the U.S. and Mexico.
- Comment on Do you need to adjust your speedometer if you change the size of your tires? 4 weeks ago:
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the one. There was no (attempt at) comedy in the one I was talking about. I kindof doubt I’d be able to find the name of the one I’m thinking about, but I might try later if I get a minute.
- Comment on Do you need to adjust your speedometer if you change the size of your tires? 4 weeks ago:
I have a vivid memory of staying home sick from school and watching daytime educational programming on PBS. There was a (dry, low-budget, old) math show for kids on. They had a “skit” where a couple of teenagers went and got replacement tires for their car. They came in with a set of numbers that I assume had to do with the tire measurements. (Maybe hub diameter, hub thickness, and tire outer diameter.) They found tires that matched on two of those numbers, but the guy was impatient and said it had to be basically the same because it matched on two parameters. Then in the next scene, the same teens were driving the car with brand new tires and they got pulled over for speeding. The driver was sure the speedometer said he wasn’t speeding, but the new outer tire diameter changed the calculation, meaning the speedometer read lower than they were actually going.
This is the first time in my life the memory of that show has ever come in handy.
- Comment on Anon becomes a shrimp farmer 4 weeks ago:
Shrimp > blockchain. Can’t disagree with him there.
For that matter, shit is better than blockchain. Because at least shit is good for manure.
- Comment on restrain thy progeny 4 weeks ago:
My neighbors across the street had a kid who would creep around in people’s front yards and peek in their windows. Like cup his hands around his eyes against the glass to reduce glare and see better. Not like from feet away.
Kid was really annoying and intrusive in other ways too. Like pushing to help you carry in your groceries, not knowing when to drop it, and being offended that you turned him down. Weird kid.
That was all mostly back when he was 8 or 9. He’s like 20 now and I think he still lives there. Hasn’t done any creeping or intrusive BS in a long time as far as I know.
- Comment on General Expression 5 weeks ago:
Promotional image from the TV series “Earth, Final Conflict”
If you get this joke without looking it up, 10 internet points to you.
- Comment on you are the democratically elected leader of a liberal democratic country which so far has had a good relationship with the US, how do you and your country survive 4 years of trump? 5 weeks ago:
The U.S. has always been bullies, fundamentalists, militant, entitled. All the things you don’t want in an ally. Yes, the U.S. is worse now. (I’m American, by the way.) But I hope U.S. allies have kindof seen this coming and made arrangements to weather this sort of thing, even if it lasts forever. Myabe that was kindof the point of the E.U., for instance.
The U.S. isn’t the only country going off the rails, though. Think of Brexit, for instance. I’m not saying the U.K. government is anywhere near as… quite frankly openly fascist as the U.S.'s is right now, but at least the U.K. isn’t immune. Unfortunately no country is.
- Comment on Anon is dangerous 5 weeks ago:
“Have a 4chan?” Isn’t 4chan loginless?
- Comment on Missed connection 1 month ago:
I tried farting in the bread isle, but I have yet to find true love. Am I doing it wrong? Maybe I need to eat more garlic for extra fragrance?
- Comment on What security purpose a Faraday bag has when it contain a vehicle keyfob 1 month ago:
I don’t know where you got the idea that the key fob doesn’t transmit a signal when at rest. If you’re talking about keyless ignition with the button on the car (not remote start via key fob) the key fob transmits a response when it gets a request from the car.
The bad guys have a clever trick, though. They put one guy in your car and one guy next to you. The guy at the car hits the ignition button transmits the signal to the other guy, who transmits it to your fob. The second guy then transmits the response from your fob back to the guy in the car, who then sends it to the car. As far as your car knows, the fob is in the car. So it starts. A Faraday cage can protect against this.
- Comment on Hold on! 1 month ago:
Me neithe- I mean what does that say?
- Comment on Am I the only one that think the new bitcoincash community is full of bots? 1 month ago:
“Bots” wasn’t the first thing that came to mind when I considered what the Bitcoin Cash community might be full of, actually.
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 1 month ago:
I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying here. Yes, even the pro-Trump folks don’t comprise a majority of Americans, it’s exceedingly concerning that they’re as close to 50% of the U.S. population as they are. I don’t think I said otherwise, though. I also didn’t say anything about whether the anti-Trump majority (if indeed it is a majority) is/isn’t/was/wasn’t/should be/shouldn’t be “silent.”
Were the anti-Trump folks really “silent” before the election? Was there something they weren’t saying that they should have? 'Cuz it’s not like there wasn’t anybody campaigning against him.
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 1 month ago:
the majority of people voted for him
Eh… That’s not quite accurate. Current estimates are that 77,301,997 people voted for Trump, which is less than 50% of the 155,211,283 total votes cast. (But Kamala, the second-most-voted-for candidate got less than that at 75,017,626.)
But only about 64% of those eligible to vote voted.
So, not even half of those who did vote in the 2024 presidential election voted for Trump. But the ones who voted for Trump composed many more than the number of people who voted for any other candidate.
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 1 month ago:
American here.
First, you’re right. About basically all of what you said above.
I think you particularly hit the nail on the head with this:
I’m always thinking “dude, you need to chill” cause literally no one is attacking them and they’re fully secure. But it seems like they’re always searching for a fight or something.
The media here, funded by the big corporations, manufacture tons of FUD (“fear, uncertainty, and doubt.”) Things to be scared of. “They’re putting chemicals in the water that’s turning the frogs” (and by extension, your kids) “gay.” “The ‘woke mafia’ is trying to convert your kids to atheism.” “The Democrats are going to take your guns so they can install a totalitarian one world government without any resistance.” Most of it’s not true at all. Some has a nugget of truth but it’s not actually any threat.
I will say the Republicans are worse about this than the Democrats (the Democrats’ concerns are more legitimate than the Republicans’), but the Democrats are far from immune. Both are living in fantasy worlds.
…until something very bad happens like the second civil war…
Indeed there’s plenty of rhetoric out there pushing the idea that the U.S. is in a civil war. Between the woke antifa (short for “antifascist”) and the fascist conspiracy theorists.
- Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 1 month ago:
Until I saw your post, I was going to guess the A,0,2,3,4,6,F switch would switch it into different numerical bases. Like, if you wanted to do math in binary, switch to the “2” position. “0” (or maybe “A”) would be base 10. “F” would be hexadecimal. But what you have definitely makes more sense.