- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Ape Escape. I would love one with the scope of areas similar to Super Mario Odyssey
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
A short 2D Collectathon in the style of 5th Generation games of the genre. Jump into a 2D world and explore, solve puzzles and overcome challenges to collect gears to take you higher. A beautiful art style and soundtrack make me wonder why this wasn’t talked about more
- Comment on Launch dates for upcoming Xbox games 7 months ago:
MMOs surprisingly have a strong controller play base mainly thanks to FFXIV. Considering it’s WoW’s strongest competitor, a controller layout is a solid idea
- Comment on Babe, wake up. Polls are open 8 months ago:
All I hear are excuses
- Comment on Reform UK pulls to within two points of Tories in latest YouGov poll 9 months ago:
Dumb people will double down in an attempt to present they were always right, even after they admit they were sort of wrong. If they can reverse that previous loss into a win, they were always right.
- Comment on Extend success of UK sugar tax to cakes, biscuits and chocolate, experts urge 9 months ago:
- Comment on Kingdom Hearts is coming to Steam - June 13 10 months ago:
1.5 kind of makes sense. It holds Kingdom Hearts 1 and a remake of the GBA game that comes before Kingdom Hearts 2 (also comes with a the cutscenes of another game between 1 and 2). I guess they wanted to keep the naming similar because 2.5 comes with Kingdom Hearts 2 and…a prequel to every game… and a cutscene collection of some weird side game about an AI. 2.8 they were really scrambling. Because they wanted to release the rest of the games in some way before Kingdom Hearts 3 so that holds a sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2, A standalone demo for 3 and…a movie from the earliest part of the series that actually is a giant pit of questions with no answers which may or may not have been answered by the gacha. No idea.
- Comment on Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda 10 months ago:
This is such a fanboy opinion. Sony killed basically their entire Japanese Development, had 13 GaaS in development at the same time and actively are holding back the standard of Cross Save. They give plenty of reasons to not be the ‘gamer’ console. Especially now when they are also beginning to drop games on gamepass.
Ironically we still know of more single player games coming to Xbox then games coming to Sony outside of Spider-Man Leaks.
Fallout is currently the hottest game on the market thanks to the Show on top of this.
This really fucking sucks but damn stop trying to use this as a way to promote your team
- Comment on do you guys think this game needs a remake? 11 months ago:
No need for a remake. I’m fine to take remake or remasters of games stuck on legacy software but DMC 1 already has one its available on modern PCs.
- Comment on Bandai Namco Sends Threat Letter To Modding Site Over Supposed Trademark Issues 11 months ago:
I’m not going to say I agree with them but there are actual reasons. Brand identity with porn seems to be an issue in Japan being one, so nudity mods costing investment. And we have seen mods recently to bypass DLC purchases. Both seems to be led by Japan who have a stricter definition of ownership.
All because one guy fucked up and added nude mods to his system and forgot to remove them before streaming officially for Capcom
- Comment on Cass review urges ‘extreme caution’ in prescribing puberty blockers to trans youth 11 months ago:
Transsexuality isn’t static, it’s a spectrum. You might as well state that non-op isn’t valid either. The op isn’t correct but neither are you.
- Comment on Pros and cons of getting a job at a very small software company? (14 employees) 11 months ago:
Clique culture in small companies is pretty common. It might not be boys club but there’s no middle man to protect Devs from those in charge so there’s always going to be pressure to hang out if everyone is or to work overtime. You have to work in that clique culture but you don’t have to always say yes as long as you are friendly about it. The phrase “being firm” has never sight right with me for these as it’s the antithesis of friendliness you can be loose and say no and if it’s brought up again stay loose and continue to say no. You don’t need an excuse but a loose excuse is works well.
Security is obviously always scary but the tech landscape does not really have that anyway. Realistically if the only worry is it’s a small company and everything else is good, take it. If you find that you don’t fit into the small team flow, then you can continue looking in the future.
- Comment on Disgaea fans: How does 4 compare to 1 and 2, doods? 1 year ago:
If that’s the case you should get it. 4 was easily my favourite gameplay wise but the characters weren’t my favorite
- Comment on Superhero XCOM-like 'Capes' releases in May, new gameplay trailer is up 1 year ago:
Marvel’s Midnight Suns?
- Comment on temperature 1 year ago:
But that also doesn’t matter because the granularity is meaningless if you don’t make decisions for differences between 71F and 70F
- Comment on MAR10 Day 2024 - Nintendo 1 year ago:
While I agree that the above commented is in order. It does not lead the industry in all other things. They are pretty mixed with performance and their online is pretty awful in comparison to other options. Accessibility is an awkward choice of words since I expect you mean accessible to ages because it also has pretty bad accessibility options. While people often mock Sony for playing it safe with it’s cinematic games it also feels like Nintendo’s IPs have slowly been conglomeration into a mould over the switches life.
- Comment on What games do you recommend to play with a girlfriend 1 year ago:
No experience with games? Has she watched you play games, did she have favourites from those? Are there certain IPs she likes that would help?
My sister is now a casual gamer. The games that got her into it are Kingdom Hearts just via Disney branding and Uncharted (which she liked watching people play due to the Nathan Drake) which slid her to her favourite series Tomb Raider.
I recommend going that route instead of trying to find some weird fit since if she likes Harry Potter for example one of the best solutions regardless of the time you put in will be Hogwarts Legacy.
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
It suggests they can’t afford to pay rent. It’s an old stereotype that is kind of redundant nowadays since (a) most people renting can’t afford it anymore and (b) different cultures are way more accepting and even encouraged living with your family. Most people understand that now.
You still here the saying buts it’s more about NEETs taking advantage of family rather than being smart
- Comment on EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" 1 year ago:
I’ve been hearing rumblings of people complaining about current game advertisement cycles being too long. Immortals, is a great example of one too short. Announced at Summer Game Fest and released in August(?). We don’t need long Ad campaigns for old brands but if you want to market a new IP as Triple A you have to put in the work to reach unplugged gamers, and it barely reached plugged in gamers.
- Comment on Persona 3 Reload sold 1 million copies worldwide within its first week, becoming the fastest selling game in Atlus history 1 year ago:
And it was an international release as well.
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Rockstar Parent Company Take-Two Files Trademark Dispute Over Remedy's Logo 1 year ago:
No, their parent company is though
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
A sixth camera is the obvious answer
- Comment on New Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Trailer Promises A Destined Fight Between Cloud And Sephiroth 1 year ago:
- Comment on This console generation seems skippable 1 year ago:
I think as someone who enjoys being in the zeitgeist of gaming. The switch is still kind of non debatable. It has way too many varied and strong first parties. While Sony doesn’t have as many. Most of their game release within the GotY range currently so also worth it.
If you are a normal gamer. You are correct in some way. Realistically I may recommend Xbox in favour basically only for gamepass. It’s cheaper than a PC post graphics card gouge and is less scary to newcomers. Their gamepass is also slightly better.
- Comment on Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer 1 year ago:
Only issue with 9 is it’s slow
- Comment on Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer 1 year ago:
I was pretty happy to let FF innovate and leave DQ as the stable JRPG release and then they announced DQ12 would be more action focused
- Comment on Video game actors speak out after union announces AI voice deal 1 year ago:
I agree. The key factor is getting this settled before some smart people get this working seemlessly. It’s stupid to hear that there wasn’t any unionised info decisions for a union though. I guess you ask the union to speak for you but it’s the unions job to speak back.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
They were already way in development by that point. Companies do know live service isn’t the bubble they thought it would be but it’s either lose all investments or get some return in the hope they hit the mass. Where they really fucked up is with the delay. Looks like nothing has changed as has put them in the fire with the end of fiscal year 2023. It’s also coming out same day as Persona 3 Reload which will likely be a heavily praised single player game. At least last April we hadn’t hit the maelstrom of “GOTY each week”.
- Comment on Did someone tell Steam it's not April 1st yet? 1 year ago:
It was community chosen. So a lot of people trolled. There’s a random dating SIM in one of the categories