1 year ago
I’ve been hearing rumblings of people complaining about current game advertisement cycles being too long. Immortals, is a great example of one too short. Announced at Summer Game Fest and released in August(?). We don’t need long Ad campaigns for old brands but if you want to market a new IP as Triple A you have to put in the work to reach unplugged gamers, and it barely reached plugged in gamers. 1 year ago
I also don’t want to be marketed at. If it’s good I’ll find out organically.
And I don’t want to find out about it at/before release-time. Because then I’ll want to buy it on release.
That’s the time the game is most buggy and least optimised (maybe also unbalanced too).
Complaining it didn’t sell well enough on release is some real crybaby stuff as well.
“It didn’t go exactly the best way I wanted it to go 😭😭”