No, see. Tooth decay, like carnivorousness, only began after Adam and Eve got expelled from Eden. Prior to that, everything existed in harmony sustained on thoughts and prayers.
Anon ponders the cosmic mysteries
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
Rib girl doesn’t have teeth. She’s just rib. 6 months ago
Holy shit ths is hilarious 6 months ago
Its a shame that the idiom ‘just ribbing you’ to indicate joking around probably doesn’t work in proto-hebrew. 6 months ago
I’m with Johnny 2x4, I’ll stick with plank. 6 months ago
I mean, kinda? Tooth decay got way worse when we started relying on sugar-rich grain for most of our calories after we developed agriculture. 6 months ago
No, see. Tooth decay, carnivorousness, and everything else were seen as neither good nor bad until Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the knowledge of good an evil and gained consciousness. Prior to that, everything was still absolute chaos, but without a knowledge of good and evil there is no way to make value judgements.
Things are the same as they’ve always been. The only thing that has changed is your perception. 6 months ago
No, see. Tooth decay, like carnivorousness, only began after Adam and Eve got expelled from Eden. Prior to that, everything existed in harmony sustained on thoughts and prayers.
why the fuck do you and another commenter have the same exact fucking start. Is the matrix breaking what the fuck is this shit 6 months ago 6 months ago
Ah yes pre Cambrian life 6 months ago
The Vatican’s secret library contains a lost scripture that proves that Adam was an anomalocaris 6 months ago
Anon never brushed his teeth and now they’re falling out. 6 months ago
Or he brushed his teeth but continued to consume copious amounts of mountain dew and coke. Doesn’t matter how much you brush, tons of soft drinks will still destroy your enamel. 6 months ago
You can also over brush and ruin your enamel. Checkmate atheists! 6 months ago
Counterpoint, I drink over 2 l of soda a day almost every single day, I have not had a cavity in the last 7 years, and my enamel is amazing.
I said all of that to say there is a genetic factor to consider, and if you are having enamel issues because of sodas then you would have likely also had them because of tomatoes and other citrusy zesty and acidic foods.
You can't just blame the soda, although I will admit that I'm sure my teeth health would be better if I did not drink so much soda. 6 months ago
Or humans only need to live to 30 or 40, maybe less to reproduce and raise new humans. So we haven’t evolved teeth that lasted longer than that. 6 months ago
Meh, doing all the stuff you’re supposed to while being too poor to afford dental care will result in teeth eventually falling out. 6 months ago
The funny part is that if there were a god (there isn’t), he would absolutely be an asshole. 6 months ago 6 months ago
Well, it is in your lore book. We just extrapolate by reading. 6 months ago
This assumes that if there was a god they are perfect and chose to make us with teeth that fail, bodies that get cancer, anger issues and mental health problems, etc
While that could be the case it could also be the case that if there was a god said god could just be a much higher level lifeform that could create galaxies and life and shit, but still was maybe not all that good at it. Like look at humanity. We can do crazy shit, we can make computers that do incompressible things to humans that existed as little as 50 years ago. But those computers still fucking suck and crash all the time, blue screen, lose data, etc.
Maybe there was a god that made humanity but he just wasn’t very good at it and as a result we now have cancer and war. and maybe they’re up there like “oh they’re deifying me, that’s super awkward bc it’s totally my fault their first child died of leukemia at 7 years old”. Or maybe they did all that and now they’re dead too because they’re not actually a god but just a higher lifeform and were deifying a loser that would’ve gotten a c on their biology homework 6 months ago
An interesting argument. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone seriously put this forward, only George Carlin (who was perhaps serious but not presenting it seriously). 6 months ago
I’m not trying to be funny, but would you also characterize “nature” as being an asshole? 6 months ago
if it was a sentient being making the choices - yes. 6 months ago
[deleted] 6 months ago
I mean that kinda makes sense no? If I was convinced god existed, is all powerful and all seeing but also a total dick I’d be very faithful to the creed lol. Dont want to make him pull some petty vindictive crap with me like sending a plague or so 6 months ago
Good point about teeth but what about cancer? 6 months ago
You know what it is?
The “infinite growth” wire was incorrectly attached to the “various cells” port instead of “teeth”.
Classic mistake. 6 months ago
Well can they fucking fix it already, not that hard to push a hotfix every millennium or so 6 months ago
“lol, I’m gonna kill so many kids!” 6 months ago
I have had this thought with less tism multiple times tbh 6 months ago
God’s favorite children are the rodents, whose teeth never stop growing. Amen! 6 months ago
Man I love godjaks 6 months ago
Currently experiencing wisdom tooth pain, anon’s rage is wholly justified 6 months ago
Why does Jod look like Guilfoyle from Silicon Valley? 6 months ago 6 months ago
I present: my favorite anti-intelligent design video 6 months ago
Eyelashes keep things out of your eyes, except fucking eyelashes. 6 months ago
Everything seems crazy when you think a man in the sky created the world. 6 months ago
No no no, you just don’t understand it.
God moves in mysterious ways.
Just ask job. 6 months ago
Was he the one who was raped by his own daughters? 6 months ago
If the questions are insane, the answers don’t matter