- Comment on Definitely wasn't late to work making this 3 hours ago:
But red ones go faster!
- Comment on The Tesla Backlash Is Biblical 1 day ago:
dude, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 3 days ago:
Yeah but a lot of people still don’t realize that they make better electric cars now.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 3 days ago:
The tech for silicon valley comes from Asia. You literally couldn’t build a chip factory in the US right now, the know-how doesn’t exist there anymore.
So the US is leading the world in writing code and building long tubes spewing hot gas out of one end. - Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 3 days ago:
They started out like China, making cheaper copies of Western tech. Then they started to innovate.
China is now on exactly the same path, and it’s well into the phase where they are innovating, but most people still refuse to acknowledge that.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 3 days ago:
Their AI needs longer to develop cause it has to be folded a million times.
- Comment on fetching bleach after this one 3 days ago:
This is what they mean by “Trickle Down”.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Is that a LAW in your pants or are you just VERY happy to see me?
- Comment on Apple Loses $1 Billion Annually on Apple TV+ | Report 4 days ago:
I make $56k per year.
To me, this would be like paying $4000 per year for something. - Comment on Sounds logical to me 4 days ago:
Is call him straight away.
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
No they are a symptom of a deregulated industry that can raise prices by 100% even though their costs have only gone up 2%, as long as a convenient excuse is pushed by the industry-aligned media.
Then, when the chicken plague is over, they lower the prices a tiny bit, to about 80% more than before, Trump declares victory, and the rich have become richer again.
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
This is locally-made European AI slop though
- Submitted 1 week ago to [deleted] | 157 comments
- Comment on what are the chances of irreparable damage due to obstructed blood circulation during sleep? 1 week ago:
I also know a great guy for that!
He’s not a surgeon as such, but he’ll do it for free if you source the anesthetics and let him keep half. - Comment on what are the chances of irreparable damage due to obstructed blood circulation during sleep? 1 week ago:
3.7%. This number in no way depends on the affected area, your age, or other health conditions.
It’s always exactly 3.7%.Glad I could help. Otherwise you might have had to contact a licensed healthcare professional.
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
If you’d been fucked (and reproduced), your shitty teeth genes would have made it into the next generation.
- Comment on The Tesla Backlash Is Biblical 1 week ago:
Tons of people are saying they’re apolitical so they’ll just endure and wait for the shit show to end.
Ask Russians how well that goes.
They’ve been apolitically waiting for Putin’s four years to end since 1999. - Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
The post suggests that some people with XY chromosomes are assigned female at birth and will live as a woman.
And some people with XX chromosomes are assigned male at birth and will live as a man.
Not that the chromosomes change. - Comment on The Tesla Backlash Is Biblical 1 week ago:
I do not condone violence or vandalism of any kind.
That is a deeply held belief of mine that comes from the bottom of my Terms of Service acceptance. - Comment on 'Starship Troopers' Remake Set From 'District 9' Director Neill Blomkamp 1 week ago:
If Neil Blomkamp makes it, you’ll lose that bet. He’s the perfect choice for a Starship Troopers remake.
But he’ll probably set it in South Africa. - Comment on How would we choose a "world language" in a fair way, for a hypothetical one world government? 1 week ago:
We use Latin
- Comment on WWYD 1 week ago:
I run towards one of the slits and cover it with my body.
The trolley now behaves like a normal trolley made out of particles.
It instantly grinds to a halt since there are no rails on its side of the barrier. - Comment on Before you act, is this right for the company? 1 week ago:
Yeah but those are prison tattoos
- Comment on Sounds like a place I'd love to work for 1 week ago:
Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to do that useless trip in order to keep the roof over your head?
- Comment on Thinkpad for the win 2 weeks ago:
Sounds military grade to me.
- Comment on Nicole got a new outfit! 2 weeks ago:
Cause she has a Lemmy platinum account.
- Comment on Realistically, how feasible is it to 100% boycott a massive corporation (such as Amazon) for an extended period of time? 2 weeks ago:
Even if all end users boycott Amazon, they’ll still make billions from AWS.
- Comment on Please tell me I'm not going nuts 2 weeks ago:
Who’s going to arrest him?
And what do you think the MAGA cult will do, then? - Comment on 🐸 time 2 weeks ago:
or shitloads of drugs
- Comment on When Lemmy got named did no one think that the "lemming" association might alienate people? 2 weeks ago:
When Lemmy got named, it was a safe haven for half a dozen communists.
No one thought about alienating normies.