- Comment on Nintendo, famed for hating emulation, likely using Windows PCs to emulate SNES games at its museum 4 months ago:
Wouldn’t that just be the SNES controller that Switch Online subscribers can buy?
- Comment on What's next? A new poem by Confucius? 4 months ago:
Wouldn’t mind getting the final act of the Aenid. C’mon Virgil, I believe in you!
- Comment on Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you' 4 months ago:
That’s a failure to download the installers to begin with, not them being taken away from you after the fact.
- Comment on Sorrows you could not comprehend 5 months ago:
Just throw the PokéRap on repeat again. It’ll come back to you in no time.
- Comment on The problem with sleeper ships 6 months ago:
It really isn’t. When you know where they started from, and what direction they were supposed to be heading in, then even without knowing how fast they’re supposed to be going, it’s literally as simple as dropping out of FTL at regular intervals behind the sleeper ship and pointing a telescope in the general direction you’re going until you hit the sleeper ship’s light cone. What other posters have suggested about potential technical limitations relating the nature of the FTL drive and/or logistical problems with actually doing a pick up make sense as blocking issues, but finding them to begin with is a solved problem. Like, this is basically “where are Voyager 1 & 2 right now”, and we actually know exactly where they are right now because we’re still picking up their radio signals, powered by a 249W generator (less power than used by a typical modern PC!), from over 136 AU out, and a sleeper ship is going to be way more visible than that.
- Comment on The problem with sleeper ships 6 months ago:
A sleeper ship isn’t going to be doing any maneuvers other than constantly accelerating before the halfway point and then constantly decelerating after the halfway point. Predicting the position of the ship at any given moment based on that is a textbook physics 101 problem that students are expected to be able to solve by hand. If you’ve got FTL cracked then you’ve got the computational power to account for any real world variables that would throw off such a prediction.
- Comment on The problem with sleeper ships 6 months ago:
If you have working FTL now, though, and can get there faster why not also intercept the sleeper ships and bring them with you?
- Comment on Anon ponders the cosmic mysteries 6 months ago:
No, see. Tooth decay, like carnivorousness, only began after Adam and Eve got expelled from Eden. Prior to that, everything existed in harmony sustained on thoughts and prayers.
- Comment on Twitter 7 months ago:
Different kid, actually. IIRC he’s got a bunch of IVF kids with different women because apartheid emerald money is sexy or something, but he couldn’t be bothered to actually fuck them properly. Also couldn’t be bothered to be present in their lives as a dad properly either.
- Comment on Good game soundtracks? 7 months ago:
Can’t go wrong with pretty much any pre-Skyward Sword Zelda. SS itself also has Ballad of the Goddess, which was good, but I can’t remember any other tunes from it or BOTW that aren’t just reprises of tracks from previous games.
- Comment on 'A king above the law': US Supreme Court's Trump ruling prompts judges to warn of 'nightmare scenarios' 8 months ago:
That’s so laughably easy to spin it’s not a distinction worth even noting. “Oh so-and-so is a clear and present danger to the country, so in my official capacity as protector of the Constitution of the United States I have ordered his termination”. Bam, it’s now an official act.
- Comment on Those Assassin’s Creed, Resident Evil and Death Stranding iOS ports have bombed 8 months ago:
Why would I shell out $50 to play on a tiny ass screen with shitty touchscreen controls? Fuck that noise.
- Comment on Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Announcement Trailer 8 months ago:
Yeah, Switch pointer controls were pretty YMMV, simply because the joycons themselves aren’t nearly as reliable in that regard as the Wiimotes were.
- Comment on Daisy Ridley's 'STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING' will begin filming from September 2nd, 2024 in London, UK. 8 months ago:
A New Beginning
Rey Skywalker has vanished…
Seriously though, best of luck to Daisy Ridley, I guess, but I’ll believe it when the torrents start showing up.
- Comment on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind - Announce Trailer 8 months ago:
Link is for the wrong trailer.
- Comment on Which is less religious: Xmas or Christmas? 1 year ago:
Just go back to first principles and celebrate the actual solstice.
- Comment on Epic is giving away 17 games as part of its holiday sale 1 year ago:
Yes, thank you, I’m well aware that internet randos are people. And I like not having to deal with them while I’m unwinding. Why is that a “problem”?
- Comment on Epic is giving away 17 games as part of its holiday sale 1 year ago:
I mean, I hate playing with internet randos anyway, so that’s not actually a downside for me.
- Comment on ‘The Marvels’ Meltdown: Disney MCU Seeing Lowest B.O. Opening Ever At $47M+ 1 year ago:
Look, I just don’t feel like sitting in an enclosed space for a couple hours breathing the same air as a bunch of randos these days.
Also, fuck Disney.
- Comment on God of War is coming to GOG 1 year ago:
Really? Huh, the about page still claims everything’s DRM free. Got any examples, so I know which games to not buy?
- Comment on How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose? 1 year ago:
Do it in the shower.
- Comment on Scottish independence to be on ballot paper at general election as SNP approves new strategy 1 year ago:
Is this the fabled Scexit?
- Comment on In The Empire Strikes Back, why does Han significantly outrank Luke? 1 year ago:
To muddy the waters even further, I will note that it’s also tradition to refer to whoever is in charge of a ship or aircraft as captain, regardless of actual military rank (or even if they’re just civilians). And as Han Solo will tell you with great emphasis, the Millennium Falcon is his ship, and he is her captain.
- Comment on I would like to enjoy Zelda BOTW but … 1 year ago:
Really wish they’d exempted the Master Sword from the durability mechanic, especially given how much effort it takes before you can even get it (I think it’s something like ~80/120 shrines or else it kills you?) and how not OP it is in actual practice.
- Comment on Chaos, Comedy, and 'Crying Rooms': Inside Jimmy Fallon's 'Tonight Show' 1 year ago:
Is this the new Chevy Chase?