I think my favorite Beatles fact is they were being taxed at like a 90+% rate and didn’t even know for a couple years.
When they found out and took it to court the judge basically said “you were making so much money you didn’t even realize you were being taxed at all. Sucks to suck we’re gonna keep taxing you at the same rate”
MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 10 months ago
I am a middle aged white guy and I honestly don’t give a shit about the Beatles lol
They have maybe 4 or 5 songs I actually like and I’ve always said they were overrated
incogtino@lemmy.zip 10 months ago
That’s because the Beatles broke up in 1970, so anyone who remembers them from their active years is well over 60, which would be really stretching the definition of middle-aged
MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 10 months ago
I’m 42 and I grew up surrounded by people my own age who were Beatles fanatics lol people actually kept listening to them long after they broke up
ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world 10 months ago
It definitely is. I think the person who made this meme might be middle-aged by now.
ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world 10 months ago
How about beetles? Wanna discuss beetles?
EdibleFriend@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Yeah, I’m still pissed they made bumblebee a Camaro.