- Comment on CSS moment 2 days ago:
T-that’s just a coincidence…!
- Comment on Same 1 week ago:
Also, when fleeing Earth, they don’t try to solve issues. They just set up new corporations doing the exact same stuff in other places. When the game presents a problem where taking down a CEO would be one of the best possible outcomes, it isn’t an option. Literally everything you do in the game is maintaining the status-quo of the modern world, despite it being the source of so many issues in the game. You can’t change anything and no one wants to either.
That sounds pretty realistic to me. I’m not sure if it’s intentional, but this counts as a commentary on our social situation. Probably doesn’t make for a compelling game, though.
- Comment on Same 1 week ago:
Did Starfield become a good game?
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 1 week ago:
At least the player has a chance to figure things out for themselves. The super obvious markings plus the pop up is like the game forcing you to look things up and it feels like being treated as an idiot. It might be difficult to make the path clear in the ultra-detailed worlds of today (and the visually-busy temporal visual effects don’t help), but there are still more subtle ways to show paths forward.
- Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 1 week ago:
The right-most switch lets you turn on sigma mode.
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 week ago:
Ah yes, but you do not fear .ml, you only bring it up all the time and demand it be blocked for everyone on .world because…? You can just block it yourself, putting it in spongebob case doesn’t make that point invalid.
- Comment on Heavy is the head that wears the crown 2 weeks ago:
I like the whopper (when they don’t overcook the meat or use wilted veggies) but that’s about all I’ve ever gotten from them.
- Comment on Mildly McInfuriating 2 weeks ago:
Maybe it’s location based, but I had a mcflurry about a year ago and was given a pathetically small amount of the topping poorly mixed in a terrible filler ice cream. Perhaps the ice cream in the mcflurry was always terrible, but I hadn’t noticed it before when I would get a lot more of the topping. Also, their coffee was better for a time but it has reverted to burnt mud.
- Comment on Mildly McInfuriating 2 weeks ago:
Apparently quite a few people have a high tolerance for what they value.
- Comment on Mildly McInfuriating 2 weeks ago:
Prices have gone up while portions, service, and even quality (as low as it already was) have gone down. When does “the free market” start improving things for customers instead of just shareholders?
- Comment on Which one are you? 2 weeks ago:
The guy on the left except I don’t even know the amount of time since my microwave was built in the mid-80s and takes longer to cook food (not sure if underpowered when it was built or some sort of degradation took place, it just came with the house).
- Comment on Go into debt if you have to 2 weeks ago:
I dunno about that. Based on this US data, its use seems to be expanding, even more so than renewables: www.eia.gov/energyexplained/us-energy-facts/
This graph in particular shows this: Image
- Comment on is feeling disrespected reason good enough to change jobs? 2 weeks ago:
What’s the benefit of making them fire you over simply quitting?
- Comment on Hubris 3 weeks ago:
I find the pop satisfying.
- Comment on Sure, WSJ. Next do an article on Selection Bias 4 weeks ago:
A lot of this is on paper. For example, if they’re calculating potential retirement age based on stock market returns then they may be in for a rude awakening if the longest bull run of all time (minus the covid disruption) ends. But what are the odds of that, right? Surely housing prices will also rise forever too.
- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 4 weeks ago:
While true, how many of those workplace incidents involved someone from the executive level?
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 5 weeks ago:
Trying to change the subject was not invented by anyone in particular, but the US likes to slap that label onto everything that directs criticism at them. For example, the US has the highest prison population per capita but will scream about enemy countries imprisoning people preemptively with countless stories in the media. Calling out the hypocrisy is countered with accusations of “whataboutism” but that’s not whataboutism, it’s simply pointing out hypocrisy since it’s the same subject.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 5 weeks ago:
One problem I see is that people feel like they have to work in absolutes or match their opinions 100% with everything within a group. How the grouping forms is not always clear, but apparently if one is associated with that grouping, they feel the need to defend everything in that grouping and attacking everything that isn’t.
There is some discussion to be had in the role of the US using proxies to undermine global rivals, but that does not justify Russia invading Ukraine, nothing does. Absolutely, fuck Russia.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 5 weeks ago:
Nice caricature, but it has nothing to do with my post. Pointing out that the US is the biggest source of imperialism doesn’t mean no one else is imperialist, but thanks for proving my point. Fuck Starbucks and Apple, by the way.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 5 weeks ago:
The US is the biggest source of imperialism in the world. We don’t have to always follow that up with “butwhatabout” to distract from that, which is what the US media machine does by running stories all the time to manufacture consent for its own imperialism.
- Comment on Epic Store's Unreal Tournament page now has free download links to Unreal, Unreal 2, and Unreal Tournament '99 5 weeks ago:
2004 was also great! Too bad that’s not available for free as well.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
If four years is not enough time, especially when we had years of material to work with beforehand, including two impeachments, then it was clearly never going to happen. This is the common strategy of doing things as slow as possible to show progress is being made, but it’s such small progress that it’s effectively at a standstill. It’s what democrats use to pretend they’re fighting for progress when in reality they’re just upholding the status quo until the next republican term. We’ve ping-ponged between republican and democratic party rule almost evenly, yet the country is becoming more and more fascist. There is a reason for that.
- Comment on US rep asks Valve to remove ‘Oct. 7’ game from Steam 1 month ago:
You’re making a false equivalence, but regardless, I am fine with any of that, even though I hate Nazis and the IDF, because it’s a video game. It’s virtual.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Because democrats are only interested in upholding the status quo. With the republicans only pushing the status quo to the right, you can see where this ends up.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
No word on the attorney general who was hand-picked by democrats to sit with his thumbs up his ass for four years?
- Comment on Pro-tip for this capitalistic hellscape 1 month ago:
I’ll have plant protein instead, thanks.
- Comment on Pro-tip for this capitalistic hellscape 1 month ago:
Shrimp is actually crustaceans, but also it’s around the bottom tier of seafood.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 1 month ago:
What the heck is a chief philanthropy officer?
- Comment on I heard we're doing eggs this weekend 1 month ago:
Wouldn’t be Gaston if not every day!
- Comment on violenceposting 1 month ago:
😢 Hopefully the blanket breaks this chain…