- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
There’s still something uncanny about it.
Still incredibly impressive. I wouldn’t believe this was prompt generated just a few years ago.
- Comment on I just cited myself. 8 months ago:
You got me
- Comment on I just cited myself. 8 months ago:
If 0.999… < 1, then that must mean there’s an infinite amount of real numbers between 0.999… and 1. Can you name a single one of these?
- Comment on Efficency 8 months ago:
7 by 7 matrix isn’t the optimal packing. The square shown is slightly smaller than 7 by 7.
- Comment on Science memes 8 months ago:
Normie numbers (aka natural numbers)
- Comment on Garfield 8 months ago:
My interpretation is that Jon starts talking about how division by 0 is not possible. Garfield then goes on about how we can use limits to assign values to such expressions, which we can use to calculate derivatives. I guess Garfield starts to question whether dy/dx really exists after all this.
Jon then changes the subject to be about integrals, which Garfield is immediately annoyed about the missing +C.
It’s super funny.
- Comment on Science memes 8 months ago:
Does the meme making fun of all memes make fun of itself?
- Comment on Embracer rolls out new AI policy to 'massively enhance game development' | Game Developer 8 months ago:
I’m mostly joking about that Embracer is more effective at shutting down studios and cancelling games rather than making them.
- Comment on Embracer rolls out new AI policy to 'massively enhance game development' | Game Developer 8 months ago:
It’s not from a high bar, so not improbable AI will do a better job than Embracer already do.
- Comment on Julia Louis-Dreyfus Calls ‘Bulls—‘ Over Complaints That ‘Comics Can’t Be Funny Now’ Due to P.C. Culture: It’s Not an ‘Impossible Time to Be Funny’ 8 months ago:
If you think PC culture is hindering your ability to make jokes, maybe you aren’t that much of a comedy genius
- Comment on Movie Trailers Are Killing Movies 8 months ago:
Yes, that’s the battle for attention
- Comment on Movie Trailers Are Killing Movies 8 months ago:
You mean the quick roll of cool shots before the actual trailer starts? Mainly because internet is now about competing for attention. If you haven’t captured the audiences attention within 5 seconds, you’ve lost. They’re on their way watching something else instead.
- Comment on Know who is king 8 months ago:
Well, sin and cos can’t be directly computed in general, so you’ll need an approximation method such as the Taylor series to use Fourier series.
Fourier just shamelessly sampled Taylor’s tracks.
- Comment on Pixar CCO Says Live-Action Remakes Bother Him: “I Like Making Movies That Are Original” 8 months ago:
Muppet Oppenheimer
- Comment on DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025 8 months ago:
There’s the stone imps who can only be damaged with the full auto mod (or super weapons).
- Comment on DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025 8 months ago:
Technically the shield is a chainsaw
- Comment on DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025 8 months ago:
That skull crushing weapon is so fun to look at.
Judging from the trailer it looks like we will see more open arenas. Good to see they won’t try to make a repeat of Eternal and instead try new ideas. Looking forward to see how it plays out.
- Comment on Eating your veggies 8 months ago:
Waka waka, eh eh
- Comment on New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters 8 months ago:
I’m not the same person, but I’ve played a few levels now. I think it’s really good, especially for being early access. Reminds me of original Half Life, so if you like that kind of game it’s a strong recommend!
- Comment on New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters 8 months ago:
Started playing it and I’m liking it so far! The low health regen is very clever. Solves the problem in Half Life 1 where the player is always finishing encounters at 1 HP without the need for excessive health pickups. Now the player is guaranteed to have at least 35 HP.
- Comment on Video Game Music Legend Geoff Follin Has Passed Away 8 months ago:
Silver Surfer has some of the most incredible bangers ever put on a NES. RIP Geoff.
- Comment on particles 8 months ago:
I found this after a Google:
There are 8 types of gluon particles.
- Comment on Arrowhead initially planned to make Helldivers 2 in 3 years—instead it took 7 years, 11 months, and 26 days 9 months ago:
They probably developed, refined and scratched 100s of ideas before they landed to the final game.
- Comment on For the first time in 28 years, Super Mario 64 has been beaten without using the A button – and it only took 86 hours 9 months ago:
It uses a glitch that’s only on Wii Virtual Console as well.
- Comment on Name & same. :) 9 months ago:
Nobody would read it even after it was published. No scientist have time to read other’s papers. They’re too busy writing their own papers. This mistake probably made it more read than 99% of all other scientific papers.
- Comment on How do you even call that? 9 months ago:
Ember restored
- Comment on Tacos. 9 months ago:
Everything is real on the internet
- Comment on Tacos. 9 months ago:
If anything, it just used as justification for bad behavior. “My genocide is completely justified. It’s what God wanted!”
- Comment on Let's discuss: Half-Life 9 months ago:
I think you should give HL2 a chance. It can be enjoyed even without the first game. You have already played the first game a bit, so you know the deal (experiment gone wrong, aliens everywhere). HL2 takes place 20 years after the incident.
There’s fewer annoying platforming sections for instance. The puzzles also involves proper Havok physics, which is easier to manage.
The story is also a step up, with proper named characters. The baddies are also better developed and has a better reason to be the baddies.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Half-Life 9 months ago:
HL2 is probably the game I’ve replayed the most. It’s just as amazing every time.
When I played it for the first time almost 20 years ago (gosh!) I expected all games would have this level of immersion onward. It was such a leap forward. Things I normally could expect from the real world applied to HL2 as well.
Oh, there’s roller mines hurtling towards me? Obviously I’m supposed to throw them down the cliff using my gravity gun. No explanation from the game about this. It just felt like I would do the same in the real world.
Is this immersion the future of gaming? I can’t wait to see what the future will bring!
Turns out 20 years later that HL2 was a one of a kind game. Other games might have better graphics and physics, but few games match HL2.