Does the meme making fun of all memes make fun of itself?
Science memes
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Comments 5 months ago 5 months ago
Excuse me, sir, this is a well-respected barbershop. 5 months ago
I’m going to need you to prove the existence of this normies me-me 5 months ago
What’s the set “N”? 5 months ago
Normie numbers (aka natural numbers) 5 months ago
dankness norm 5 months ago
Hell yeah, recursive memes Recursive centaur: half horse, half recursive centaur 5 months ago
I have so many questions about that freaking creature. Can it partially unfold to reach anything arbitrarily far away? And how would it go about washing itself? 5 months ago
That depends on the decay factor of one centaur to the next. If the centaurs shrink by anything more than a factor of two, then no. The creature will converge onto a single length. 5 months ago
1- Yes, but the more it unforlds, the thinner and.weaker the part of it that reaches the object will be. At one point it may be thinner than an atom, at which points furtger questions becomes to complicated for me to bother trying to answer. If Plank’s distance is mentioned I will run away.
2- If it goes into the bath water and you consider the water to be a continuous medium, then the surface of water touching it will also be infinite. If you consider a scale too small for the water to be considered a continuous medium, however, I will leap out the window.