zero female sex partners
Well that’s a meaningless study then
Submitted 10 months ago by to [deleted]
zero female sex partners
Well that’s a meaningless study then
Meaningful if you’re looking for predictors on birth rates, I suppose. Usually I see studies like this used to explain why populations start to decline.
Not every study has to be about everything, there’s plenty of interesting things this tells us.
Lots of follow up studies too, are gen z women the same or do they all go for older guys or the same guy? Is this trend tied with sexual identity, how do men feel about it, do porn habits correlate, how does it split demographically and economically…
Doing a study on all these factors would be huge and expensive, getting a good data point to inform future study design is a vital step.
But yeah look up the paper I bet they asked more than one question and have a methodology based on sound principles trying to increase understanding of a complex subject.
It’s interesting, but that stat doesn’t really tell us everything. It only looks at guys who haven’t been with any women since they turned eighteen. A lot has changed since 2008, especially with more same-sex couples being open and accepted. That detail alone could throw off those numbers. Plus, with all the tech and social changes, who’s to say people’s sex lives haven’t shifted in other ways too?
“Young male virgins” equals “men under age 30 who report zero female sex partners since they turned 18”?
Good thing nobody has sex before 18.
It’s confirmed.
The Bourne Ultimatum turned me gay.
More like Bourne Ulti-gay-tum.
I’ll see myself out.
Right, like what’s the point in excluding this data? I guess it’s probably safe to assume if you had sex under 18 you probably have had sex after 18 but still odd that it’s like that.
I’m willing to bet that they didn’t want the legal hastle of collecting data on minors.
As far a why they excluded man on man action I have no idea. If the origional graph was in an article about declining birth rates or something then that may explain it but idk what the original article was so idk if that is the case.
Yeah some of these virgins are bi guys who had sex with a girl in their teens and met the man they’d marry in high school.
That’s when social media started earnestly taking a foothold. I am guessing maybe this has to do with depressed females (there are studies which indicate social media use affects females more and also depresses them). Depressed females likely have different preferences and standards than those who are not, perhaps. If you don’t like yourself, you’re unlikely to pursue and welcome relationships.
Alternatively, that was the time of the Great Recession. Perhaps some young adults in general are too economically stressed to do normal activities?
ugh i hate the word “females”. why not just say “women”
Because the study is clearly talking about goats. You only use the word “women” when you’re talking about humans.
In the context of this discussion, the chart title is “young male virginity on the rise”, so it doesn’t seem too far off the mark.
This is also around the time smartphones came out. Wait, were the boomers right?
Pornhub was launched on 25 May 2007. Just saying…
Well broken clock, etc. etc.
Also, social media is a major contributor to the isolation epidemic going on, as is the economic situation and the work culture of countries like the US.
So what I’m saying is, you’re probably right on all accounts.
I saw a great video once that went into how the economic situation is largely responsible for the cultural shift from “adult” as a thing you are to “adulting” - a thing you do. That from Millenials onwards, generations don’t feel economically secure enough to partake in traditional cultural norms of middle-class adulthood. Things like buying a house and popping out 2.5 kids.
I’m trying to understand your post. Do you mean that the number of young men who are virgins has risen because women are depressed, thus implying that all of these young men are involuntarily celebite?
Not all, it’s hard to say
Not that I am not “blaming” women for the lack of sex these men are getting. I am saying that if you’re comparing yourself to the best female in your group and her outcomes, then you’re constantly going to feel like you’re not doing good enough for yourself. You’re going to get depressed, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not coupling. But you’re restricting yourself and constraining your choices.
It’s an untested hypothesis, but here’s some prelim evidence:…/key-takeaways-on-americans-view…
More women say dating is emotionally and physically risky now. What’s changed necessarily? I don’t know, I think it’s the hyper awareness induced by social media
In 2008 Sasha Grey win Performer of the Year award.
I am not going to figure out/imagine how many years ago was the, nope, no way, I know better.
Ah, you were educated in the Southeastern US too, huh? I don’t math good neither.
Housing crash fucked everyone for generations.
Mass adoption of cellphones, social media, streaming services and the destruction of third spaces. Endless entertainment, decreased socialization.
People have been fucking while living with their parents for most of humanity. That’s not the problem, at least in terms of first experiences.
When most people have to worry about their rent & food everyday of their life while working for ludicrous amounts of time every week, having a family or relationships in general just look like more expenses for the individual. It’s not an issue only men face either.
is your mom the housing crash?
Ba Dum Tss
Emphasis on “female”.
Also the year Persona 4 came out.
You may be onto something
Every day is great at your Junes!
It’s impossible to find someone with Yukiko’s perfect sense of humor.
men under 30 who report zero female sex partners since turning 18
Okay, but what about male partners?
I’m pretty sure ex-President Clinton has a daughter who looks very similar to him.
Ok, now overlay young men under 30 who are into Ben Shapiro and Andrew Tate…
can you overlay a line over itself?
I mean, I guess millennials were right in the middle period between having a healthy sex life prior to 18 and then various life clusterfucks hit the generation. I can only assume ppl gave up, secluded, moisturised, in their lane, flourishing in their shituation as best they can.
Jesus Christ that’s Jason Bourne !
How would that make them virgins? They could e8tger be gay, 9r have had sex before being 18.
If you don’t fuck for 12 years, your virginity grows back.
See that peak a little while after 1989?
I lost my virginity in 1993.
To who?
The girl I was having sex with.
I bet young people today are more honest.
Also more gay.
I’d not surprised if women had a much lower percentage
The most virgin thing you could possibly say to seeing this
You could’ve just said “Correlation does not imply causation” and moved on but man…
Correlation does not imply causation
what does this have to do with anything in this discussion?
Logically speaking how? Having sex with aliens?
It would mean that there’s a subgroup of men that had more sexual partners than the average in the given timeframe.
What was op cookin
Looks like I’m finally better than the majority at something!
So Jason Bourne turned everyone gay?
Or did he turn women into lesbians?
Even in the late 1900s that number is still way higher than I thought it would be.
“late 1900s” is something I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to hearing.
I never know if 1900s means 1900-1909 or 1900-1999.
What if you’re 38? Asking for a friend.
Fuck Putin. Wait, not THAT.
What if I suck at drawing?
I think that’s the one I tried to watch 3 separate times and fell asleep at the same exact spot each time. I’ve only ever actually seen the first and last quarter of the film. 10 months ago
2008 was the beginning of the recession, and in many ways things never really recovered. Cost of college never went down. Housing remains unattainable for most young people. And the job market is becoming more exploitative than ever.
Financial uncertainty creates anxiety. People with too much anxiety don’t have the time or energy for relationships and family. As it happens, countries where this is felt even more, like Korea and Japan, have it far worse. 10 months ago
And it’s a hard sell to get a girl at a bar/club to come back to your mom’s house. 10 months ago
by that logic, nobody would have sex while in high school. And japan would have basically no virgins, since they have the love hotels.
btw, america needs those. very covenient, and with the housing prices and everyone living with their parents, very much in demand 10 months ago
You just have to sing the song. 10 months ago
I like the Bourne Ultimatum theory better. We peaked there and will never achieve that high again! 10 months ago
Okay but what happened in 1989 when it was 1% lower? 10 months ago
We call it the great sex recession in some circles 10 months ago
It was so traumatic that it left many of us with a very sexy learning disorder.
What do I call it again, Kiff?