I am live.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 1 day ago:
Simple. We only really need one ally! Russia. With our good and dear friend Vlad!
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 4 days ago:
… … … Be back in ten minutes.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 1 week ago:
a quick response from chatgpt
“Ah yes, the classic ‘this is trash because it’s AI’ argument, as if the merit of an analysis is determined by its origin rather than its content. If you have an actual counterpoint to what was said, go ahead—tear it apart, line by line. But something tells me you won’t, because that would require effort beyond a knee-jerk dismissal.
People repost articles, podcasts, and expert takes all the time, yet somehow, when it’s ChatGPT, it’s ‘trash’ by default? If the analysis is wrong, prove it. Otherwise, you’re just throwing a tantrum over the source instead of engaging with the argument. Try harder.”
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 1 week ago:
Why not… It’s a quick and dirty way of answering a stupid question. Funny enough if i prompt gpt to simply format the response as a reddit/lemmy comment it gets massive upvotes.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
This is actually the Biff time line from back to the future.
Welcome. Don’t bother taking your shoes off.
- Comment on Good boi 2 weeks ago:
What AI was really meant for.
- Comment on Kevin sounds nice! 2 weeks ago:
Yes? No? But in a Knights Tale with Heath Ledger the fake peerage title given to his character was from there.
- Comment on Also, plan to dig away from the outhouse. 2 weeks ago:
I want to know more about the dude taking a dook.
- Comment on How was your valentines day weekend? 2 weeks ago:
I did butt stuff with my girlfriend.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
Marijuana constant masturbation and an overabundance of YouTube reality shows.
That got you right back on your feet.
(This is a joke)
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 3 weeks ago:
Real talk. I cried reading this. They’re such simply things and it’s the first thing they want to take.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
This is why I get just the regular s24 or whatever, like the pixel 8a.
I dont like big phones.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 3 weeks ago:
It doesn’t. Which is my point.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 3 weeks ago:
You’re doing it again to self-deprecation is it going to help you here you’re still an idiot.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 3 weeks ago:
You say that you’re a moron thinking that the self-deprecation makes you sound like an intellectual.
But you really are a moron.
- Comment on EA releases another shameless IP flip with Sims 1/2 Legacy 4 weeks ago:
Was playing Sims 2 last night. Managed to make a family but didn’t get far enough to buy a house because the game crashed.
Went to sleep.
Today I’ll be scouring the internet for the real reason people play Sims 2. Ya… You know why.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 4 weeks ago:
O God you went through my comments history.
I’m not trying to quantify my intelligence.
But clearly, I am smarter than you.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 4 weeks ago:
I don’t think that saying means what you think it means.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 4 weeks ago:
O I’m sorry. I suppose that explains why you’re such a douche.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 4 weeks ago:
O… I wasn’t looking at the user name. Does you mom know you’re using the internet? They really ought to put a filter on your phone or get one of those padded tablets so when you drop it reaching for your sippy cup it won’t break.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 4 weeks ago:
The article you have provided doesn’t support what you’re saying instead supportswhat I’ve been saying the whole time.
There are of course parallels to Marxism in Star Trek. Which is not something being argued right now. The contention is that the society of Star Trek on Earth is marxist which it isn’t then the contention turned to rottenberry taking inspiration from Karl Marx which he didn’t.
Which goes back to my original question why are you talking about stuff you know nothing about?
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 4 weeks ago:
just a quick gpt query. So no… He wasn’t.
While Star Trek reflects some Marxist themes—such as the abolition of poverty, class struggle, and money—there is no direct evidence that Karl Marx was a foundational inspiration for Gene Roddenberry. Roddenberry was more influenced by mid-20th-century liberal humanism, secular progressivism, and the optimism of the Space Age rather than Marxist theory.
The Federation’s post-scarcity economy resembles aspects of Marxist thought, but it arrives there not through revolution or class conflict but via technological advancement and social evolution. Moreover, Star Trek retains hierarchical structures (e.g., Starfleet’s chain of command), which contradict Marx’s vision of a classless, stateless society.
While Marxism and Star Trek share some overlapping ideals, Roddenberry’s future is more in line with utopian socialism, liberal progressivism, and even elements of American exceptionalism rather than strict Marxist doctrine.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 5 weeks ago:
I literally stated how it’s not Marxist… I’m pretty sure that I even proved it in my statement originally.
Marxist communism envisions a classless, stateless society where the means of production are communally owned. Post-scarcity could theoretically contribute to this, but Marxist thought emphasizes the historical process of class struggle and the eventual dissolution of the state. If a government still exists in your scenario, it may not fully align with Marx’s final stage of communism, which predicts the state “withering away.”
How do you read this and go no it is Marxist I’m right.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 5 weeks ago:
No. You’re just wrong and in every aspect.
Please refer to my responses further down in this thread.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 5 weeks ago:
No it’s not. (I have to be honest with you. You clearly have no clue what Marxism or communism is and yet you make a declarative statement that holds no water at all; why?)
While the Star Trek universe presents a post-scarcity society where money is largely obsolete and resources are distributed based on need, it diverges significantly from Karl Marx’s vision of communism. Marxist communism is fundamentally rooted in class struggle, revolution, and the eventual withering away of the state. The Star Trek Federation, however, remains highly structured, hierarchical, and governed by an institutionalized bureaucracy, notably Starfleet.
Moreover, technological advancements such as replicators eliminate material scarcity, a condition Marx never accounted for in his theories. Instead of a classless, stateless society emerging from historical struggle, Star Trek depicts a future where economic necessity is bypassed through technology, and individuals contribute based on personal fulfillment rather than class-driven labor dynamics.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 5 weeks ago:
It’s actually not the federation is not Marxist or communist or socialist. These systems mentioned above are reliant on a monetary system that has scarcity. In the Star Trek universe scarcity has been removed from Earth there is no energy crisis everyone is fed transportation is instantaneous there’s nothing holding humanity back anymore there’s no poverty no starvation there’s no need to pursue financial gain anymore.
It’s not necessarily that everyone is equal so much as they are enlightened, there’s enough resource to keep everybody satisfied at a very high standard of living.
- Comment on EA lost $6 billion in market value, following FC 25 & Dragon Age underperformance news 5 weeks ago:
Baldurs gate 3 ruined it for the large AAA developers/publishers. People are now excepting good games like that.
Look. I don’t care about the political content in a game as long as the game is good!
The issue is, these large game companies have been trying to change the mindset of gamers to accept games with less content because at the end of the day the only thing these companies want is to sell horse armour.
- Comment on Rational Self-Interest 1 month ago:
(was looking through my comments and thought I would supplement my original comment to further exemplify your ignorance of Ayn rand’s work. This is just GPT generated but it generally emphasizes what I want to say)
The theme of responsibility is integral to Ayn Rand’s philosophy, but it is framed primarily as individual responsibility. In her works, characters are responsible for their own success, values, and moral integrity. They are expected to take ownership of their lives, work hard, and create value without relying on others for unearned rewards. This sense of personal accountability is deeply tied to her advocacy for rational self-interest and the rejection of altruism as a moral duty.
The comic largely ignores or subverts this theme. It portrays the caricature of Rand as shirking responsibility for fairness or mutual benefit, while justifying exploitation under the guise of “rational self-interest.” In contrast, Rand’s protagonists—such as Howard Roark in The Fountainhead or John Galt in Atlas Shrugged—embody the idea that self-interest is inseparable from productive effort and integrity. They take full responsibility for their work and its outcomes, even when faced with immense personal cost.
The workers in the comic, meanwhile, highlight the absence of reciprocal responsibility. In Rand’s view, individuals (or businesses) should not exploit others but should engage in voluntary, mutually beneficial exchanges. The satire undermines this by presenting the workers as victims of a one-sided interpretation of her philosophy, where responsibility is shouldered entirely by them while those in power evade it.
In essence, the comic exaggerates a critique that Rand’s philosophy allows those in power to neglect their responsibility to others, while her works emphasize a balanced moral code where responsibility to oneself and voluntary relationships are key.