- Comment on Grit and Valor - 1949's real-time World War mech-stomping launches on Steam today 3 hours ago:
Ah, I do kind of wish it was turn-based.
Eww. No. For once it’s NOT turn-based. I don’t like turn-based strategy and it’s all too often the case.
This looks very interesting.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 1 day ago:
Yes. Vaguely going backwards, cherrypicking some things:
- Fox News and lack of fairness doctrine
- Citizens United
- A fucking Vice President shot a guy (Cheney was part two, actually)
- Reaganism
- Pointless wars for money
- McCarthyism
- The backlash that began after reconstruction era and boiled over during the early 20th century era immigration that saw increased nationalization and christian zealotry specifically leading to Christianity and “patriotism” forced into laws, on money, in schools, amd such. So many “murican” things that some morons think have been a constant since the founding fathers was actually forced by scared white people in power 100 years ago.
- Civil War
- Side note, did you know even Lincoln was a scheming politician? He pulled strings to ensure he’d have enough electoral votes for his re-election, including pushing for a new state he knew would be loyal to him
- All the lead up to the Civil War, which began with our differences and divide right at the founding of the country. We didn’t get along since the beginning.
- Andrew Jackson and the Cherokee
- Everything else we’ve done to Native people
- A fucking Vice President shot a guy in a duel (this was part one)
- Some personal letters of founding fathers like Washington divulge how yhey actually thought about slaves and how they struggled to see them as humans
- The vast majority of people were not free and did not have voting rights when the country was founded, making the declaration and most of the constitution to come later laughable at best in how they worded things. They explicitly cared about white landowning males with money.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 1 day ago:
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 1 day ago:
1 is my choice pen. Always and forever. No other type kept up with me. I use a slightly different variant though.
- Comment on Win win 4 days ago:
So trade a nazi garbage car for just a garbage car?
- Comment on The Humble Heroines Bundle returns with some great games for Women's History Month 4 days ago:
Women’s History Month has been celebrated since at least 1987.
- Comment on How do the Republicans feel about Project 2025 now? 5 days ago:
Yep. That crowd never changes until they are directly impacted somehow.
- Comment on How likely is the US government going to identify and arrest every online user who have disagreed with the current administration? 6 days ago:
A persecution fetish is a hard drug for gun owners, among other idiots.
- Comment on If I don't have my lunch my sugar crashes and I get sleepy 1 week ago:
The music shouldn’t be too loud either.
- Comment on Wankpanzers 2 weeks ago:
Probably similarly to how this joke worked on you.
- Comment on Fuck this planet. Fuck this way of life. Fuck everyone. Fuck me. Fuck it. 2 weeks ago:
Reminds of these Slipknot lyrics. Good song.
Fuck it all! fuck this world! Fuck everything that you stand for! Don’t belong! don’t exist! Don’t give a shit! Don’t ever judge me!
- Comment on Low effort arguing 2 weeks ago:
that night in the ED:
The Erectile Dysfunction?
I’d think they’d go to the ER.
- Comment on Who gets all the tariff money about to be collected from US citizens buying products from Canada? 2 weeks ago:
Remember everyone. View tariffs as kind of a federal sales tax. Sales tax typically affect lower classes more than upper classes. It will also compete with other sales taxes at other government levels.
Meaning, to grossly oversimplify, this will ultimately cost more for people with less wealth, and it will degrade your local governments ability to provide services due to less income.
- Comment on Favorite Racing Game Soundtrack? 3 weeks ago:
Midnight Club 3
- Comment on Pokémon games have become consistently ugly, and it's alright to wish they weren't 3 weeks ago:
Meanwhile the game will break records and sell switch systems cause people are fucking morons.
I’ve said similar things about many switch games. Even Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom might be fun games, but they are legitimately crappie than they should be. The world’s are very empty and often times look like PS2 quality textures and shapes. The frame rates are also appalling at times. Like no consideration for performance and art direction with so much Nintendo trash, and people still eat it up.
- Comment on Hentai is art 3 weeks ago:
I masturbate to Gary.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
These people don’t get it. Change the story. “Concerned” citizen sees a black person and calls the cops. Cops come up and demand ID to ensure everything is okay.
It’s the same kind of situation. Clearly not acceptable and has long history of racism and bigotry.
It’s not okay with someone who happens to be short either.
Is the OP expected to hand over ID to validate after every damn concerned citizen?
This is also not getting into how the police often waste time on improper calls and don’t spend time on more important things. They selectively choose what to spend time on, and that’s often a problem.
- Comment on Those damn woke corners. 5 weeks ago:
Cheeto nazi is going to be at the daytona 500 and they won’t shut up about it.
- Comment on You can do it 5 weeks ago:
Free Pallets Time?
- Comment on If scientists could make you immortal but could only do it by transferring your consciousness into a single video game for ever, which game would you choose? 1 month ago:
Elder Scrolls Online
- Comment on Cars, money, guns? Son, its all about the.. 1 month ago:
GTA 6 gon have u smugglin eggs, yo.
- Comment on It was Steve 1 month ago:
“I told you.”
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 1 month ago:
I’ve been replaying it a bit on Steam Deck and it plays and looks good.
- Comment on We've increased our subscription from $9.99 to $29.99 a month 1 month ago:
move fast and break things
This also appears to be his dumbass approach to the federal government.
- Comment on Fixed 1 month ago:
Try being a Federal employee. Or trams. Or a minority. Or in need of various social services.
For some the last 2 weeks already feels like a year. For others it’s potentially life ending.
Fuck everyone who voted for this.
- Comment on Do you need to adjust your speedometer if you change the size of your tires? 1 month ago:
Yes. Most vehicles I think estimate speed using rotations in the transmission, which assumes the original tire size. Lots of car mods, but especially tire size changes, can impact speedometer readings as well as other things like performance.
Most people modding their cars are idiots about it.
- Comment on 52-year-old 'Super Mario' supermarket in Costa Rica wins unlikely victory against the Nintendo lawyers: "He is Don Mario, he's my dad" 1 month ago:
Fuck Nintendo. Fuck corporations. Fuck capitalism. Fuck the elites.
- Comment on Dell is making everyone return to office, too 1 month ago:
That’s a you problem. Your life sucks and your home sucks. Do something about it.
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 1 month ago:
The Saboteur
- Comment on What would happen if somebody kidnapped the president? 1 month ago:
Olympus Has Fallen was kind of about this.