- Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 3 weeks ago:
If a doctor clears you, they can’t deny it.
- Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on meirl 5 weeks ago:
I didn’t know about any swing and started using it for the past month with no issues so far
- Comment on Mass Effect 5: BioWare Doesn't 'Require Support From the Full Studio', EA Moves Some Staff to Other Teams 1 month ago:
You wanted to play a documentary or a game? Of course the player character solves important things
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
it is ridiculous how much content that game offers for the low price tag. one of my most played right now. the only td I have found that well maintained and very replayable
- Comment on Anon interviews for a job 9 months ago:
you know this is the internet and you are allowed to type whatever you want, right? let me show you: “retarded”
- Comment on Pills (Take Two) 10 months ago:
hang it over a silo and let the silo fill itself from gravity, as the sand falls and new sand is created. a lot of prfit for a small operation
- Comment on Pills (Take Two) 10 months ago:
what happens if I glue pills to the box, are they one item now? and if they are sewn together? if if the box is shredded and reglued, do I gets shreds, shreds + glue or intact box? what If I recycle a new box from the fibers of the original and add the pills in it, can I duplicate the pills now?
- Comment on Godzilla (2014) was pretty good, except for Muto having that electromagnetic pulse weapon. Why would a biological evolutionarily develop such a thing? It's useless against Godzilla. 10 months ago:
didn’t know that, that’s dumb then
- Comment on Godzilla (2014) was pretty good, except for Muto having that electromagnetic pulse weapon. Why would a biological evolutionarily develop such a thing? It's useless against Godzilla. 10 months ago:
the movies never claimed that part was natural, godzilla was changed by atomic bomb tests
- Comment on Draw your own conculsions 10 months ago:
by that logic, nobody would have sex while in high school. And japan would have basically no virgins, since they have the love hotels.
btw, america needs those. very covenient, and with the housing prices and everyone living with their parents, very much in demand
- Comment on Draw your own conculsions 10 months ago:
aside from the social reasons, there is a general decline in testosterone over time in the population, probably due to estrogen-like compounds from plastic. So yeah, people are less horny. Doesn’t mean they are not horny, just less.
- Comment on Progress! 11 months ago:
if someone can actually get new information under something like this, why would we use it in a prison instead of putting people to study the whole of human knowledge and create demi-god wizards?
- Comment on Anyone else travel to see the eclipse just to have clouds come in right before totality? 11 months ago:
I drove hundreds of miles to glen rose to get clear skies. gotta keep mobile
- Comment on The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing 1 year ago:
same here, did entire playthrough with no guides and never ran into something like this. Was just very thorough on each map, like any rpg I play.
Only complaint I have is the underwater prison in act 3, that one I save scummed. The game makes it seem like Gortash is gonna blow it up in a instant, but you have enough time to dock and do your thing. That is not clear at all, and if you try to go back a second time, then it is instant.