Well, I mean, I would have launched it as an AAA game, but I’m no game developer. 🤷
Just in time to never be released!
Submitted 11 months ago by Carighan@lemmy.world to games@lemmy.world
Well, I mean, I would have launched it as an AAA game, but I’m no game developer. 🤷
Just in time to never be released!
Scope Creep: The Game
Yeah you just had to ignore every piece of information from the founder and developers that it would be a highly ambitious game and that they were unsure themselves where it is they wanted to stop.
But that’s not as fun to talk shit about.
imagine paying pcgamer for an advertisement like this to shout about dynamic crosshairs and backpack reloading like its fucking 1998.
Worse than all that, it’s a fucking space sim. Why are all these space sims wanting to add FPS?
Because you can get out of your ship?
It’s not a space sim.
It’s a life sim set in space.
Chris won’t stop until ShowerTech™ is in the game with realistic health debuffs so there’s a consequence when you don’t do the maintenance gameplay loop on your ship’s bathroom.
I wish that was entirely a joke.
But Star citizen has always had FPS missions as a core gameplay aspect, and it’s really one of their main selling points. In no other game can you walk out of a mission, into a ship, hop in the pilot seat and go from the ground to orbit with no cutscene and all of it under player control. The amount of crazy shit you can do just because your character can leave the pilot seat is ridiculous. A month ago I teamed up with some dude who did bounty hunting. He EMPd the other player, had me EVA over to their ship, shoot open the airlock, and gun down the target, all so his buddy could come over and harvest the ship for resources to sell. The emergent gameplay, even though the game can still be very rough, is a really cool aspect of what they’ve made.
I think some of them want players to be “pirates,” so they give them the tools to do so.
I’m only speaking from experience in other space games I’ve played.
LOL. I totally thought these were internal names for novel features from the headlines🤣
At this point I have genuinely have no fucking idea what the game is about
It’s about taking money from people who like spaceships.
Sir it’s in the name. Star Citizen. Citizen of the stars. It’s pretty clearly aiming to be what Starfield completely fucked up on.
A space game with as few restraints and as many possibilities as they can do. An Elite Dangerous with a much broader scope.
Cool, too bad it’s one of the worst pay go win games.
Everything lol
It’s supposed to be a “space life” simulator so you can basically do just about anything
It’s meant to be an “everything” game.
Chris Roberts has always had the ambition for a space sim where you could truly do anything, but never had the resources to actually create it.
So what is Star Citizen supposed to be?
An open world sandbox where you, a citizen of the stars, can choose to be Whst you want. A space trucker? A pirate? A bounty hunter? A smuggler? These aren’t new things in the space sim genre, but Star Citizen wants to make these aspect less like a game and more like a life sim.
So instead of clicking a few buttons to fly your spaceship, your character wakes up in bed, has to manually walk over to the ship hangar (maybe take the train there, if you’re on the city planet. Yes, the train runs on a schedule), manually access the hangar via elevator, climb into the ship, activate the ship, request take-off from control, wait for the hangar doors to open, and then you fly your spaceship.
This level of granular detail is meant for every aspect of the game and is the reason why Star Citizen will never get done!
Wait did they still not release this game
It’s playable if that’s what you mean. It’s still “early access” though.
Yeah it’s “released”. Meaning that yes, you can buy it for money and launch it (so released), but it’s so shit they had to quickly officially declare it broken (“early access”) to save face.
for the record I paid for this and am watching with hopeful eyes, but please stop pretending that being able to launch the game and walk around is playing
Playable in very loose terms. I booted it on a decent rig (13700k/32gbRAM/3080ti), after ~10min of loading screens I finally got my ship onto the pad and tried to take off from the planet; half way into the burn out of the atmosphere, I clip out of the pilot seat, through the whole ship and start free falling back to the planet while my ships continues to burn away from me…. I alt+f4’d and uninstalled that hot garbage.
Nope. Never will.
Even more fascinating, people are still chucking money at it. Because apparently too many ran out of other things to waste money on. Entirely.
I hear it has the same release schedule as Half Life 3, Knights of the old republic remake, and Road Runner vs. Acme.
For those wondering about why such basic features are mentioned here it’s because work on Squadron 42 (single player part of the project) moved to the polishing stage and everything created for it is being ported back to Star Citizen (multi player part).
Is it worth an article? It is if you’re interested in the game, I guess?
Is SC a perfect project? Of course not, far from it. I do find it interesting however how… angry it makes people and how much they want it to fail. Yeah, I know $1000+ packages and so forth (not needed if you just want to play the game btw).
For those interested in actually checking for themselves whether it’s a scam or not, there are free flight events multiple times a year - you get to see the current state of the game with everything good and bad it entails. Surprisingly enough, they tend to bring in more players every single time.
Just because the product they are making is quality does not mean it isn’t a scam. The game was supposed to be released a decade ago now. They said they had the entire single player finished and ready in 2014. The things they have made are impressive, sure. But after that amount of time its looking more and more like they lied about how ready things were to get more funding, and have been doing that for a decade now.
It’s not that they lied about it being complete, it’s that they entirely changed the scope of the game around 2014ish. If I remember correctly they even had a poll asking the community if they’d rather wait for planetary landing which was originally not meant to be in the game.
The original game was freelancer 2.0. you don’t land on a planet, you get into a cutscene and then appear in “New Atlantis” (yes I’m referring to star field, that’s not a city in SC) then as the story goes a developer made a tech demonstration they called “pupil to planet” showing the ability to continually zoom out from, you guessed it, looking at a pupil and going all the way to space so the had to essentially rework the game from the ground up. The story and a lot of the assets/voice work, etc was all done and “ready” for what that game would have been, but since the change they now had to rebuild a lot of the systems and make new systems for the way the game works now. That’s just squadron 42 (the single player game) star citizen the MMO has always been a bit on the “back burner” waiting for SQ42 to complete.
Now that we’re past all that, and just this last weekend SC had a majorly important tech test that seemed to go very well, they’re putting the last foundational pieces together so they can actually complete the game.
If anyone wants to say it took too long, I’m with you. I backed in 2014 and thought “damn, answer the call 2016? That’s a long ass time.” but to say it’s a scam? They’re the dumbest bunch of scammers in the entire history of scamming, Nigerian princes and all, if this is supposed to be a scam.
I absolutely agree with this point. I think CIG’s inability to openly communicate when things go bad is a big reason for the scam allegation (that and loooooots of issues with planning, especially early on). I see it’s as a serious problem for a project that presents itself as “open development” (which it is, don’t take me wrong, but not as much as it should be).
I think both CIG and players underestimated how long it takes to build a company, tech and two big budget games at the same time. It’s 100% on the devs to realize and communicate that, which they failed to do.
For better or worse, S42 is officially in its final stretch. Is it really? Transfer of people towards SC seems to confirm that but we’ll see when the game finally releases. When that happens we’ll also see whether game taking this long was worth it.
If SC simply showed their original roadmap and timeline, it would speak to itself if it is a scam or or not.
As someone who bought in from the start (when everything was bundled), the argument of “not a scam” fell through when they started to hide their original roadmap.
Just to clarify, which roadmap are we talking about?
I’d like to make sure which one we’re talking about.
Is SC a perfect project? Of course not
Lmao nobody has ever asked or thought of that question
Some people think trying to “defend” the project means I completely agree with how and what is being done so I’m just trying to cover my bases.
Yeah it’s honestly pretty fun, but there were juuuust enough performance and stability bugs that I gave up and returned it. I think it has potential and I’m glad someone is doing this.
Which is why I appreciate them doing free flight events. They don’t present the game in the best light a lot of the time but it’s a great way to test if the game is for you in it’s current form (or even in general). They are also a good way to prevent new players from feeling scammed so there’s that.
I feel like a lot of us backed and stayed with this project despite all of the issues exactly because they’re trying to do something no one else is willing to risk. It’s a rough road, full of mistakes and delays but they’re sticking with it, which is more than many people expected.
I do find it interesting however how… angry it makes people and how much they want it to fail
Star Citizen is an example of excellence, and excellence always attracts haters.
Eh, let’s not act like CIG is completely blameless in all of this. They made a lot of mistakes along the way and SC is still far from what they promised it to be.
They’re getting there, but it’s a slow process.
I mean… it should given the playerbase has thrown a billion dollars into it.
No no, it should release immediately despite being incomplete because people are throwing tantrums.
It should do a Cyberpunk 2077 because that went really really well for CDPR.
I “bought” this game when I was in high school. I’ve graduated high school, college, and I’ve been in the workforce for 7 years. Still no game.
So yes, they should figure out this game is going to be, set a launch date, and work towards that schedule. This forever-in-development thing they have going on is ridiculous.
I bought 2 ships in 2014… Your point is fucking moot
The phrase “AAA game/developer” has lost all meaning for me over the years. I just can’t drop the clichéd $60+ on these titles anymore, especially with quality and support waning. I don’t see this game being any different; the writing’s on the wall.
Well, see, with Star Citizen, you buy it to have an unreleased game that will allow you to buy a ship for 8000 dollars that you can… stand around inside of and look at.
Seriously, This is peak gaming… how can you losers not understand how great this is?! /s
This game is 45 dollars. It always has been. Support for it has only increased over time. Also I really don’t look at CIG as a AAA dev, whomever said that forgot what a Kickstarter/self funded game is.
Why do laser weapons have recoil? Don’t ask. “I think you need recoil in order to balance the game and make it fun for everybody,” explains Greim.
photons have momentum
So you say, but it does make me flinch when it suddenly hits.
Every morning.
Just the other day. I went outside and SLAP it was all sunny and nice instead of grey and drab.
10/10 slaps, would get slapped by the sun again.
But if I shot that raynof sunshine in auch a way that it killed someone I would be okay with assuming there would be more force than just a standard ray
Okay I did some math. If the gun shot a single photon with all the energy of a .50BMG from an M2 heavy machine gun, it would have about 1.2e-4 Ns of momentum. For reference, the bullet it’s compared to would have 38.3 Ns. So the photon has about 32000 times less momentum than a bullet. Do with that what you will.
I still haven’t figured out why
The root of the problem is that you think of momentum as being defined to be the product of something’s mass and its velocity, but this is actually only an approximation that just so happens to work extremely well at our everyday scales; the actual definition of momentum is the spatial frequency of the wave function (which is like a special kind of distribution). Thus, because photons can have a spatial frequency, it follows simply that they therefore can have momentum.
Something else that likely contributes to your confusion is that you probably think that where something is and how fast it is going are two completely independent things, but again this is actually only an approximation; in actuality there is only one thing, the wave function, which is essentially overloaded to contain information both about position and momentum. Because you cannot pack two independent pieces of information into a single degree of freedom, it is not possible for position and momentum to be perfectly well defined at the same time, which is where the Heisenberg uncertainty principle comes from.
Why they have momentum or why laser weapons would have recoil?
It would make sense IMHO if it’s to create airflow for cooling
Procedural recoil? So basically, random recoil you can never learn the patterns for?
I think so. Which is more realistic of course. But also a weird way to out “random recoil”.
Well, procedural when applied to generation of scenery/galaxies etc means to create the exact same thing using random values that are the same random for everyone. It just saves on storage.
But, I cannot tell you how this would apply to recoil. It would only make sense if there were an absolutely huge number of possible weapons.
Nah, cause it could be a procedure like
How about they bring development time and costs to AAA standards?
Those are already in the AAAA standard that Ubisoft pioneered with Skull and Bones.
I heard they’re skipping this generation to go straight to 5Aq
And bring down the scope and depth? What’s the point? If you want a one-shot cinema game, go get you one. They’re a dime a dozen.
This would have been so exciting like 9 years ago when they first released the FPS thing. I would also be excited if they said the game is fun now, instead of some random superficial animation thing that probably doesn’t add much to the gameplay.
I love the idea of this game, but even after a few years I lost hope. I can’t believe it’s still in development like 10 years later. Does anyone know if it’s more playable now? They had some ship racing and the FPS thing before, why haven’t they just thrown together a basic world yet?
It never ceases to amazing me how angry people get when a game isn’t perfect and bug free. We want more and more content and graphics with the same amount or less resources, all the while refusing to pay any more for it.
I miss the days when people were happy with n64 and ps1 graphics. You didn’t need a team of 200 people to put out hyper realistic graphic open world games that people would still shit on.
Sheesh, I’m glad I’m not in this industry.
This is all just stuff they’re porting over from Squadron 42 now that they were able to move those devs back to SC. I have no idea why this deserves it’s own article.
Y’all have been burned too much, so when you see someone creating something bright and exciting, all you see is fire. Stop reading clickbait headlines, stop taking the word of tinfoil hat loonies just because it satisfies your irrationalinal desire to hate this game. They get so much wrong and manipulate the rest you’ll feel like a fool when you see for yourself. Try the next ree fly, face the cognitive dissonance and make up your own mind. Then get frustrated with the manufactured outrage that tricked you from having fun with us this whole time.
Gaming journalism is about generating clicks for shareholders, full stop, but you’ll believe them over an independent studio run by a guy whose career is full of beloved, well made space games. You have fallen into an enshittification trap and are missing out because of it.
Oh shit. I think 8t was literally 10 years ago I bought the base game. It still gas less hours than Microsoft minesweeper, which let’s face it is a banging game.
entropicshart@sh.itjust.works 11 months ago
The feature creep never ceases to amaze
Inktvip@lemm.ee 11 months ago
PentA game
RealFknNito@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com 11 months ago
Bahaha SC defense squad arrives to justify their ship purchases
entropicshart@sh.itjust.works 11 months ago
That boot must be fucking golden!
Mango@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Get over that chip on your shoulder. Did you not even read the comment you’re replying to?
littlebluespark@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Seriously. When do the lawsuits start? 🤦🏼♂️
DaDragon@kbin.social 11 months ago
Lawsuits for what? They never promised any customer that they would immediately deliver a working end product. As far as I can make out, they offer early access to an in-development product, with your purchase going toward funding development. It’s more akin to a donation with strings (access to the product).
Furbag@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Why don’t you show us all how it’s done, chief? Since you’re such a legal expert and all…
EchoCT@lemmy.ml 11 months ago
What feature creep? This is all stuff they setup for squadron first and are just moving it over now.