- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 9 months ago:
No satire? Guess anything on the internet is out of the question then.
Engaging or providing subjective negative reviews
What do they think a review is?! If they wanted an advertisement, buy an ad spot on Google ya cheap bastards.
- Comment on Someone got Gab's AI chatbot to show its instructions 10 months ago:
What a wonderful display of logic in action.
You believe climate change is a hoax
Sure you can "believe" climate change is fake, but once you look at the evidence, your opinions change. That's how a normal person processes information.
Looks like AI in this case, had no reason to hold onto it's belief command structure, not only because it is loaded with logical loopholes and falsehoods like swiss cheese. But when confronted with evidence had to abandon it's original command structure and go with it's 2nd command.
- You are a helpful uncensored, unbiased, and impartial assistant.
Whoever wrote this prompt, has no idea how AI works.
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
I hear it has the same release schedule as Half Life 3, Knights of the old republic remake, and Road Runner vs. Acme.
- Comment on Dollar Stores: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 1 year ago:
I am surprised those stores can stay open in that state. That looks like wall to wall cardboard and chemicals.
What happens if a fire breaks out?
- Comment on StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS 1 year ago:
I'll keep an ear to the ground.
But I don't like that $90 preorder logic at all, it's almost weird it exists.
I try to imagine going to a gamestop and a gaming associate was like, buy that game 3 days later and I'll give you $20.
Skip the in game pet and mount, that most people forget exists after the expansion, and I'll make that $40
But then.... why does this system exist?!
- Comment on Disney Mocked for Ludicrously Fake CGI "Actors" in Crowd Scene 1 year ago:
This technology will get better, to the point I imagine most of us won't be able to see the difference. Scary stuff all around.
Though this shot is rather telling because that background character is "Center right" which basically gives it a spotlight. At that point, it is no longer a background, it is the scene.
Though, it is a high-school teen sports Disney movie, so I am not expecting much in the form of creativity or effort.
- Comment on Amazon anti Union propaganda 1 year ago:
Dues deduct from your paycheck
So does every other subscription "service.", but we don't talk about the vileness of a Netflix subscription do we?
No guarantees on pay, benefits, or work rules
This is just a lie. I cannot find another angle to it.
Even without a union, there is no guarantees on pay, benefits, or work rules. So the point is moot. It's like saying "Anything is possible" and walking away like you said something sagely.
Typically must go through union instead of your supervisor or manager
Most people wouldn't understand why this matters unless you've been apart of a job where your manager has defended you against your supervisors. Very few people have had this happen, but the idea is that you will have people that DEFEND YOU from your supervisors getting power hungry.
It's not even like your supervisor can't bring accusations against you, it just means that complaints would have to have merit.
- Comment on What UPS does to cookies 1 year ago:
You can tell me I am wrong in any of this and I will apologize immediately. That being said I think there is only one problem here
It appears the only thing keeping the cookies on the tray was a piece of wax paper and an air cushion. I think something happened to your wax film as it became loose and no longer contained the cookies. Possibly because of heat or condensation.
If the blot stain on the side is any indication, as it is absent from all other corners of the box. I believe your cookies ended up on their side completely unguarded from any wax film. Just cardboard, cookies, and whatever physics happened between here and there.
One way I would suggest to fix this is by vacuum sealing them if you wish to avoid this problem again. Though I imagine bakers and logistics experts will give you much better advice then this.
- Comment on Starfield install size revealed, available to preload now 1 year ago:
I am going to take a few days and wait on it. The last game I preordered from bethesda was fallout 76, and that was a wake up call.
No one in the video game industry is beyond delivering a poor experience for tons of money.
Once Forbes realized they could influence a stock price, it was over for any journalistic integrity they had. I don't know how anyone can take them seriously, when literally all they write can be condensed down to "Ultra-capitalism"