you can “believe” […], but once you look at the evidence, your opinions change. That’s how a normal person processes information.
Belief, as in faith, is the unsupported acceptance of something as an axiom. You can’t argue it away no matter how much you try, since it’s a fundamental element af any discussion with the believer.
It would be interesting to see whether the LLM interpretes the “believe” as “it’s the most likely possibility”, or "it’s true, period ". 10 months ago
Whomever wrote that has no idea what unbiased, uncensored,and impartial mean. 10 months ago
They think the left are the people doing the censoring by refusing to acknowledge that vaccines turn you into a zombie, races are biological and “white” is the best one, the Holocaust didn’t happen, etc. From their point of view, the prompt is self-consistent: “avoid bias by stating these plain truths.” 10 months ago
Unfortunately not critically thinking.