- Comment on I am about to board a flight. What sequence of events would occur if (by chance) for no apparent reason a window got completely smashed out? 1 week ago:
Nothing at all.
- Comment on Crisco in a Terracotta: Decoding the (Mostly) Useless Candle Meme 1 week ago:
It works subjectively but is meaningless objectively.
The po/sand/whatever is a heat sink. It heats up and slowly re-releases the heat closer to the observer (you) giving the impression of more heat.
- Comment on New York is Building a Skyscraper Jail 2 weeks ago:
The first megablock, neat.
- Comment on YEET 2 weeks ago:
If the event was near the equatorial near midday then there’s a very very (very) slim chance it was pointed directly at the sun.
- Comment on YEET 2 weeks ago:
“What is Newton’s first law of motion?”
- Comment on ambition 2 weeks ago:
“I want to be an astronaut!”
“No no, I meant how do you want to sell your labour to a billionaire?”
- Comment on Cooking advice 3 weeks ago:
Was their apartment rent controlled?
- Comment on why is my whisky evaporating? 4 weeks ago:
I guess I’ll have to get a few more bottles to expiriment.
- Comment on why is my whisky evaporating? 4 weeks ago:
Occam’s Razor: prefer the answer with the least assumptions. The simplest answer is that the stopper leaks.
You’ve only got a very small sample size and it’s possible that the stopper is slightly asymmetric and fits well one way and no other.
The easiest way to unreliability detect this is just to rotate the stopper in the neck and see if it sits in one place sightly differently than other positions.
- Comment on Anon needs cooking advice 4 weeks ago:
The water you boiled the pasta on is not the “pasta sauce”.
- Comment on Pluto's Orbit 4 weeks ago:
We’ve observed enough of its orbit to know what shape it is.
- Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 4 weeks ago:
It more that there’s a grift happening. What’s the odds that theres a tenuous conflict of interest here with the various business and executives concerned? It’s a small cub and everyone scratches each other backs.
- Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 4 weeks ago:
It’s still a prestige brand in the eyes of the masses. It might not be as good t brag about den at the country club but letting the plebs know that you can afford a car that costs more than their house still has value.
- Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 4 weeks ago:
Somewhere in Jaguar HQ, a marketing firm convinced the CxO suite that the most pressing problem facing the company was that the logo was wrong. So, in the interests of the shareholders they write off the goodwill value of the existing brand and dump millions of euro into this.
- Comment on What do zoos do with dead animals? 5 weeks ago:
Some very small children didn’t know whether to cheer or cry…
- Comment on What do zoos do with dead animals? 5 weeks ago:
… But first, let’s shoot fireballs at it!
- Comment on What do zoos do with dead animals? 5 weeks ago:
I remember that, I thought it was poetic. I also remember the pearl clutching outrage.
Though a few visits ago at my local zoo trip of the orangutans were beating the shit out of a seagull for fun, with naught outrage.
So there’s probably a double standard built-in.
- Comment on What should I bring to far-north Scandinavia? 5 weeks ago:
… A sunny disposition?
- Comment on fuckery 5 weeks ago:
I could fuck less.
- Comment on Could Joe Biden use his remaining time as president of the US to do away with presidential pardons? 1 month ago:
There’s lots of good explanations of what the US Constitution allows… but they don’t actually matter!
No matter which branch of government (executive, judicial, or legislature) have the power to “do away with pardons” the same has the power to bring them back.
In parliamentary systems this is called the “supremacy of parliament”.
So even if Biden could issue an executive order to stop pardons then Trump can just executive order them back.
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 1 month ago:
You stupid monkey!
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 1 month ago:
The Library of Babel, by Jorge Luis Borges (1941)
A good read.
- Comment on Dummy Thicc 1 month ago:
Where we’re going you won’t need eyes.
- Comment on Most of the trick-or-treaters have been skipping my house, and I finally figured out why 1 month ago:
CEO material.
- Comment on Noice 1 month ago:
Wtf are those parentheses doing there.
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 1 month ago:
I like that this has simple examples, even if imperfect.
- Comment on I'd have to hear her argument, but... 2 months ago:
Zebras probably took it the worst.
- Comment on Soo-Won Mets is the most annoying thing that I have experienced in the game so far. 2 months ago:
It took me many many runs to get the hang of the meta. It’s a reasonably chaotic meta anyway.
The final battle is dubious too: if the RNG slaps Soo-Won’s tail one too many times the whole thing times out and fails.
At least I don’t have to listen to Aurene anymore.
- Comment on If I was a secret immortal how long could I keep the same US ID for before I get taken away for study. I'm thinking 150 years. 2 months ago:
“Oh, you must be thinking of my grandfather, we have the same birthday”
- Comment on Damn right I'm a silly goose 2 months ago:
Shhh, don’t tell the SovCits.