- Comment on Why don't we just gather up all the ocean's trash and all the nonrecyclables, put them in a rocket, and launch it into the sun? 4 months ago:
Just dig a hole in a subdusctoon zone and let tectonics reclaim the materials.
- Comment on Linux Removes Russian Maintainers. 4 months ago:
Jingoism. These are private individuals, some of who may oppose Putin. Russian military sympathizers should be removed, no matter where they live, good people should stay no matter what their head of state is doing. If Trump wins, will he remove all Americans? Nope. Jingoism.
- Comment on Whatever happened to racing games 4 months ago:
Racing in VR is such a great experience, I’d love to see more of it. Simulation and arcade style. But you’re right, we need one with a robust, slow paced progression system. I remember really enjoying unlocking everything in NFS Porsche Unleashed, going through the eras, starting slow but getting slowly faster. Then NFS Underground 2 came out and still stands alone as the best example of racing progression by a large margin. Then it’s like the gameplay design has been going further back in time since then. I am using the same simple progression mechanics in new racers that I used in Sega GT 2002, and they were old then.
As to why, it feels like they don’t have AAA budgets anymore. The high quality simulator games like the Dirt series have to spend their whole wad getting the physics and performance right, there’s not much left for anything else, so it’s just menus and a simple money system. That’s just my guess, it could just be they need to hire a couple RPG designers among the gear head ones.
- Comment on Womp womp 4 months ago:
Evil grants don’t apply for themselves. YET.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
Its a genuine early access game. It’s no more a tech demo than any other. You can be wrong about a game you don’t play, refuse to try, and don’t know anything about all you want. An uninformed is less than valueless, a misinformed one is worth even less. We’ll keep having fun in it without you.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
I remember that one hangar! Oh nostalgia. You should try it again there’s a game there now.
They haven’t been saying two years away every since since 2016. It’s a running joke that they say it every year, but it’s not actually happening. That one in 2016 made everyone facepalm, even employees. Chris Robert’s is pathalogically optimistic about a lot of things, lol. Even in the Star Citizen community, we make fun of that sort of thing. We paid for Star Citizen early access, we have Star Citizen each access. If we get Squadron 42 as well, great! If not, it’s not that big a deal. Disappointing, but the world will go on.
I think they believe their times when we say them. The scope of things said after the 2 years thing in 2016 increased by quite a bit when their funding had another boom. They aren’t intentional lies so much as just being wrong an feature creep making dust of previous plans. But they have a lot more to show now than they did before, it is being made in good faith. It’s just had a slow start to build the studio from nothing and a lot of budget increases.
It’s definitely got a Duke Nukem Forever type problem. We will see a finished game one day, but the development has seen a lot of design changes partway through. We’ll see if we end up with a mess, but we will end up with something, I believe. And again, if not, it’s still just a videogame. We’ll live.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
Don’t listen anyone here, positive or negative. Try the next free fly and see for yourself. Too many feelings for an honest answer.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
Jesus, go touch grass dude. If you don’t like the toy I’m playing with, you don’t need to devote this much energy trying to tell me I’m wrong for enoying it or being excited for more. It’s a videogame. Who cares if it never comes out. I’m excited if it does, I’ve already got my money’s worth if it doesn’t. It’s not worth this much energy to defend or denigrate. So I’m done. Post your misinformed opinions all you want, just try Star Citizen with an open mind one day during a free fly. Let’s just play the games we like and ignore the others and be done with it.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
Everyone knows what they buy when they it. No one was tricked. People who play the game keep playing it because it’s fun. EA and Ubisoft investors are indeed shittung themselves, using the magazines they own to twist this into a story to fare because they aren’t getting paid, while happily taking the ad revenue your misinformed salt provides.
People with opinions on Star Citizen but only know about it through the hive mind and shitty artices means nothing. Especially when they try to tell the people who actually play the game they are wrong about their own experiences because the hive mind says so.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
Why do you need to publicly hate a all? These people are enjoying a toy they aren’t supposed to so now everyone has to hear your feelings on it? Y’all are nuts. Ignore the game I you don’t like it like you do with every other game you don’t like.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
I postedthat video because it was the first one I found, it’s not a grand conspiracy to trick you. Watch the actual live one then, I don’t care. Still looks like a fun game.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
Lol, one of us certainly has been lied to. Your Las post is blatantly false, your first is basedon how your guess about how AAA game design works. I’ll trust the many, many game devs who actually play the game and roll their eyes at comments like yours.
I’ve actually played the game, bought it and have no regrets. Hundreds of hours, new friends, new experiences. You passively absorbed the groupthink. I don’t care if it ever finishes, I’ve gotten more than enough fun per dollar out this game already. Cry about it if you want, just do it quietly.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
Oh but you don’t understand, this game is taking a long time to finish. That’s totally worth aaaaallll these circle jerk posts and vitriolic responses. It’s like ten holocaust wrapped in a 9/11. Everyone has to know how much they hate Star Citizen. They hate other games too, but this one feels good to hate loudly and publicly beyond any other game, so it must be true. It’s not weird at all to bully people for having fun because the internet says their game is taking a long time. The fact that riling people up by spreading misinformation makes tabloids money is not relevant to the situation. The people playing the game are wrong about their own experiences. The internet can never be wrong, the hive mind is always correct.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
So? A bunch a rich people voluntarily funding game development isn’t some moral failing. I paid $45 and have access to all the same content as whales. If someone⁰ stupidly spends their life savings on pretend spaceships and regrets it, it’s not on Star Citizen.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
I’m not, I’m calling them capitalist run businesses, which they are.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
“Everything that challenges my feelings is a lie!”
You sound like MAGAs discussing immigration under a Fox News post. Circle jerk of hate based on misinformation, but trying to talk reason to people who love to hate the thing they hate and don’t want to stop is not going to work. Keep on believing gaming journalists from disreputable tabloids who invent controversy for clicks. The engagement on Star Citizen hate posts is massive compared to others. Hating Star Citizen is directly more profitable for these sites. There is no oversight on truthfulness in gaming news.
No, it’s not an FPS. It’s 99% a space sim like Wing Commander with a few FPS parts. It is a full AAA game, maximum fidelity, 30-40 hour campaign. You don’t even know what you’re talking about. You could a tally watch the video you have so many opinions about, but oh that’s right, it’s a conspiracy if it’s good.
Not released? I have hundreds of hours in Star Citizen and have enjoyed them all. That’s not very much compared to many, many others. They are growing in players and revenue for 10 years. That doesn’t happen to bad games. They release massive updates every quarter. They just bought a new campus in Manchester so they can hire more devs, on top of the existing thousand. It’s a genuinely fun game, right now, enjoyed by many. You don’t have to be one of them, but your tinfoil hat nonsense is just vitriolic skepticism from reading these tabloids, not critical thinking.
We’re out there, flying around, having a great time wanting y’all to join our space shenanigans. Just try it the next free-fly with an open mind. Even if you tried it before, try it now, it is improving every quarter, it’s a different beast now than a few years ago.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
Squadron 42 is feature complete and is in optimization and polish phase. 30-40 hour campaign. It looks amazing.
- Comment on 12 Years and $700 Million Later, What's Going on With Star Citizen's Development? 5 months ago:
I actually do appreciate the clarification then, thank you. But I’ll still suggest to the readers of this convo, articles like these aren’t written for the edification of its readers, it’s written to bait engagement. The speculations of gaming journalists on Star Citizen is as reliable as Fox News’ speculation on the Mexico/USA.
- Comment on ‘Hysteria’ Star Bruce Campbell Calls Out Tom Cruise For Doing His Own Stunts: “It’s OK For Stunt Guys To Make Money, Too” | Decider 5 months ago:
Not to mention the risk of shutting down the production for weeks while your star heals. Crew get paid hourly. When production stops, so does the pay. Doing your own stunts is a really selfish, egotistical move.
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 sucks up to 180 Mb/s of internet bandwidth while in flight — equivalent to 81GB of data per hour 5 months ago:
But it can be for nothing, do why not?
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 sucks up to 180 Mb/s of internet bandwidth while in flight — equivalent to 81GB of data per hour 5 months ago:
It’s just using Bing Maps data, which is smart. Not everyone flies at 35,000 feet, low altitude flights look spectacular and are accurate in a way no stored world map could. The terrain is automatically generated from Bing data, not hand modeled. Every building is in the right spot, is the right height, and the exact right shape, and it costs me no storage. It’s an obvious evolution of the genre with all kinds of benefits. Like all airports on earth, even grass landing straps, that are visible in Bing Maps, exist in the game without having to be hand modeled or stored locally. It detects them then automatically then plops down an in game runway, tarmac, and taxiways on top of the satellite imagery in the exact shape and size as the real thing. It’s really cool!
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 sucks up to 180 Mb/s of internet bandwidth while in flight — equivalent to 81GB of data per hour 5 months ago:
Because it is accessing petabytes of world data. In the old days, you’d store the world on your PC and they had relatively insane storage requirement. Now it’s just too much. The current MSFS has 300GB of content, but you can download areas of world data on your hard drive to cut down on streaming data in areas you go to often. So a lot people have a 500GB+ drive just for MSFS. This new one is supposed to require much less space.
- Comment on Not everything needs to be Art 5 months ago:
Aw, that’s cute, a drummer thinks he’sa musician too? (I kid, that’s a running joke in music circles, percussionists are definitely musicians, we’d be lost without them). That’s awesome! I suppose expert drumming in Rock Band would be a lot like the real thing. A program like rock band would probably work as a great drum trainer on a real set.
- Comment on Not everything needs to be Art 5 months ago:
That’s great! These things are super fun. Just don’t call yourself an artist or try to copyright your generations. That’s like pretending to be a musician because you’re good at Guitar Hero.
- Comment on This has been playing on an endless loop in hell since 1958. 5 months ago:
It’s no Franzl Lang, but it’d pass the time.
- Comment on This has been playing on an endless loop in hell since 1958. 5 months ago:
That is too much fish food!
- Comment on FEMA 5 months ago:
MAGA goons beat this man because of a conspiracy theory that he was diverting their relief funds to migrant families. He was not.
- Comment on End nuclear fusion! 5 months ago:
Mylar balloons should be outlawed. They get sent free and land on power lines WAY too often. Over a thousand mylar balloons caused power outages are recorded in just Southern California alone in a typical year. The cost of repairing the damage might even exceed the revenue of mylar balloon sales.
- Comment on Survey: 73% of Amazon workers are considering quitting after 5-day in-office mandate 5 months ago:
I wonder when we’ll really start to see the numbers showing how good office workers are all getting the better wfh jobs while the in office jobs are being done by what’s left over.
- Comment on Ubisofts stock tanked this morning ahead of the markets opening 5 months ago:
And never good.