They claimed it was feature complete in 2023. And now they claim it is two years away from release. You really think polish and optimization takes three years? Of course, they’ve claimed it is just two years away every year since 2016.
They are lying to you. 5 months ago
They released the game to the public this weekend? That is amazing. 5 months ago
“Everything that challenges my feelings is a lie!”
You sound like MAGAs discussing immigration under a Fox News post. Circle jerk of hate based on misinformation, but trying to talk reason to people who love to hate the thing they hate and don’t want to stop is not going to work. Keep on believing gaming journalists from disreputable tabloids who invent controversy for clicks. The engagement on Star Citizen hate posts is massive compared to others. Hating Star Citizen is directly more profitable for these sites. There is no oversight on truthfulness in gaming news.
No, it’s not an FPS. It’s 99% a space sim like Wing Commander with a few FPS parts. It is a full AAA game, maximum fidelity, 30-40 hour campaign. You don’t even know what you’re talking about. You could a tally watch the video you have so many opinions about, but oh that’s right, it’s a conspiracy if it’s good.
Not released? I have hundreds of hours in Star Citizen and have enjoyed them all. That’s not very much compared to many, many others. They are growing in players and revenue for 10 years. That doesn’t happen to bad games. They release massive updates every quarter. They just bought a new campus in Manchester so they can hire more devs, on top of the existing thousand. It’s a genuinely fun game, right now, enjoyed by many. You don’t have to be one of them, but your tinfoil hat nonsense is just vitriolic skepticism from reading these tabloids, not critical thinking.
We’re out there, flying around, having a great time wanting y’all to join our space shenanigans. Just try it the next free-fly with an open mind. Even if you tried it before, try it now, it is improving every quarter, it’s a different beast now than a few years ago. 5 months ago
Man, when you have to compare someone to literal fascists because they don’t trust your untrustworthy videogame company, you have a problem. 5 months ago
I’m not, I’m calling them capitalist run businesses, which they are. 5 months ago
LMAO you’re the MAGA-parallel here.
Is it really “love to hate” or is it just that after a decade of failed and ignored promises and dates year after year after year nobody has any real faith. 65 million dollars in stretch goals and it’s still a fucking broken mess, endless examples.
The squadron demo fucking crashed when it was shown at the con, yet its feature complete but also not releasing until 2026.
Have you even seen the insanity that is the stretch goals?
It’s all but a grift, and here you are defending the grifters. Maybe in ANOTHER decade they’ll actually deliver what people were promised (and paid for!) years and years ago. 5 months ago
“didn’t show anyone playing it live.” Uh. Clive was literally playing on stage during the showcase. Complete with yearly CTD and all.
I’m all for shitting on CIGs trash practices, but you don’t need to lie to get there. 5 months ago
I’m just working off the video linked above. No video of the player, no commentary.
If they actually played it live, well bully for them. One point goes to star citizen. 5 months ago
The video is a redo from the guy who did it live at Citizen Con, because the demo crashed when they were onstage.