So? A bunch a rich people voluntarily funding game development isn’t some moral failing. I paid $45 and have access to all the same content as whales. If someone⁰ stupidly spends their life savings on pretend spaceships and regrets it, it’s not on Star Citizen. 4 months ago
EA and ubisoft are shitting and pissing their pants with rage and jealousy because their own user base isn’t gullible enough to do that to. 4 months ago
Everyone knows what they buy when they it. No one was tricked. People who play the game keep playing it because it’s fun. EA and Ubisoft investors are indeed shittung themselves, using the magazines they own to twist this into a story to fare because they aren’t getting paid, while happily taking the ad revenue your misinformed salt provides.
People with opinions on Star Citizen but only know about it through the hive mind and shitty artices means nothing. Especially when they try to tell the people who actually play the game they are wrong about their own experiences because the hive mind says so. 4 months ago
People buying now more or less understand, but the cope early on in development was incredible, not to mention all the outright lies from the devs about SC and SQ42 dates.
“Almost finished” means “10 more years of polish.” Who knew? 4 months ago
Jesus, go touch grass dude. If you don’t like the toy I’m playing with, you don’t need to devote this much energy trying to tell me I’m wrong for enoying it or being excited for more. It’s a videogame. Who cares if it never comes out. I’m excited if it does, I’ve already got my money’s worth if it doesn’t. It’s not worth this much energy to defend or denigrate. So I’m done. Post your misinformed opinions all you want, just try Star Citizen with an open mind one day during a free fly. Let’s just play the games we like and ignore the others and be done with it.