- Comment on I love the future. 6 days ago:
I wish it worked like that, at least then these headasses wouldn’t be dragging everyone else down with them when they decide not to get a shot
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
So this is how I’m gonna get radicalized huh
- Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 3 months ago:
Kinda cool to be in the front row seat tho ngl
- Comment on Anon is suspicious 7 months ago:
It really shouldn’t make me as angry as it does lmao
- Comment on Artificial price increase so that you can post “discounts” on Prime Day 7 months ago:
Yeah, used to live in bumfuck PA and can definitely understand this. It’s either Walmart or some obscenely overpriced “local” place that gets half of their stuff from the same place and then upcharges $2 on everything.
- Comment on Never believe the hype. 7 months ago:
Ugh tell me about it, it’s like $12 for the combo. Don’t get it nearly as much as I used to.
That veggie patty is absolutely incredible but this is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone else mention it! No matter which subway I order it from it seems like there’s a 50/50 shot of them actually having it, I guess it’s not popular enough for anyone to notice :( Always gives me a post lunch crash for the ages tho hahaha
- Comment on Never believe the hype. 7 months ago:
Yeah they’re hit or miss, but you gotta trust me when it’s good it’s GOOD. Those things are a godsend
- Comment on Stop. Calling. Everything. AI 7 months ago:
Walmart plus
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
Yeah it’s honestly pretty fun, but there were juuuust enough performance and stability bugs that I gave up and returned it. I think it has potential and I’m glad someone is doing this.
- Comment on Anon gets a job 1 year ago:
Yeah that seems like the most likely scenario
- Comment on Excuse me, René 1 year ago:
In a sea of garbage, this is actually one of the most interesting things I’ve read on here. Thanks mate.
- Comment on Why do so many Lemmy instances use weird TLDs? 1 year ago:
Shit, gotta get my car inspected too
- Comment on Seriouslt guys don't do it 1 year ago:
Was about to post it myself before I realized lol
- Comment on it's impressive how bad it is 1 year ago:
Cool, let me just tell my 10+ servers with a combined thousands of people to move right on over.
- Comment on Here we go again 1 year ago:
If you HAVE to use a blink browser, try Vivaldi. Brave is not the “privacy alternative” people seem to think it is.
- Comment on Part of a balanced diet 1 year ago:
Me eating an entire can of chickpeas with a spoon
- Comment on BMW 1 year ago:
Eyebrow, meet ceiling
- Comment on BMW 1 year ago:
As a helpdesk tech this command made me chuckle
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
As someone who hasn’t played a single game remotely close to it before (Titanfall, a little call of duty, Final Fantasy 14, Halo), all I can say is PLAY IT. It’s disorienting at first but once you play it for an hour you’ll like it, and after three you won’t he able to pit it down.
- Comment on Do you feel this place has gotten more.. reddit-y lately? 1 year ago:
Absolutely zero visibility to this especially if you join on mobile
- Comment on Do you feel this place has gotten more.. reddit-y lately? 1 year ago:
This is one of the most reddit-y posts I’ve seen so fae
- Comment on Eat a tick XIAOMI... 1 year ago:
For a very privacy leaning site, a whole lot of you have sketchy ass phones that spy on you for basically everything
- Comment on But have you tried Jerboa? 1 year ago:
If I have a choice, I prefer to not use software created by fucking tankies, thank you very much
- Comment on Disney’s Harsh New Reality: Costly Film Flops, Creative Struggles and a Shrinking Global Box Office 1 year ago:
The Boeing effect