Moving from lemmy.world.
- Comment on Good morning I choose creativity and recycling. 5 weeks ago:
I thought this might have been a post from @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world for a hot second.
- Comment on 200 UK Companies Permanently Move To 4-Day Work Week Without Loss Of Pay 5 weeks ago:
Best shift I ever worked was 4x10s overnight. I would do it again in a heartbeat if my current employer allowed it.
Not sure about others, but I always have a burst of motivation about 2-hrs after lunch. Usually, this mental focus is shattered by the ending work day. If I could work two extra hours, complete the focused thing I’m working on, and have a whole other weekend day why would I not take it?
- Comment on What advice would you give to your younger self? 1 month ago:
Invest in Google. Buy an island. Install automated turrets. Don’t worry about saving for retirement, cause it won’t matter when society collapses.
- Comment on At your service 3 months ago:
We live on, through you!
- Comment on You don't need to answer this 3 months ago:
That’s why the ruling class pushes all the wedge issues and divisiveness they do. If we could talk to each other, we’d find we had more in common than otherwise expected. I thought the recent surge in union activity could have continued to a general strike across the nation. The rich know what unites us and actively seems to keep us fractured so we don’t realize our combined power.
Maybe this dude will be a catalyst in a revolution that sets these disgusting, wealthy leeches in their place.
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
Start growing your own food, boil rain water for clean water, and avoid close contact with others for the next four years then? Can’t wait to hear about all the cases of preventable diseases, contaminated foods, and new, deadly viruses we get introduced to once these clowns take over…
- Comment on OldUnreal team publishes installers for downloading Unreal Gold and Unreal Tournament from archive.org, with Epic Games's approval! 3 months ago:
- Comment on If Trump wins the election thru fraud how can the democrats refute it and prove they won? Or will it just be like another Jan 6 and four years of whining like Trump? 4 months ago:
Don’t threaten me with a good time!
- Comment on Grr Windows 4 months ago:
To turn away from the “go hard onto Linux,” tropes, try Windows Update Blocker (WUB). I’ve been using it to pick when my machine, as well as friends and families machines, update. Every month or so, you need to turn updates back on by using it and updating the OS, but it can be scripted to enable/disable updates at any time, if you don’t feel like thinking about it. It not only blocks if but protects from reenabling updates by that fucking medic service that will try to turn it back on when the machine is idle.
- Comment on Seeking feedback: how should lemm.ee move forward with external images? (related to frequent broken images) 4 months ago:
Thank you for running a great instance. No notes. Except it would be nice if you could set the limit on how long a proxies image remains available. It would be nice if there was a time limit that could be shortened based on time. Or a combination of the first and second option.
- Comment on What's the term for someone that likes Jesus of Nazareth, but doesn't identify with church, religious dogma, or whatever? 4 months ago:
Isn’t this just the Golden Rule? I’ve tried to live like this everyday for 20 years, but it can be difficult in this day and age. Most people don’t think like that. It’s easy to hold the door for people or say thank you, but it’s hard when you don’t receive the same courtesy. Jokes on them, though, cause they’ll burn in hell!
- Comment on Octopus 5 months ago:
In jail without bond, currently.
- Comment on End nuclear fusion! 5 months ago:
::visibly shutters::
- Comment on End nuclear fusion! 5 months ago:
Enough to make me never want to even attempt such a thing, myself! But I did know if the helium ratio stuff because of it, so it’s still educational content.
- Comment on End nuclear fusion! 5 months ago:
I’ve seen enough of YouTuber, Scary Interesting, to believe that either word would work!
- Comment on Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence? 6 months ago:
It amazed people when it first launched and capitalists took that to mean replace all their jobs with AI. Where we wanted AI to make shit jobs easier, they used it to replace whole swaths of talent across the industry’s. Recent movies read like they were written almost entirely by AI. Like when Cartman was a robot and kept giving out terrible movie ideas.
- Comment on Reddit Undeleted all my posts and comments 6 months ago:
That would be pretty boss of you. Thanks for being helpful on the past and considering leaving that help available to all!
::6 months later::
Reddit announces users need to log in to view posts and comments
- Comment on Reddit Undeleted all my posts and comments 6 months ago:
On a plus side, maybe, if you choose to delete your comments and posts again, albeit slowly, would be to copy/paste the really useful shit to Lemmy. I say this because on unintended (or not) consequence of these actions is that posts from years ago, explaining the solution to a problem that still pops up now and then, doesn’t have the solution most of the time.
I don’t disagree with the sentiment or actions at all, just sucks when you find someone having the same issue you are, only to learn it’s on reddit and the solution to said problem was deleted.
- Comment on I just got out of the shower. what is with the product placement ? 6 months ago:
Haha the only thing they had to change between 2016 and now is replacing Pence with Vance and adding an exclamation point to the slogan.
…Holy shit… Is that why they picked Vance for VP? So they could save money on signs and shirts?
- Comment on Nine Inch Nails To Do "TRON: Ares" Score 6 months ago:
Watch Daft Punk reunite and put out an album around the same time as this movie and take an Oscar for it!
- Comment on If you could change the ending of one movie, which one would it be, and how would you change it? 7 months ago:
Got it. Thanks for the reply. Ya know, thinking back, I have to agree. Of the three newest films, it was the most enjoyable. But oh man, I almost walked out of the theater when they were having to arch laser shots in space like there was air resistance or something. On par with the snake in Harry Potter that winked. Snakes don’t have eyelids!
- Comment on If you could change the ending of one movie, which one would it be, and how would you change it? 7 months ago:
How was the first one alright? Not attacking, just curious.
To me, it came off as just a more infantile version of A New Hope.
Example 1: Darth Vader gets pissed and dudes get choked to death, even through video chat. Kylo gets pissed off and makes life hell for some IT guy by trashing his computer.
Example 2: Why build a moon-sized space station that blows up one planet, when you can make a planet-sized space station that can blow up 7?
I mean, I get the appeal of the explosions and effects and stuff, but in terms of story, it was just the same, but with none of the payoff of the original story. They even tried to steal the big reveal of the relationship between Vader and Luke by revealing the relationship between Kylo and Leia and Han.
- Comment on Olympic casual GigaChad 7 months ago:
And that’s the last time I call John Oliver a British toucan…
- Comment on Stretching 7 months ago:
That’s enough Internet for today!
- Comment on Twitter 7 months ago:
Other than Matthew banging all the models and the bassist getting help for alcoholism, I don’t know of any other news, other than they are fuckin rad!
- Comment on Microsoft’s ‘World of Warcraft’ Gaming Staff Votes to Unionize 7 months ago:
Anyone wanna start a sysadmin union? Anyone? Please? My neck is starting to hurt from all the hats they make me wear!
- Comment on The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim? 8 months ago:
Why do you think everything sucks right now? The simulations ran out of resources long ago so no new ideas are created, just rehashing of already established ones. It’s why we have AI, but it can’t generate anything new or useful. It’s why we’re about to have a restart of World War 2 and The Cold War. It’s why movies that come out already are getting remade, but slightly worse than the original story.
People like to think that’s because capitalism only caters to the safe bets. But we know better! It’s really just the old Apple 2e that’s running the simulation(s) is low on resources!!
Now, where did I leave all that red string, pictures of Bigfoot and the Loc Ness monster, and thumbtacks?
- Comment on fruit 8 months ago:
Maybe it’ll feel like those little fish that eat the dead skin off your hands?
- Comment on YouTube is dedicated to making itself worse; destroys SponsorBlock with ad injection changes 8 months ago:
In the cat and mouse game, the cat can adjust tactics but the mice eventually figure out an alternative route. I’m sure they will find a way with this. Either that or a lot of people will just stop watching YouTube, I’d imagine.
- Comment on YouTube is dedicated to making itself worse; destroys SponsorBlock with ad injection changes 8 months ago:
I’d imagine YouTube subtracts the ad length from posted timestamps when clicking a link containing one. But we are taking about Google, soooooo…