Filter to 1-star and note how many reviews are direct copies of each other.
that's all the maga and far right do.. parrot each other ad infinitum
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Filter to 1-star and note how many reviews are direct copies of each other.
that's all the maga and far right do.. parrot each other ad infinitum
Correct, because they are incapable of actually thinking for themselves.
If they could, they wouldn’t be conservatives.
Thanks Obama
Not even knowing that the Obamas had anything to do with it (like it matters at all?), I thought I was a refreshingly well-done movie in a genre I enjoy. Haters gonna hate.
I’d give it a 7/10. Didn’t blow my mind but it was entertaining.
End was frustrating just because I wanted more. But it was a fun ride.
That was the point. That’s what the whole daughter’s plot is about.
For a few years now, I’ve purposely sought out movies and TV shows on RT and Metacritic with very high critic ratings, and super low user ratings.
The only time this really happens is if reviews are brigaded. If the user reviews were honest, it’s pretty rare that you’d see more than 20-30% difference between critic and user score (MAX). So when you see a critic score of 95%, and user score of 1.8/10, then I know I’m in for a good time. Same with games to a lesser degree.
I’m not even kidding, this is almost always a sure way to find a film or show I enjoy. In fact, I wish they’d introduce a “Controversial” category with things that have a big gap between critic and user scores (though when it goes the other way, that is high user score to super poor critic reviews, it’s almost PureFlix-style Christian propaganda garbage).
I’ve had the opposite experience. I often find that studio cash grabs that rely on nostalgia or low-effort pandering get high critic reviews (which makes me feel like they were paid to do so) and only the user ratings rightfully trash it. Movie reviews seem to be getting a lot more like video games reviews, where a AAA studio shits out a piece of crap, but it’s proclaimed a 8-9 out of 10 by big review companies (looking right at you IGN). Only by listening to the fans or less mainstream reviewers do you get the real picture.
Nostalgia has a bigger effect on user ratings than it does on critic reviews.
Yes, and those movies end up with a reasonable gap between the two scores. It will have a lower user score than critic score, but it’s only ever below 2 or 3 if it’s been brigaded. This can be easily confirmed by just reading a few of the user reviews.
Sound of Freedom Comes to mind as a recently brigaded film. Trailer came up for me on Prime and I didn’t realize what it was. I don’t care how embellished the story is, what based on a true story isn’t? But Jim Caviezel‘s acting in the trailer is so bad I can’t imagine sitting through it.
Just to prove you wrong: 32% difference, and yes it’s objectively terrible. Even higher differences can easily occur organically without review bombing when critics happen to be smelling their own farts – which yes is what a definite 100% of those 37% critics who reviewed it positively were doing. I’m seriously worried about their mental state.
Ok… Finding one exception doesn’t really disprove anything. I don’t think I ever claimed that it was a hard rule that every movie fits into. Just a rule a thumb I use to find media that I otherwise might have missed.
Velma was absolutely review bombed. 39% is on par for what it is considering TV has on average higher rankings than movies do.
I never heard about this movie before. Now I know it’s a post-apocalyptic movie (love those) made by Sam Esmail (he did Mr. Robot, which was terrific). I guess it also happened to be produced by the Obamas.
So congratulations, reviewers. You got me interested in seeing a movie I didn’t even know existed.
I saw it, didn’t know who produced or directed it
Don’t watch it, It had potential, but sucked badly. Fair warning: possible spoilers below.
The music score is way too loud, and annoyingly weird. For example, rap music in a supposed suspense thriller movie at points that made no sense, then some romantic “there’s about to be sweet sex” music while somebody walks through a house, exploring it. It was annoying when I watched it, we then had it on as background noise to hide sex sounds and had to turn it off because it was so damned annoying.
The story literally goes nowhere, yet is all over the place. The ending leaves loads of opened threads unfinished, and it’s quite obvious that the writer(s) heard “cool” things yet failed to grasp the basics.
The microwave emitters they were talking about have ranges up to hundreds of meters, not the hundreds of square kilometers required to reach them in the middle of nowhere.
The airplane crashing was supposed to be cool but one had already crashed many hours before, why was this one still in the air? Also, you can’t really “hack” airplanes to go down, pilots can easily take over.
The Tesla’s famously can’t drive themselves like they do in the movie
The kid would get acute radiation sickness from those microwave attacks? Oh come on. And then the rest of them are unaffected, somehow? And then they go get medicine? What medicine? The kid as shown is dying an agonizing death within two weeks, you can get him painkillers, perhaps.
What the fuck was up with the deer? What was that supposed to do? You could cut all the scenes and nothing would change.
What’s up with the girls addiction to friends? It literally ends the movie somewhere in the middle or something because so many questions are left, so many threads opened that aren’t brought to a satisfying conclusion.
The writers had a cook idea yet had no idea what to do with it.
Fair warning: possible spoilers below.
I actually liked it. it’s a really cool / scary atmosphere. I was surprised by how much i liked it as it’s been ages since i even dared to watch a Netflix-produced movie.
This timeline is full of morons and faildogs. Hate it.
Netflix doesn’t give a single shit about online reviews. All they care about is if people are watching it. And the numbers are really good from what I read. But I guess the anti-woke brigade needs to do something to feel like they’re relevant.
I don’t think Netflix cares if you’re watching it, as long as you pay your subscription they are happy, and if you don’t watch anything it’s even better!
views == royalties. Views actually cut into their bottom line.
Makes me want to go watch it. Racist idiots gonna be racist idiots.
You go girl!
It’s worth a watch. Don’t read anything else about it before watching.
It’s not great. Definitely more than 1 star but I watched it the other day and couldn’t remember a thing about it until looking up the plot summary just now. It’s one of those movies that could be amazing if it stuck the landing but I personally don’t feel like it did. I voted for Obama twice so my opinion is not politically motivated.
I enjoyed, it’s not the best movie but if you already pay for Netflix it’s worth a watch
Okay but it is definitely a garbage movie. The plot is terrible. Come on, guys.
Eh, it wasn’t great, but far from “garbage”. There’s more than 2 scores.
It was alright, suspenseful but didn’t get the deer part
I have read that it somehow symbolizes nature trying to warn us about climate change or something but that doesn’t make sense to me.
I liked it, but I didn’t know it was produced by Obama when I watched it, so didn’t have any preconceptions.
Excellent movie. I only watched it because a friend referred to it as “that Obama movie that says don’t trust whitey” I figured that’s gotta be a must watch lol
This is why we can’t have nice things!
It seems extremely trivial for Google to automatically delete all those identical reviews. Why they aren’t doing this? On play store many times they delete my reviews because they think it’s irrelevant to the product, here where they’re all identical?
Name a product Google has that isn’t half assed? They were letting YouTube accounts impersonate account owners in comments at least as recently as last summer.
The movie is pretty bad tbh.
Nice of them to make it really easy to filter from good faith reviews.
My local trump trump supporter LOVED it and recommended in watch it. Despite the Obamas involvement (his words more or less).
The interesting part of your comment is missing. You’ve set up “a deplorable watched and liked it - even knowing the Obamas produced it” and it was recommended to you, by him.
So, did you watch it? Did you like it?
I cancelled Netflix and haven’t had time to setup a VPN to go sailing for it yet. Planning to after the holidays let up.
Solid movie. Watched it a week ago. Had no idea who was behind it.
Obama’s a terrible person who killed tens of thousands of civilians, we should be boycotting any new project he’s involved with. The man ought to be tried for war crimes.
Name a president who didn’t kill people
And that excuses him bombing a doctor’s without borders hospital?
“That guy is a murderer” “Have you considered that other people are also murderers” what’s your point.
You really running defense for empire?
“Name a president who didn’t kill people” isnt the dunk you think it is. Quite the opposite, it just makes the point that the US government is a murder cult and that regardless of who you vote for, you’re still supporting war, murder, and imperialism.
While I don’t agree with a lot of Obamas policies, I do respect him as a person.
Can’t understand why. He’s a terrible person. He’s just Bush’s bloodlust dressed up in a more charismatic package.
Your FSB handler must be the type to reward activity instead of efficacy. Hope that Kremlin monopoly money is worth it.
I wish that lady would stop the whispering ASMR voice. I find it so grating
maybe this sort of thing will be what biden does too
get in on office with promises to change things to the better and quarter ass the job get nothing done you promised on the campaign trail and when you are done leaving things worse than when you got in people still support you to do things such as produce films
democrats and republicans are definitely in the same bed on this
what about the anti vape laws obama signed in that trump supported that were also supported by biden helping to create the vape problem we have now such as shops selling whatever product with no evaluations or lab reports and stamping out the research needed for better products and that help exacerbate the current cannabis laws and policing laws as well
obama came in on empty promises just like trump and biden and watched sports games and fucked around his whole four years came out with more support after doing nothing and using that to still make money like obamas book…/obameter/…/trumpometer/…/biden-promise-tracker/?rulin…
obama did at least get more that he promised done but still at less than 50% and the damage done by his policies are still carrying on to today and he is using the clout he got doing it to expand his coffers wild people vote for this and yell support for blindly while being wounded by these politicians policies
Obama … like Trump
Yeah, though Obama did a shit tonne of things wrong, he actually worked quite hard on trying to get shit done, a lot of which, quite famously got stopped by republicans as he didn’t have the house.
Also, saying that Obama didn’t do anything LIKE TRUMP is just so painfully dumb. Trump is quite famous for -amongst things- spending like a quarter of his time on the golf course, something that can’t be said of Obama.
Obama was a imperfect president, Trump is a sick joke.
Anti-vape laws have everything to do with a post-apocalyptic movie. You’ve connected all the dots!
Nah just a bad movie.
It really could have benefited from a cohesive plot.
I actually liked it and was really surprised about it. It being a Netflix produced film and all that. It was definitely a vibes movie and it excelled at that. No dense plot needed here.
And less Ethan Hawke.
I thought the movie was pretty good. The ending was a bit anticlimactic but maybe that was the point.
If I was going to leave a review (which I’m not), it would be one star because the ending sucked out loud, not because of any politics.
It's so annoying when politically dogmatic people with poor media literacy poison the discourse of media like this. 1 year ago
from the copy and pasted review:
Did any of these assholes pay attention to their own behavior during the pandemic? 1 year ago
People’s behavior during the pandemic is why I’m absolutely sure there will never be another civil war.
What are these idiots going to do when they find their first empty grocery store? 1 year ago
Rob their neighbors, while armed. 1 year ago
They think they’re going to go hunting in the woods. But they forget that even if they do manage to catch something they don’t have any way of preparing it or cooking it without taking it back to civilization. They think gas just turns up in stoves and electricity in wires.
They would probably fall apart long before that though, all national guard would need to do would be to turn off the internet in that area, and they’d be stuck. They have no way of organizing themselves except on social media less than one in 100 of them will own and know how to operate a AM radio. 1 year ago
I kinda figured that’s why some of Meal Team 6 is kept around in reserve. 1 year ago
They were too busy snorting toilet paper and getting relief loans.