- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
Game is so intense. I really like the way it does inventory though
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
Why do people still play this game??
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
Well played!
- Comment on Happy New Year Lemmy! It's 9 pm and I'm going to sleep. 2 months ago:
Fireworks also aren’t legal in large swathes of the US. Doesn’t stop people.
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime
If only the inequality gap were this small…
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
Because we are taught by society to not poop at work.
LOL I must have been home sick during that lesson…
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
Pros poop during the meal.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Yeah, I have mixed feelings about that… I’ve become a huge fan of From Software games, and have learned that some of my favorite gaming experiences are ones where I overcome extreme challenges… And whenever I die and start in the middle of a battle with full HP and MP (but the boss remains in phase 2 without healing), I feel a little bit of that joy being taken away from me lol.
And I’m weak. Sometimes just having that option there is enough for me to “rage quit” a battle and just brute force it that way. And that’s not rewarding at all.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Yes, exactly. This person gets it.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Good to know, thanks.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Give NV a try. I don’t think there’s any reason to make sure to finish FO3 first (spoiler-wise), and you might end up liking it more.
They’re both decent, but pretty long, so playing both back to back would be way too much Bethesda-jank for most people (though NV is def better, it is the same engine).
If I had to choose one, it would be NV every time.
- Comment on US student worker unions face threats under second Trump administration 2 months ago:
Quick, remove the word “union” and maybe they’ll miss it (only kind of joking)
- Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
I said “if they’re correct.”
I don’t fucking know what law.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Solid state disc drives have definitely made load times much faster. Anyone who has played a PS4 game on PS5 can tell you this.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
They should make like a “Director’s Cut” or something, offline version of the game, that removes all of the grindy mmo bullshit and lets people who play single player RPGs enjoy the plot…
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
I don’t really have much of an issue with how Paradox does things… Their games are more like game engines that they spend the next 15+ years developing for.
Also, with each DLC, they put out a (usually massive) free update for everyone who owns the base game. So even if you don’t get any DLC, you will end up getting some of the new features for free.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Ugh I hate games with weighted inventory.
I like how From Software does it with Souls and Elden Ring, how it measures the weight of what you currently have equipped, and affects how fast you run/roll/etc. Very intuitive, and you don’t get punished for picking up too many items.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Ugh the worst. No graphics settings beyond “vysnc” and whether you want a fullscreen or not.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Steam Deck touchpads work pretty well once you get the hang of it.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Yeah, it’s a great mechanic when it makes sense. I hate when they shoehorn it into everything though.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Laughs in Steam Deck touchpad controls
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Also, maybe do what FFXII did to my teenage self, and put a save point between phases of an incredibly difficult, optional boss (I will never again not have multiple saves after that nightmare).
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
And yet I still see people posting Skyrim screenshots and praising it… What a mediocre p.o.s.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Or even worse, there’s an entire gradient, but what they actually bothered to put in the middle is boring and pointless.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
This assumes you can access the terminal.
I’ve heard tell of a magical sys-req key, but I can’t seem to get it to work on my laptop.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
I just got triggered
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
You’re also in a busy town, so all of those NPCs are having conversations of their own (mindless babble), and their voices and subtitles drown out the shit you’re actually supposed to hear.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
I wouldn’t call it shit, but yean NV is definitely a much better game.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
even continues ticking down while you are not playing.
Hmm, I kind of like this idea and could see it working alright if used correctly. Reminds me of Animal Crossing, but so much more annoying.
- Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
Well I was referring more to things like Monero.