- Comment on Ughh 1 week ago:
Anyone know what painting this is?
- Comment on How rare is it for people to live without anger? 1 week ago:
I’m kind of similar. I can’t think of the last time I got angry. I’ve never been red faced angry since maybe I was a kid.
Also don’t know anyone I would say I hate. Trump is close maybe. I’d verbally say “I hate him” but in reality he doesn’t get much real emotional rise out of me except extreme disappointment and disgust.
“Hate” seems reserved for someone I have strong emotions toward. Strong enough I might want to do something violent about it. Nobody fits that bill.
I suspect we might be talking across a deep valley with the people that have anger issues. Neither can really understand the other.
- Comment on How rare is it for people to live without anger? 1 week ago:
I’m kind of enjoying the fact that your post is coming off increasingly angry.
- Comment on Hypothetically, what would the geo-political implications be, if the United States of America annexed Taiwan (with the approval of Taiwanese people via a referrendum)? 1 week ago:
Probably big war.
- Comment on Who benefits from the "14 Min Read" estimates popping everywhere? 1 week ago:
It helps me. If I expect it to take like an hour, I may save it for some time when I have the time to sit and digest it. And the estimate is more usually accurate than just looking at how small the scroll bar is.
I generally don’t like reading things in chunks throughout the day, so I don’t want to crack a long article when I’m just sitting on the toilet for a few minutes or whatever.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 2 weeks ago:
I’d rather be on the front line.
- Comment on F.B.I. Offers New Details on Jan. 6 Pipe Bomb Suspect, Seeking Tips 2 weeks ago:
Another person who came under suspicion for a time had conducted an online search for the words “pipe bomb DC” after the bombs had been placed but before law enforcement had discovered them.
- Comment on Half-Life 3 rumours are about again after a teaser from G-Man's voice actor 2 weeks ago:
Is hope survivable in 2025?
- Comment on Moby Hick 3 weeks ago:
I wish I could go to the zoo and trash talk the animals.
- Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 3 weeks ago:
I’ve always wondered this too. Thanks for asking, OP.
- Comment on How Tortillas Lost Their Magic 4 weeks ago:
All the downvotes don’t really help. But I guess that’s a contentious opinion. ha
- Comment on How Tortillas Lost Their Magic 4 weeks ago:
Never had blue corn tortillas. Are they very different from other corn tortillas?
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 4 weeks ago:
But I’m with you. I absolutely never understood why people ever feel like they are entitled to their parents money. Your parents earned that, not you.
I think the biggest implication here is that they didn’t earn it entirely. That they at least inherited something from their parents. Which would have given them a leg up and they refuse to pay it forward.
Obviously that’s not the case for everyone. For instance, my entire family was poor as far back as I am aware of. None of them had shit or got shit or were able to have a good retirement. So obviously I don’t expect anything from them.
- Comment on Get with the times, grampa 4 weeks ago:
I feel like this is bait. There’s no way this isn’t nasty.
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 1 month ago:
A coworker mentioned it would’ve been better if that CEO was put on trial for his bullshit as so many were being fucked over by callous capitalist choices.
That’s the thing, the law is on the CEOs side. Almost everyone thinks his behavior should be illegal except the politicians won’t do shit about it. That’s what should really be going on now. Congress should be addressing health care in some fashion. Even if that only means limited action like cracking down on predatory insurance companies. Fat chance though.
So without a legal path of fixing the issue, that only leaves illegal means.
- Comment on Why don’t more people start profit-sharing companies or co-ops? 1 month ago:
True, but if it’s not a traditional business but a coop, you’d probably prefer to have the original investors bee the members. Guess it really depends on if they can scratch up enough to cover startup costs.
- Comment on Perfect Christmas Gift for your boyfriend or husband 1 month ago:
What’s up with that glove though?
- Comment on YEET 1 month ago:
- Comment on relaxing bird songs 1 month ago:
Could they get more dramatic?
- Comment on Interview: Nana Visitor Sees Inspiration In Star Trek’s New Era And A Better Future For Women In Hollywood 1 month ago:
I had no idea her name was Nana Visitor, so the title made no sense. What a name.
- Comment on What do you create? 1 month ago:
I like to create software tools for people smarter than me to create bigger and better things.
- Comment on What do you create? 1 month ago:
Disagree. Or at least, that’s just a side effect. I like talking to people about their expertise.
- Comment on lab supplies 2 months ago:
wow, delivered within 30 day!
- Comment on Please cancel all my meetings 2 months ago:
Temporarily retired
- Comment on Election Simulations 2 months ago:
Looks like AI nonsense. The more I look at details, the less it makes sense.
- Comment on if you quit a job you didn't like or was toxic, didn't the financial hit scare you? 2 months ago:
Agree with everything else but maybe not this:
You can choose to quit and be gone if you absolutely need to and you’re not going to be homeless. Now you work the toxic job not for them, but for yourself. You use that job, as toxic as it is, to get what you need out of it to raise yourself to the next level of what you need to go elsewhere.
The stress of losing the job is gone from having the money, but the stress of having that job has not gone away. If it is ruining all your free time it’s often good to just GTFO as soon as is reasonable.
- Comment on if you quit a job you didn't like or was toxic, didn't the financial hit scare you? 2 months ago:
Bad advice for a toxic workplace. That’s just going to ruin your mental health.
- Comment on Why did it take so damn long for humanity to "learn" how to draw/paint realistic images? 2 months ago:
Art and science were largely the domain of the rich and bored for a long time. This wasn’t really conducive of attracting those with talent, just those with the means.
- Comment on Why is the vision correction in VR headsets only an afterthought? 3 months ago:
That’s weird. I haven’t had much of an issue. Though my experience is with the OG Vive so that display is kind of rough to begin with.
- Comment on Why is the vision correction in VR headsets only an afterthought? 3 months ago:
Does that even help nearsighted people? The screen is literally an inch or two away from your eyes. There’s nothing to focus on.
I’ve never noticed much of an issue seeing in VR games, though I’m not uberblind either.