- Comment on If these mother fuckers are trying to make me pay for Healthcare to talk to fucking ChatGPT I swear to god ChatGPT is going to write me so many scripts for opioids its won't be funny. 9 hours ago:
There is also that guy in the US that submitted arguments to the judge that referenced hallucinated case law.
- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 13 hours ago:
Dietary cholesterol has little to no effect on blood cholesterol, so indeed cholesterol is good or at least not bad
- Comment on People from the Wild West deciding what time they'll casually throw their life away in a duel [Day 107] 1 day ago:
Oh right, heard about that
- Comment on People from the Wild West deciding what time they'll casually throw their life away in a duel [Day 107] 1 day ago:
Movie title?
- Comment on Flushing 1 day ago:
The apartment where my parents live had to post a PSA to stop flushing women’s health products because it had caused a blockage like 3 times within a month
- Comment on Climate-denying conservatives after every year for the last decade has been the hottest on record [Day 105] 1 day ago:
Yeah, they admit it in that they were wrong, and then do an awesome satire about how we are handling it
- Comment on Child support 1 day ago:
Child labor laws ruined this country
- Comment on "Avengers: Doomsday" is officially in production 2 days ago:
Imo deadpool 3 was good, Captain America BNW was trash
The Batman was good.
- Comment on What is happening with Tesla (TSLA) stock currently? 📈 2 days ago:
It’s price even after dropping 250 is completely stupid
- Comment on Climate-denying conservatives after every year for the last decade has been the hottest on record [Day 105] 2 days ago:
That’s the old MBP episode, I am talking about the new ones from season 20 something.
Specifically this scene youtu.be/0AW4nSq0hAc
- Comment on Trump supporter Rick Fuze was arrested in CA for using a stun gun on peaceful protesters outside a Tesla dealership. The woman kicking this guy’s ass is a retired professor with 16,000 citations. 2 days ago:
- Comment on Please dont feed the creatures 🪱 3 days ago:
Why waste bullets?
- Comment on Climate-denying conservatives after every year for the last decade has been the hottest on record [Day 105] 3 days ago:
from “global warming isn’t real” to “it’s real, but not man-made,” to “it’s all China’s fault and we shouldn’t do anything about it”
The fucking South Park episode with MAn Bear Pig as a standin is fucking hilarious with this
- Comment on Trump supporter Rick Fuze was arrested in CA for using a stun gun on peaceful protesters outside a Tesla dealership. The woman kicking this guy’s ass is a retired professor with 16,000 citations. 3 days ago:
To me, Kyle Rittenhouse trial has to be the most American thing ever, grabbing your assault rifle and heading into a heated situation for no reason whatsoever than that predictably resulting in a death and getting off scott free, that’s something that can only happen in the USA
- Comment on Why am I like this? 5 days ago:
It’s like the misuse of the POV
- Comment on Oh NOOOO 1 week ago:
I have recently rewatched community and just find myself humming the music from there, that elevator kind of music
- Comment on Late 1900s 1 week ago:
Look at this youngling, I was born in the previous millennia
- Comment on Set reasonable expectations 1 week ago:
Steroid users do use estrogen, it helps protect the heart from extra testosterone or some shit
- Comment on Set reasonable expectations 1 week ago:
Well, it wasnt 100lbs of muscle, a lot of it was fat, plus there is thing that once you had muscles gaining it back is much faster than having to build it in the first place
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Of course it was biased, those numbers are huge on there, it was men confident in their size skewing the data, at least that’s what I will tell myself
- Comment on Fucking hell 1 week ago:
The map is wrong, Czechs can do both 2+90 and 90+2, I am not sure if it’s regional within the country, or depends on the context, but they definitely use both versions
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
Yeah I am pretty sure they wouldn’t understand this either
- Comment on Ocean Hedgehogs 2 weeks ago:
Same in Hungarian
- Comment on Foiled again 😩 2 weeks ago:
Negotiating with a genie be like
- Comment on TSLA gonna rebound. Proof: 2 weeks ago:
Well the schtick of promising shit then not delivering it will have some future effect at some point too.
- Comment on Benchwarmer to mvp 2 weeks ago:
Good ole O^3 complexity
- Comment on Wankpanzers 2 weeks ago:
The cybertrash has gear selectors up next to the rear view mirror, so you can just check your left breast pocket than lift ip your arm to select a gear, nothing abnormal about that
- Comment on Ah shit. Here we go again. 2 weeks ago:
Yes it is, who is gonna maintain the infrastructure for you to get water if you don’t pay for it? Who is gonna make sure the water treatment facilty works if you don’t pay for it?
How do you ensure you only pay for what you use and not pay for the cunt who runs the shower while taking a shit?
- Comment on Council housing when? 2 weeks ago:
And companies own, or even better that better have some good reasoning for buying a property that’s for living.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
Bruh, that’s almost worse than Tesla