- Comment on "DUNE: PART TWO" will be released on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray on May 14, 2024. 11 months ago:
That is waaaaaaaay too much for me to remotely consider.
- Comment on "DUNE: PART TWO" will be released on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray on May 14, 2024. 11 months ago:
Hope it's available to stream then as well.
- Comment on Why bag the hydrant? 11 months ago:
Just FYI, the striped pole attached to the hydrant is so it can be found under snow.
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
"Vibe" is just a regular noun.
- Comment on Nepal tells Everest tourists to take their shit with them 11 months ago:
Oh, I get that. But if it's not something you're willing and able to deal with, then you shouldn't be going up there to begin with.
- Comment on Nepal tells Everest tourists to take their shit with them 11 months ago:
It has always blown my mind that they leave all their shit and garbage up there. Any and all responsible hikers, backpackers, and mountain climbers have a "pack it in, pack it out" policy. It's the norm. Yeah, packing shit sucks, but you love nature, so you deal with it.
- Comment on World of Warcraft Subscription Numbers Are Higher Now Than at Expansion Launch in a Franchise First 11 months ago:
I have a number of friends and former guildies who went back to play the classic game. I can't say that I wasn't a little tempted because I loved it back then, but I really wish that they would just stop beating this dead horse.
- Comment on So do I kiddo 1 year ago:
Jesus, someone get that kid to a doctor.
- Comment on Android users who have a keen eye for design and detail, how is the whole stutter/lag situation? Esp. after a few years of use? 1 year ago:
I had problems with my Pixel 5 crashing all the damn time but haven't had any issues with the 6 (or when I had the 4).
- Comment on Suggest wholesome movies that end well 1 year ago:
If you don't mind being depressed for a few minutes in the beginning, Up.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The magazine (Kbin for community) I moderate was polled on what rules they wanted a couple months back. They wanted them to be persnickety. More than I do, so I only bother with the persnickety rules if somebody reports content.
- Comment on The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers 1 year ago:
Are they pretending the JROTC doesn't exist? The US military absolutely targets minors under the age of seventeen for recruitment.
- Comment on They Want to Make Palm Oil in a Lab. Without Palm Trees. 1 year ago:
Everyone should be avoiding palm oil. It's in a lot of products but still not that hard to avoid as long as you check the ingredients.
- Comment on What does Lemmy do better than Reddit? 1 year ago:
It may be more balanced than it was before, but there are a lot of accounts which come across as heavy-handed propaganda and/or radicalized teenagers.
- Comment on What does Lemmy do better than Reddit? 1 year ago:
If you're the tankie type, you might appreciate how tankie-heavy it is.
- Comment on With the ubiquity of inflation and shrinkflation, why aren't there more boycotts? When will people say enough is enough? 1 year ago:
The biggest shrinkflation culprit is food. People need food. Recent trends do, in fact, show that American consumers have been switching to cheaper brands and reducing consumption of some items, but boycotting is unrealistic. People need to eat and a handful of massive corporations own most brands.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Similar story. I think my exact words were, "If you hire him, he will railroad you." 'Nough said.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I once had a former friend (as in, we had a falling out due to him being a constant asshole) apply to the company I was working at and list me as a reference (we had also worked together for a couple of years at one point).
Oh boy, did he not get that job.
- Comment on SPD officer that hit and killed Jaahnavi Kandula in crosswalk will not face charges 1 year ago:
He "chirped" his siren when going through the intersection. That's not the same as going lights and sirens.
- Comment on See you at the grodge sale 1 year ago:
This is mostly just sad.
- Comment on 7.2M illegals entered the US under Biden admin, an amount greater than population of 36 states 1 year ago:
Thank you. The illegal immigrants are doing what they believe is best for them and their families. Anybody would.
If we actually want to tackle illegal immigration, we need to throw a lot of money and a lot of employees at the problem to fast track asylum claims and deportations. Our economy also absolutely depends on the inexpensive labor that they provide, so there should be a straightforward path to temporary work visas for, for example, migrant agricultural workers.
They're going to be here either way. Let them pay taxes, earn some money, and go home. If they want to become citizens, there's a process for that for longer-term immigrants.
Having said all that, obviously I'm not conservative because I don't think we should just be putting up razor and deporting everybody. But there is a mutually beneficial relationship between migrants looking for work in the US and employers looking for labor. As it is now, the employers just take advantage of the migrants and the migrants are the ones who get demonized, while it's the employers who are the ones encouraging illegal immigration and depriving the US of tax dollars.
- Comment on Why do people wear shoes inside the house? 1 year ago:
Same. I required people to take shoes off in my house until I got dogs. They track dirt, pine needles, fur all over the place. I still mostly go around in my socks, but I don't expect anybody else to.
- Comment on 7.2M illegals entered the US under Biden admin, an amount greater than population of 36 states 1 year ago:
"Illegal" is not a fucking noun and I will die on that hill.
- Comment on Ex-captain in Caledonia County Sheriff’s Department banned from police work in Vermont 1 year ago:
The punishment is laughable, but being barred from law enforcement in the state is very much a step in the right direction. Every state in the Union should have stiff laws in place which prevent bad cops from simply moving from one jurisdiction to the next.
- Comment on David Tennant's hilarious opening monologue | EE BAFTA Film Awards 2024 1 year ago:
Wouldn't call it hilarious, but definitely cute.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It really depends on the infection. Some of them require that the toenail be removed in order to treat the infection. And either case, antifungals are the best treatment, not these old wives' tales other people are giving you.
- Comment on What I'm paying to find out I don't have breast cancer. I have insurance. (Ultrasound and mammogram in the USA) 1 year ago:
I've got to be honest, as a fellow American, that seems dirt cheap for a diagnosis.
- Comment on DC AG infuriates residents after saying city 'cannot prosecute and arrest' out of crime crisis: 'Madness' 1 year ago:
Well obviously. The cycle of crime is self-perpetuating and needs something to intervene to stop it.
- Comment on A mystery disease hit South Africa's pine trees 40 years ago: New DNA technology has found the killer 1 year ago:
From the abstract:
These cultures were identified as the pyrophillic pathogen Rhizina undulata, well-known to cause patch death of conifers in South Africa and elsewhere in the world. While the patches of dying trees no longer exist and the disease cannot be newly studied, it is most likely that the tree death originally thought to be caused by L. serpens was due primarily to R. undulata.
- Comment on Hollywood Keeps Reminding Us Why We Need Physical Media More Than Ever - IGN 1 year ago:
I've been buying DVDs / blu-rays more in the past year than I have in probably the past decade.