Staying up all night playing GoldenEye.
What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Comments 2 months ago 2 months ago
I mean…you just described large portions of 1997 and 1998. On the weekend.
Some houses had a rule. No oddjob. I had a different rule. You’re oddjob. It was no fun if it was an even fight. I needed a handicap to make it harder. 2 months ago
thats one of the most badass statements ive ever read 2 months ago
1v1 where you’re expecting Oddjob is a lot different than 4P deathmatch where one guy is Oddjob. That’s where it’s a real dick move cause he’ll catch you by surprise.
Still, though. Respect. 2 months ago
24 hour Civ 5 marathon with beer and the boys in my college days. 2 months ago
…well. What happened??? 2 months ago
It was just amazing to hang out and focus on playing a game deeply for 24 straight hours with my two closest friends. Can’t recall otherwise being so pleased with how I spent my time. 2 months ago
Meeting my wife on Elder Scrolls Online has got to be number one, but we didn’t even play the game very long to be honest lol. 2 months ago
I play games with my wife every now and then and it’s great. I wouldn’t say regularly but every few months we’ll play something like State of Decay 2 or Astroneer and get really in to it for a week. 2 months ago
I met my wife playing Rock Band. It was definitely a top gaming moment. But I didn’t realize at the time what it would lead to eventually. 2 months ago
Oh for sure, us either. We were guild mates for a while, then friends, then partners! The process took years. 2 months ago
I didn’t think anyone did. 2 months ago
Playing Halo co-op with my wife. 2 months ago
I don’t know if these are the most joy but some good memories.
When I first saw Mario 64 in Toys R Us I was awestruck. Just unbelievable. Mario in 3D.
When I was playing Ocarina of Time I was hunting Poes in Hyrule field on Epona. I fell asleep because it was late. When I woke up the game was still running. Nothing overheated. Nothing killed me in game. No loud jarring noises. I wasnt late for anything. I just woke up and started hunting Poes again.
A friend and I were staying up late playing one of the early Kings Quest games where you can dial a 900 number to help you if you got stuck. This was back when save points where maybe once every 10 minutes if you’re lucky. We had gotten to a really verbose riddle that we were supposed to have found a clue for earlier in the game but missed it. We just figured out the riddle and guessed it on the first try. It was an unbelievable triumph. 2 months ago
KOTOR. just existing in a Star Wars world and becoming a Jedi. really have no idea why we can’t have another Jedi RPG, do you not like money Disney? 2 months ago
Well we’ve had a couple Jedi RPG-lites in the Fallen Order series.
But nothing quite like KotOR I’ll give you that. They just had incredible atmospheres on each planet. I loved the city planets the most, like Taris, Nar Shaddaa, and Manaan. 2 months ago
idunno, to me the heavy reliance on platforming and metroidvania-style traversal far outweighs any superficial RPG elements in those games. I just get annoyed rather than immersed in the game. 2 months ago
Wandering around in Morrowind before I really knew what I was doing, being happy just to find a few coins in a tree stump or a crappy dagger.
Other games have given more extreme emotions. But no other game has instilled such a joyous sense of wonder. 2 months ago
Killing Vivec and then getting the message about being doomed was probably my favorite “oh shit” moment of all time. 2 months ago
Not too long after it came out I was good at Siege and I mean good I was ranked in the top 1000 players and I thought that was pretty badass. I got a DM from some guy who was like “Hey I’m from TEAM and we wanted to know if you wanted to try out for our Siege squad?” I said thanks but no thanks, I have a mortgage and a full time and then some job. I dont want to take on the obligation.
I then went and googled the team, I was being courted by serious professional players. I still decided I didnt want that headache but as someone who has always been an underachiever it was like an IRL achievement popup or a level up notification. Like… look what I can achieve when I actually give a fuck and put the work in. 2 months ago
When I finished my first run of Subnautica, something definitely came over me. I ran around in my base cleaning up, I organized all my spare food and water in a cabinet “for the next person stranded here,” I released the fish in my alien containment, said farewell to my cuddlefish, parked my Seamoth in the moon pool, turned the lights out in the Cyclops, the whole bit. An amazing adventure was at an end. 1 month ago
God, I miss Subnautica! 2 months ago
Rock Band 2. Bladder of Steel achievement playing with a full band of 4 (locally).
It’s playing the entire setlist of 84 or so songs all the way through in one sitting. Without pausing or failing.
We did it with all instruments on Medium, but we did it! (I could pass anything on Expert, but maybe not all the way through. My friends were borderline Hard players at best, so Medium was the only way we’d ever be able to do it together) 2 months ago
Wow that does sound incredible 2 months ago
the ending of outer wilds, figuring out that the treasure really was the friends we made along the way, will always stand out to me as the most magnificent, joy-filled moment in my 25+ year gaming experience.
that, or getting the cool sunglasses in fez. 2 months ago
It’s been years, and I still haven’t recovered from the ending of Outer Wilds. I don’t think I ever want to either, haha 2 months ago
Outer Wilds is the correct answer. I wish I could unlearn that memory and play it again from scratch. 1 month ago
Meeting [redacted] on the [redacted] was such an unexpected and powerful moment for me as well. I don’t even usually get into lore that much in games, but Outer Wilds is so well done I nearly cried in that moment. 2 months ago
Once when I was 8, a friend brought over his PS1 and Metal Gear Solid. We played pranks on the guards in the zone that has a bathroom using claymores and Nikita missiles and called snake the Toilet Stalker. Peak 8 year old humor, I couldn’t breathe from laughing.
Another in High school, visited my older sister in the dorms and the boy floors were having a massive halo Lan party since all the rooms were connected. I had never played a console shooter before but the guys were really welcoming and wanted me to join anyways. One match came down to a 1v1 with me and one of the good players, I almost got him with the sniper but lost. I wasn’t too bummed but afterwards everyone on the floor cheered me up. I stomped the same guy later that night in warcraft 3 and that one felt good. 2 months ago
Portal and Portal 2 are some of my all-time favorite games. They’re about the only games I enjoy watching other people play, primarily when they’re playing for the first time—it kind of lets me relive that wonder of the first play through. Going through those with my stepdaughter (only 10 at the time) not long after I married her mom was a highlight of my life and really helped us form our own bond. As we progressed through I realized that chamber 17 was going to be rather traumatic for her because she was going to absolutely love the weighted companion cube, so we stopped playing for a few days while I ordered a stuffed weighted companion cube and gave it to her right after the level. As we neared the end of the game I explained to my wife about the Cake. She owned a bakery at the time and we presented kiddo with a cake like the one seen at the end of the game when she won. We did Portal 2 as well, me watching as she played the solo campaign and then we did the co-op together. I’d highly recommend it for any parent who likes gaming to share these with your kids. 1 month ago
Portal 2 spoilers The final fight where the ceiling crumbles and you see the moon and realize what you need to do is definitely a top 5 moment for me. Those games are so fantastic. 2 months ago
I don’t track or rank joy like that, but discovering the dark world in The Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past is definitely up there. Just realising the world had this whole extra dimension to it.
I still love dimensionality / hidden depth in games.
I mean, who doesn’t? 1 month ago
[deleted] 1 month ago
See also: Symphony of the Night 2 months ago
Getting to the top of the mountain in Celeste. It may not be the hardest challenge in the game (screw you Farewell), but just arriving there with the soundtrack swelling felt so good.
Completing the golden path in Tunic.
Any number of silly things in FFXI that at the time probably felt immensely important. 2 months ago
Unlocking the golden door was one of the greatest experiences I’ve had in video games. 2 months ago
Mass Effect, almost certainly with plenty of honourable mentions to other games.
Peak is the Dramatic Scene at the end of ME1 after the final boss. Really really moved by events on Tuchunka and Rannoch.
Favourite moment outside Mass Effect, JC Denton saying “You’re gonna burn, alright” 2 months ago
In 2005 I was playing Final Fantasy XI Online and met a group of 5 Japanese players in an expansion area. We wound up partying together for 8 hours straight. They all spoke English in chat for my sake, and we had an incredible rhythm together. We discussed new anime and a few English cartoons that had recently made it to Japan. We took a selfie together at the end of the 8 hours. It was the best gaming experience of my life. I’ll never forget it. 2 months ago
That entire game was just forever chasing the high you got from that one time you had a really good party. I’m already finding myself glossing over the fact that 99% of them were awful and you only settled for them because you didn’t want to wait around another 30 minutes for chance of a better one. 2 months ago
Red Dead Redemption, when crossing into Mexico for the first time and the sun starts setting and Far Away by Jose Gonzalez starts playing. That shit blew my mind. 2 months ago
I still get goosebumps from that song for this reason! Nick Drake’s Three Hours gives me a similar feeling. 2 months ago
Dialing in to a local BBS to play 4-player deathmatch DooM 2, circa 1995. 2 months ago
Far cry 2 team Deathmatch first team to 100 kills win on clearcut.
I got 55 of the required kills and was banned from using the 50cal sniper on all future games. 2 months ago
Far Cry 2 brought me joy experiencing the open world format. I fell in love with the desert at night there and now I try to visit real life arid regions at night. 2 months ago
That’s bad ass 2 months ago
I once stole 20 billion Isk from a guy in Eve Online. I was hard for days. 2 months ago
It’s unfortunate the Viagra and Cialis didn’t do the trick, but we do have an alternate treatment we can try. 2 months ago
One day a couple of months after World of Warcraft Burning Crusade came out I was woken up by my friends playing the game. I had left on either Teamspeak or Ventrilo the night before and about 3-4 friends jumped on the following morning. I signed on soon after that and played for hours.
I think that’s the last time I’ve been woken up by people whom I like and immediately began the day with a group activity that involved joy. 2 months ago
Finishing Mass Effect 3. Multiple times :)
Smashing and being smashed with my mates at worms with couch-coop
Multiplayer halo 2 across the LAN in my house
LAN party instagib ctf 1 hour 0-0 and winning it in overtime
Rocking a battlefield 2/3/4 server online with a squad of mates all using voice comms, and nobody playing a sniper
I love gaming 2 months ago
Growing up:
- playing Perfect Dark either story coop or battle simulator with my best friend or brother
- getting totally immersed in Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask
- Silent Hill 2 and 3 with best friend
- playing Star Craft online until way too late, also with best friend
- not only joy maybe, but FFX was very memorable for me
- organising Xbox lan parties at our house playing 16 player death matches in Halo
- Getting a Switch totally re-ignited my gaming passion. Having a full time work and family it is hard to find the time to sit down and focus on a game, the Switch with its quick sleep/on/off and tv/mobile feature changed that. I felt like a teenager again when I lost track of time (usually late at night) while playing Breath of the Wild and the Xenoblade series
- FFXIV and getting immersed once again in a game world 2 months ago
Life is Strange, with the final decision of Bae vs Bay. It made me quit the game for two days before I came back and decided (Bae forever). I love a good, story-impactful decision. That might be weird in this context, but it was so great. 2 months ago
Hard to say what’s the absolute best one, but some highlights:
Finale of Ace Attorney Justice for All; when you finally have the change in circumstances needed to pin the real killer and send them into a genuine panic.
Pizza Tower, final boss third phase: When Peppino sees that Pizza Face is sending him a Boss Rush, and flips his shit, annihilating each boss at lightning speed.
Ghost Trick, Phantom Detective: The final “4 minutes before death”, and multiple last revelations
Most of these are memories of story-driven moments nailed in by very solid soundtracks, which has very much convinced me how important music is to these games. 2 months ago
Ah, a gellow Ghost Trick enjoyer! 2 months ago
The Second Dream quest from Warframe 2 months ago
Staying up till 3am playing Terraria w/ friends 2 months ago
Played 200 hours just to get to the character creation screen 2 months ago
“Congratulations, you’ve made it past the tutorial!” 2 months ago
Most recent one I can rememver was beating Tears of The Kingdom. I was SO invested in the final boss battle and I got really emotional. I was so immersed I was basically vocally taunting the boss for everything they had done. Only other time that happened was with Cyberpunk 2077 and only because of Edgerunners.
Then in the past (jesus has it really been more than 17 years??) the first time my buddy and I beat Halo 1 on Legendary after an all-nighter of gaming. That was awesome. Horrible smell in that room tho lmao. 2 months ago
Top 3, no order (can’t pick):
Anytime a SoulsBorne game clicks, especially Sekiro
Winning a really tight match of Rocket League against people at a similar or higher skill level
Playing split screen Freedom Fighters with my buddy back in the day. It got so competitive we started taping cardboard on the screen to prevent screen-peeking 2 months ago
I’ve probably played an uncomfortable amount of FF7 to most. During covid, I recently became single so I decided to find some like-minded discord communities to pass that time. I met someone who was streaming FF7. I hopped into the stream and kicked it off with explaining how to get a golden chocobo to reach the final red materia. We’re married now and have a dog :D 2 months ago
thats fun